1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Doll Leaves 26cm Discussion

Nov 8, 2010

    1. Is there a thread to discuss the 20 cm doll leaves? I need clothing help! :-)
    2. Is there a thread to discuss the 20 cm doll leaves? I need clothing help! :-) I have a Mic doll on the way.
      A|so, Everlasting, what size did you get for your Babel? I need my new kids to be well dressed when they arrive home!!
    3. [​IMG]
      Spamage! You can see the jumper a little better in this pic.
    4. [​IMG]

      Spam from the meet cuz someone brought a carousel horse and Alicia fell in love with it. Have I mentioned lately how much I love her legs and that they can go into a straddling position so her little bottom was in the saddle and she was sitting naturally? :D
    5. Hey, I'm sort of new to the smaller doll size, but decided to jump on the Babel event and decided to go ahead and order an Andrew to end up with her, as well. While I'm waiting for my dolls, I figured I would come here just to ask what size eyes to the DS 26cm dolls take? (And maybe even some advise about wigs and clothes would be helpful, too. ;D)
    6. I have 14mm eyes in my Lili. As you can see they're pretty big. Eye shopping is my least favorite thing about this hobby because the iris size varies quite a bit from one company to another. As it happens, Alicia is in 14mm glass eyes from Alice's Collection. I love them to bits, but if I knew the iris was gonna be so big I probably would have gone with 12mm eyes. Then again there are other companies that if I ordered 14mm eyes they'd be much smaller so it's really a crap shoot. Her wig is a 6-7, I believe, and I think it fits well, but that's in large part because it has a super elastic cap. Wig shopping is probably my second least favorite part of the hobby because some 6-7s would be closer to 6 and fit well and some would be closer to 7 and maybe be a bit too big. Alicia is in a Volks wig size 6-7 that I got second hand in the marketplace. So everything size wise really depends on personal preference and individual companies. Like even though I'd like a little more whites visible in Alicia's eyes, since she wears glasses I don't mind cuz it just makes it look like her glasses are magnifying her eyes.

      And as for clothes, I can't really help you much. All the clothes I have for her that fit perfectly are clothes I made. Out of the bought clothes I have for her, the tanktop I was gifted in an exchange is a tiny bit tight, the skirt I bought is a little big but fits/stays on as long as she's wearing panties, and the long sleeved dress has sleeves that are just a little too short. But if you're gonna buy clothes I'd say pretty much anything for YoSD dolls fits decently enough. Like I said, certain things are just a tiny bit off to a degree that it's not really noticeable.

      Sorry for being no help whatsoever. :sweat
    7. No, not at all! You were very helpful! And, I can tell that their eyes are huge. owo Most of the larger dolls do take 16mm eyes, easily, and 14mm isn't far off. (As for that, I'm not sure what the larger DS dolls would take, either, though I'm sure that won't be hard.) I should get out and about for shopping for smaller eyes, then, though I do agree about the pupils and wigs and such. Luckily, being in Colorado, I'm not too far from DDE, so I usually just bring a doll there if I want to check and see if something fits or looks the way I want it too. |D
    8. I wish I was close to an actual doll shop like DDE or MoC. Would make shopping so much easier. I was so worried when I was looking around on Alice's Company for eyes that the ones I ordered would have irises that were too SMALL. It seemed like the ones I was getting were smaller than all their other 14mm eyes. Then the eyes came and they were actually a touch bigger than the ones that came with the doll so you could just barely see the whites in the corners of each eye. They fit nicely in the eye well, but I believe that 12mm eyes will probably still fit and also have a more realistic sized iris in most companies. 14mm eyes are generally for MSD so I think that's why they tend to run so big.
    9. My mom got this cute little fairy toy from work today. I think it might be a Zwinky. They were gonna throw it out cuz it was on the ground but my mom saved it for me so Alicia has a new toy. I'll have to take a picture tomorrow or the next day. I have an idea that will be pretty cool, I think, if Alicia and my camera both cooperate.
    10. I have a 26cm doll from Doll Leaves, does anyone know what size eyes they take? I would also like to ask do you get a size bigger when you don't what the outer white area of the eye to be seen? For example when you buy eyes that are a solid colour in the middle with no pupil.
    11. Thank you, I'm quite new to this and all info helps :)
    12. Alicia has 14mm eyes in and if you look at pics i've posted you can hardly see the whites in her eyes at all. well lemme post a close-up so you can really see.

      sorry if this is too late to be helpful. it was so long since there have been any posts here that i stopped checking. :sweat
    13. has anyone here bought Nozomi? i would really like a users opinion

      EDIT: oops wrong place~ Nozomi is 60cm ^^;
    14. ok i want a dan so bad and ur pictures just solidified that i need him. they are so cute and i love the faceups!
    15. I need need need a Dan! oh my goodness!
    16. Old photo is extremely old lol
      Mine have had their eyes a long time, I tried to verify the eye size. I am pretty certain they're 12, but I'm not sure <<
      I also tilt them up a bit (I do this for nearly every doll I have lol), they're not looking straight ahead.

      Finally a new look....Sorta? 1 by Queedie2, on Flickr
    17. Wow where's the love for these babies?