1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Doll Leaves Mini [45 cm] Discussion part 3

Dec 22, 2014

    1. Hey! Teresa is the best! I think so~ I bought Teresa 4 month ago,normal pink skin! If you want to see some photos of Teresa you can pick on my profile,I cannot upload photos HD,but if you don't mind,you can see it~

      A photo of my Teresa~ She is kind~I treat to make more photos in my free time,but with the exams it may be impossible now.
      I have some photos for her in my Teresa's profile~I cannot upload photos HD(crying...)
      #461 LeWatermelon_Lucy, May 16, 2017
      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2017
      • x 8
    2. She's so so so pretty!! I haven't quite decided just yet, she's my first doll, so I think I'll flesh it out as I go! I've decided to stick with 'Alice' as her name though!
    3. She is beautiful!!!
      • x 1
    4. Will I ever stop ordering dolls? Nobody knows that, but I've just made an order for Ida and I'm completely in love with the sculpt :kitty1
    5. Im still waiting for my yokos for a friend and me. We ordered them end of january.
      I hope so much that the production time was about 3 months but 4 are already over. Guess the last discount events increase it very much..
    6. So I've recently fallen in love with Teresa from doll leaves but I would like her in grey or tan skin. There's no option for those colours on angelesque I can see, do they do events where you can get those skin colours or have I missed my chance?

    7. Doll-Leaves offers 2 tans on their site normally, though I couldn't find a dealer willing to order this for some reason?? Ask Angelesque. Grey is limited, but I think Grey Teresa is still available? (And I've heard that they will caste all dolls in grey anyway if you ask. Also heard they will do color-matching though can't confirm.) Expect a significant upcharge for any of these options however.
    8. Hello all! I'm debating between my next doll being a Jeremy or an Oscar. Any owner pictures would be helpful! It really is hard to find owner pictures of these guys!
    9. Hi everyone.

      Does anyone know what size eyes "Ida" wears best? is it 14mm or 12mm? any owner pictures with each size eyes would be greatly appreciated.
    10. So I recently got my Yoko home and faceupped right away! I'm far more in love with the sculpt than I expected and the new girl body is just beautiful!

      [​IMG]Naomi - Doll Leaves Yoko by Amelie Girardin, on Flickr

      If her sizing is similar to my Yoko I have 14mm in with Iris down!
      #470 rave-andou, Aug 2, 2017
      Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
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    11. @rave-andou your yoko is so pretty ^^
      Thank you for letting me know about the eye size. I'll keep that in mind!
    12. I'm going to be ordering an Ida soon, what size wig fits her best? I've never seen a Doll Leaves in person, and I haven't been able to find the answer online anywhere. Thank you in advance!
    13. According to DS site (and AC, too) the size is 7-8 inch. My Ida is wearing the wig from Doll Leaves' Teresa (same size head), and Teresa wears some noname 6-7 inch wig from Ali. Just keep in mind the ears, they may be a small issue, as they are somewhat elfish.
    14. Ok, so am I understanding this correctly? you recommend a 7/8 because of her ears, but for the other 1/4 sculpts with normal ears a 6/7.
      Thank you, by the way!!
      Still not 100% decided, Hedy is super cute too!
    15. Sorry to drop into the thread with so many questions, but I'm a very nervous person and am looking to make Amara or Nina my first BJD and want to be safe! Thank you in advance to anyone who can answer them!

      -What size wigs fit the 1/4 scale girls best? I know their head is 18.5 cm around so a 7-8" wig should work, but do 6-7" wigs work as well? If anyone has experience with LUTs wigs on 1/4 Doll Leaves heads it'd be great to know how those work too!
      -Do most MSD size clothes fit the 1/4 girls? Is there anything in their anatomy that I should keep in mind when ordering clothing (besides body measurements, of course)?
      -How fast does Doll Leaves resin yellow?
      -A bit of a dumb question, but how sturdy are Doll Leaves' resin? While I'm not very clumsy, I'm afraid of dropping the doll one day and having it shatter on me.
      -I've read around that different brands of dolls have different ways they need to be taken care of and maintained, do you have any advice for maintaining a Doll Leaves doll?

      Again, thank you so much in advance to anyone who can help me! Hopefully I'll be ordering one of these girls soon :)
      • x 1
    16. Sorry to mislead, the other 1/4 I wrote about is Teresa, and she also has elfish ears. I just meant, that depending on the wig maker both sizes could fit.
      I looked at Hedy, too, she is really beatyful, yes. I'd like to get her one day in future.

      As far as I tried, both sizes fit 1/4 girls, even those with non-human ears (at least it's like that for Teresa and Ida that I own). Alas, I don't have LUTS wigs in these sizes, so can't tell anything here.
      As for clothes, mind that Doll Leaves 1/4 girls are slim MSDs. I managed to miss this and now need to resize the outfit I ordered with the dolls (mostly at the waist, but that could depend on the model of the clothes, chest can be an issue, too). Other company's MSDs (which are non-slim) are less womanly, so to speak, i.e. they have childish chest and are a bit plum at the waist, and their hips are less pronounced. And Doll Leaves are more like mini-women. Of course, they have different chest versions, too, but the other two measurements still differ from non-slim MSDs.
      Some sites and makers offer resizing service when you order outfits (e.g. I know for sure, that Alice Collections offer this for some clothes, you can provide measurements and they make custom outfits according to them).
      Can't say anything yet about yellowing, my DS dolls are only couple months old.
      I'm clumsy myself, but instead of doing something with 1/4 Doll Leaves dolls (seemingly more fragile) I got a broken ear of 70+ guy from Doll Leaves right out of the box. Still don't know how I managed that :(. And the guy seems rather sturdy, especially in comparison with girls and other 70+ guy (from another company). Strange thing, really. Maybe, I got unlucky and he was half-broken already :(. You can always ask for replacement or, like I did, simply ask which glue would work for their resin (honestly, I haven't glued it yet, 'cause didn't have time).
      I haven't heard about different maintenance technics XD If you don't count various restringing ways, I don't think there are any differences. Of course, I am in no way super-pro at this, but I have dolls of four different companies now and have been in the hobby for several years already.
      Maybe there are more experienced bjd owners, who can give us both more information and advise something new ;-).
      Good luck with ordering!
      • x 2
    17. Thank you! I appreciate your reply :)
    18. Thank you so much for this! I'm ordering from Alice Collections so it's nice to know that for some clothes they'll make changes (especially since the plan is to buy my first outfit from them too). And I didn't know there was even glue to hold together resin, knowing me if anything gets broken I'll be too impatient to ask for a replacement and just ask for glue haha. Thank you so much though, honestly I think this is enough for me to feel comfortable with pulling through on my order soon!
    19. Finally (finally - eesh I'm sure you guys have seen this little fella blank more than once or twice) got around to giving my neurotic little member of the heavenly host a face-up... Think Aziraphale but much less... nice... (and I don't mean in the & accurate sense! ;))


      Also painted up the floating head that came with him... Drat I'm going to need to find a skinny msd for him I think!

      • x 6
    20. Hello everyone,

      so I just saw Mei - The Double Girl Fullset (Limited), 43cm Doll Leaves Girl - BJD Dolls, Accessories - Alice's Collections Mei, the double headed girl and she would fit perfectly into my yokai apartment - before I go crazy amd order I would like some feed from you guys regarding posibility of dollleaves and maybe some other quirks that came to your attention. Naturally positive points can be inclueded too :3

      has anyone ever ordered a fullset from Doll Leaves?

      And any chance of finding owner pictures of her? because she is so new I guess not (u.u)'