1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Doll Leaves Mini [45 cm] Discussion part 3

Dec 22, 2014

    1. Hiya everyone, I have just got my Teresa on the old body but need some help?
      She is currently unstrung as she had super karate chop action going on aswell as the S Hook damaging the neck from being so tight.

      What size elastic do I need to restring her?? The elastic she came with seems massive to me ( I think it's about 3.5mm?? ) and the s hooks in the feet are tiny I had to cut the elastic to get them off :nowords:
    2. Hi everyone! I would like to introduce my girl, Taffy. She is a Doll Leaves Puppet 02, and my grail doll! She is on the Dream Girl body and is in NS.
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    3. [​IMG]
      Millie's wig arrived today!
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    4. My new girl :love Shes a teresa in WS.
      This is my first ever face up and I still need to finish it x
      She still needs a name, I keep leaning towards Maple but well see :3nodding:

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    5. I love this wig for her!! What size is it?

      She's lovely! I love the name Maple!
      #745 cutiepie, Apr 24, 2020
      Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
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    6. Omg I love the colors of her hair! And her face is so adorable!

      I really like the wigstyle and the contrast between her eyes and hair. Also that dress is super cute! Maple sounds very nice! I have good memories hearing that name, so maybe I'm a bit biased :)

      I would like to share my Augus, my very first BJD! She has such a cute nose <3 She is nameless for now, untill I have done a faceup or get struck by an idea haha. When she arrived she was very tightly strung (she was also flinging her arms all over the place:XD:), so I have restrung and sueded her which improved the overall stability but I would love to improve her arms more by using wires or such.
      Since then I've made a wig and some clothes for her, which were a good distraction between study and housework. Right now I'm working on some overalls! Hope they fit over her bum:whee:
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    7. [​IMG]

      Took my little forest girl Ida Mae out to her favorite spots in the wood today.
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    8. the new boys look to have elf ears.. omg omg omg.

      Now I need a lot of money to order a lot of dolls hahaha.
      *adds more to wishlist*

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    9. Does Louis have elf ears? Because if he does, I definitely want him, he has such a cute smile! Almost tempted to get both boys, I am weak for lovely elf ear boys and Doll Leaves has the best faces.

      Agh, I feel you about needing more money for dolls.
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    10. He looks like he might! Man if both have elf ears that's awesome.
      Ben has a very pointy chin, a chin you could stab a man with lol. It's so unique.

      I really want to see those sculpts blank because I maaaay have to rejig my plans a little ahem.
    11. Elf ear sculpts are my weakness, so I'd definitely appreciate if they are both elf ear boys! If they both do, I'll probably get Louis first, since I love his little teeth, then I'll pick up Ben later! I think I might hybrid Ben if I do, I feel like with his strong chin, he'd work well on a taller body. :D
    12. It's a 6/7!
    13. she is so, so pretty. Love her outfit, too!
    14. Thank you so much dxgirly, we had a lot of fun in the woods that day :)
    15. Does anyone else have issues with the teenage dream boy body? He absolutely doesn't want to keep his knees bent or sit up straight, it's driving me nuts aha. I have the girl body too but she's fine. I'm assuming sueding would help, it's just that I've never this sort of issue with any of my other dolls.
    16. Anyone have any more recent pictures of Doll Leaves company face-ups? I know I'm going to get Louis, but I'm debating whether to get him blank or with those cute freckles. I like his company face, but my last two face-ups have been a bit lackluster from the company (albeit on older heads with older styles).
    17. Could he be too tightly strung? Hot glue sueding might help give the knees some friction to cling to. Worth a shot anyway. Which boy body is it? the shorter older one or the taller newer?
    18. @sugarstitch I have the new boy body and the girl body. Both had that same issue plus the girl's leg would always twist around the wrong way. Didn't matter how I positioned her, it happened. So I restrung them both (the boy body was going to a mnf anyway, so I had to put the neck piece on till I get a new neck piece so I can use a regular s hook cause the neck is too short with the mnf connector imo) and haven't had those issues since. And when I unstrung the girl body I noticed that the strings were all twisted inside and the foot on the leg that kept turning on me before was put on backwards. The boy was just too tight. Now they both stand, sit, kneel and other positions so much better.
    19. Thanks for the advice~! I've never restrung a doll, but was thinking of dyeing him, so I might just have to learn

      @purple_monkfish He's the newer body
    20. Restringing SOUNDS really scary but it's not too bad actually, well worth learning to do because elastic goes all floppy over time and you'll have to tighten any doll eventually anyway lol.

      Just make sure you get two little bowls or tubs and put the LEFT bits in the left side and the RIGHT on the right ahahahah. Saves SO much stress and headache.
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