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Doll Leaves Mini [45 cm] Discussion part 3

Dec 22, 2014

    1. Worked on my Hily last night. I was unsure if I was going to keep her head, but no one really seemed to want to buy it, so I did a faceup on her and now she’s definitely staying.

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    2. She's beautiful! Did you make her wig? It's so pretty.
    3. :dohSorry for the double post, but I just remembered what I was going to ask in here.

      Does anyone have both the v1 and v2 female bodies and has done a comparison? I did some googling but it didn't give me much. I am torn because I like the general aesthetics of v1 more than v2, but I vastly prefer the v2 hands to the more blocky v1 ones. Maybe I could put v2 hands on the v1 body?

      (or if anyone knows of jointed hands that match the bodies both in size and NS colour, that'd be awesome!)
    4. Can someone show me how the headcap attaches? I think I have one of these doll heads (but she's a frankendoll)
    5. I'm compiling a wishlist yep. Can I justify buying a stupid number of dolls all at once? hahahaha. Am I that crazy?

      Help me decide!

      Jeremy, Augus, Yoko, Lan, Ben

      I'm considering louis too but while I like most of his face the open mouth concerns me as i'm not sure how to paint that without him looking kinda froggish. I really need to see a few in hand and painted to decide because the blank sculpt (they're available to see on the chinese version of DS' site) doesn't really clarify the tooth situation for me.

      Also Fei, she has a cute face but nobody seems to have one in hand yet.

      I wish they did more colour options. Is it weird that I find peach dolls really boring? lol.

      @FacelessPuppets there's a youtube video comparing the two if you search "doll leaves msd body" but I haven't found any still photos, nor have I managed to locate any pics comparing the two male bodies either.
    6. Does someone have images of Louis blak head? I can't find it anywhere and I would like to see it!
      I think I like him, but I can never decide if I really like a sculpt unless I see it blank, because when I choose what I like I have to check how is the face shape and everything… makeup makes it kinda hard to see how a head really is.
      I wanted to get a Doll Leaves eventually, and the other I like is Berg (his face shape fits my tastes quite a lot)
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    7. I'm looking at buying from Doll Leaves and noticed a number of people in this thread planning to hybridize a Leaves head with another company body. What do you dislike about the Leaves body?

      I watched a YouTube video comparison of their two girl bodies and it looks like the newer one is better looking but less poseable. Anyone here have thoughts about this? I'd prefer poseability overall, but gosh, those version one hands are UGLY.
    8. #789 Rurimas, Jul 18, 2020
      Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
    9. @chemcat
      It's entirely an aesthetic thing for me. My Maya came on the v1 1/4 boy body and while it's sturdy and poses well, it's more childish (which is odd considering the line is referred to as "Teenage Dream") and the hands and feet are on the chunky side and not detailed much. I have the v2 body now too and it's a drastic improvement; I really like it, honestly. Had I gotten this first, I wouldn't have felt such an urge to find a new body for him.
    10. I'm not sure because from my understanding most people hybrid the BODIES with other heads as they're some of the better posing for the price point out there.

      The type 1 bodies are a bit chunky and child-like though, and the type 1 boy is super short which some people found offputting (he's shorter than the girls by quite a margin lol). I personally think it's glorious and really want a type 1 boy because shortness! YAY! haha
    11. Thanks for your input, Toxigenesis and purple monkfish. My first couple dolls were on single jointed bodies, and I've never really been satisfied with them. I feel the body can make such a huge difference in how you experience a doll, its worthwhile to put some effort into getting a good one. I'm impressed with Doll Leaves' price point, though!

      Now I'm wondering if this would be a good replacement for one of those single jointed bodies...
    12. There was a youtuber that made a comparison between the 2 Doll Leaves female bodies and how they pose/how they look. I don’t know if you saw it, but I was impressed by the posability, since they are so cheap! I am impressed by the old body movement range, even if it’s not that good looking it can pose super well. So it depends if you want a super good posability or a better looking body. But even the new version poses well, just that the old one is super versatile
    13. OMG Thank you so much for finding this. I am debating between Louis and Kira for my Puck doll (from a Midsummer Night's dream, he's the last of the underlings I need!).

      Granted this only made my choice harder, but I agree with your other post about not knowing about his teeth. I'd hoped that they'd make him look impish, but I'm worried that if I painted them in that they would make him look ghoulish or like a zombie or some weird animal... He looks so cute! But I love Kira's grin and it's so sly. AH!

      Sorry. I've been Hmming and Hawing about this for a while and I figured I'd commiserate to someone who understands my worries with his teeth. XD
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    14. Hahah yeah I know what you mean. Teeth are one of those things I think CAN look really cute but can also be quite offputting. I generally prefer closed mouth sculpts myself.

      But I was SO relieved to find blank pics of the new dolls. Ben's chin is ridiculous and it makes me laugh.
    15. I am quite conflicted about the teeth too, I don’t think I would paint them like Doll Leaves promo picture.... they are not bad but for me their are bordeline creepy :XD:
    16. @purple_monkfish Haha! I know! When I saw that chin I laughed... The other sculpt that I was a little put off by was the H sculpt. I like the company photo of the doll but the blank sculpt made me wince a little... XD I'm also super relieved you found them, I didn't even think to go onto their Chinese site because I figured it would have been 1-to-1 as far as what was shown. Again, thank you for finding them and linking it!

      @Rurimas I agree. They are off-putting to me, but I think with a slightly better paint job they might actually be okay. It's the Hedy sculpt that freaks me out more, I don't know why.... XD
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    17. @Yukai oh god I just saw Hedy face in a closeup and.... Help I won’t sleep anymore.
      Her face is ok and all but those teeth creep me out so much :o:o
      I think I would never paint realistic teeth in a doll, at least not on a less “realistic” sculpt. Teeth have something creepy in dolls a lot of times!
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    18. Runeleaf having a snack.
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    19. Hedy's blank face almost looks like she's snearing.
      Which is... interesting.