1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Doll Leaves Mini [45 cm] Discussion part 3

Dec 22, 2014

    1. I really like the Doll Leaves steampunk face-ups, but I'm not patient enough to wait for one. So I bought my Pearl blank from Denver Doll. She's not fancy, but I'm happy with her.
      [​IMG]Doll Leaves Pearl 2 by Victoria Davis, on Flickr
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    2. Oh, Pearl is so cute with those pointy ears! And I love the color you used on her lips
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    3. my Lan's replacement right hand arrived today, so now Titania finally has two working hands! Alice's Collections (where I ordered her from) was fairly quick with sending it out, it just took forever to get here due to the state of the postal service these days.
      the original broken hand that arrived with her:
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    4. Haven't shared Micaiah in a while, and I just redid his face, so here's my perpetually concerned young man.
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    5. He's looking good! I love him, and the background is awesome!
    6. Thank you so much! And actually, that's one of my fridge magnets!
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    7. Hey guys, looking for some help. Can Jeremy and Berg fit into 6/7 Leekeworld wigs, or would 7/8 be better? I like my wigs to have a pretty snug fit, but not too impossible to get on.
    8. She's beautiful - she looks like she's gazing at something amazing, and she looks so regal! Is she the Betty sculpt? I love the outfit colour - do you have any full-body photos of her in that outfit?

    9. I've seen a few photos of Pearl since I posted my question about Pearl and elf ears - and she does come in elf ears only. And her little elf ears have really grown on me! ^_^ I think it's because for elf ears, they are on the petite side. The shape is just super cute! ^_^

      I'm hoping to purchase a Pearl fullset with face-up before the end of the year, and a Betty head with the tattoo face-up, and a Lan head with face-up and the wig. (And I love the elf ears on Lan, with the awesome face-up - she makes a perfect elf!)

      (I was musing to myself that I'd like all 3 of these dolls - but the money (ouch) - and the several reports of hands being damaged lately concerned me as well. So I was curious if one could purchase just the heads *with* the beautiful face-ups and, **AWESOME** - one can!) (On Alice's Collections at least).

      So for some time, I'll have 2 floating heads - but awesomely painted heads! :)

      Is your Pearl head in White Skin?
      #969 Apocatiel, Aug 25, 2021
      Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
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    10. I read in this thread that Dika Doll girl hands work with Doll Leaves bodies - but if I recall correctly, the resin match discussed was Doll Leaves White Skin with Dika Doll White Skin. I'm curious which Dika Doll skin colour matches best with Doll Leaves Normal Skin? Dika has "Normal Pink" and "Normal Yellow".

      I am just not thrilled with the Doll Leaves hand sculpting, and the Dika Doll hands are so graceful, and there are a couple to choose from. I really like the "Orchid Hands"! And the "Heart Hands" are super cute!

      I'm planning on getting the Version 1 body, as it poses better, according to some videos I saw comparing the two. (If anyone has any information and/or opinions about the differences between the Version 1 and 2 bodies, please let me know! :) Thanks! :) )
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    11. No, my Pearl is NS BUT she is very pale. I agree with you on Lan - in fact, I couldn't resist her! She, too, is NS but almost white.
      [​IMG]Doll Leaves Lan by Victoria Davis, on Flickr
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    12. I just really discovered Doll Leaves recently and I am really impressed with their dolls. I became aware when i was looking for a head for a character I had in mind. I saw Asa on Alice Collections and bought the head because the facial features were what I was looking for. That led me to explore the company, and I fell in love with several of their MSD size dolls. Soooo . . . I bought MSD STEVEN from Denver Doll Emporium. He arrived just over a week ago. I LOVE him so much. I know there will be other DL dolls in my future.
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    13. Congrats on your Steven, @ParlourGoddess ! What is he like? Did you decide to give him a character, or are you still getting to know him?
    14. More of Micaiah today, because I love him and made him a new necklace.

      @Violet Kidd Your Pearl is a lovely girl!
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    15. Yes, she is the Betty sculpt! Unfortunately, I don't have my dolls with me right now (I'm at university), but once I get home I can take more photos with that outfit.
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    16. I finally bought a DL girl! Denver Doll has LOTS of Doll Leaves in stock, and lots with face-ups, so I went for it. No production time wait: awesome! ^_^

      I ordered Betty, with the flower tattoo face-up, and the version 1 body. I hope I receive her this week - I received the UPS tracking number Saturday, but it is still in "Label Created" status, though. Maybe next week! Betty is one of the first BJDs that really caught my eye.

      I also bought the plum Gwendolyn dress and the Adriana lavender wig for her. I am excited! :cheer
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    17. Congratulations on your order. I am sure you will love her. Betty has such a pretty face.
    18. I ordered a Doll Leaves Lan from Alice's Collections. Don't know where it is in terms of production and the DDE having them in stock is somewhere between annoying and tempting. Except for the fact that the DDE ones are all large bust and I want small bust.
    19. hii! just wanted to ask if any of you have problems with your teenage dream msd girl body not holding wrist positions? i swear the wrist will pose but will always snap back. i restrung her and sueded and everything and nope thats the only problem i have ;-; :sorry
      also- any recommendations for heeled feet? i dont think doll leaves makes their own correct?
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