1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Doll-Love (also known as DollLove) Mini Discussion Thread

Jan 10, 2010

    1. Hi Solesa, i have bought dress by themselves, bodies and hands from liwenjie0310. i just email him/her and i was sent a invoice through paypal. i hope that helps
    2. Yes, thank you! :)
    3. Hi guys! I'm planning on getting a Anona as well! Does anyone have any pictures of a yellow-skin-color doll from doll-love? It'd be nice to see one if it's possible, seems like most people get pink skin.
      Also... I know this has been asked for other dolls but I wanted to make sure for Anona, what size eyes would owners of Anona suggest for her?
      And MariaRed I didn't know you could request other dolls faceups for a certain doll? Can you do that for the eBay seller as well?
      Thank you all so much for the information, I want to be as informed as i can be before I buy my first girl and all her other items. <3

    4. Hiya Kafae Latte, i hope this helps this image is of my Sai she is made up of a Dollzone Sis head on a Doll-love yellow skin Body with peapod legs.

      Also here are a few images of Apricot (Doll- Love Anona) i only use 14mm and 16mm eyes in my MSD. In the first photo she is wearing 14mm and in the second photo she's wearing 16mm. it depends of what look you want ?


      If you want custom make up there is no extra charge. I have bought a few dolls from liwenjie0310 and have asked if they could change their lip colour or asked for another dolls offical make up. E.G like i bought dolllove Enen on a girls body and asked to have sleeping alice make up on Enen. I hope that makes sense I have bought all my Doll-Love dolls through
      a ebay dealer called liwenjie0310. Link is below you can also buy parts which are listed in the bottom of describtion if needed.

      If you decide to buy your doll from liwenjie0310 you get to choose a free wig from their shop and your doll will come with free 16mm glass eyes and face up, i mostly buy my outfits from Doll-love because they are cheap yet very well made and are super cute ^_^

      Also i can't remember who asked for this photo of comparing white and pink skin of Doll-love but here it is anyway.

      i hope that helps, feel feel to ask me if you have anymore questions ^-^
    5. GoldenDiamonds you are amazing! You just answered all my questions thank you sooooo much!!! So I guess I could send the eBay seller a picture of the kind of faceup I want, maybe? I basically just want Anona's basic faceup but I want her to look a bit happier if possible. I know the mold of the head is a big part of that, though. :) Thank you so much! <3 Love!
    6. Oh! And also... Now theres a bit of a confusion, Eric from Doll Love just emailed me back and said I should use 16 or 18mm eyes for Anona...?
    7. I use only 14mm and 16mm eyes because i like the size and the look, but you can use 18mm.But they are massive and cover the whole eye in MSD, I don't even use 18mm in my SD
    8. Thank you! Alrighty then! Thanks to you I now know that I want to get Anona with yellow skin and 14mm eyes. I'll probably get the golden eyes she has in the company picture and maybe some pink ones too. I'm so grateful for the knowledge! <3
    9. I just asked liwenjie0310 about buying a head only and you definitely can. The 1/3 heads cost $40 with an additional $20 for shipping, which seems like a great price to me! They can do the makeup for $20 more.

    10. *waves and jumps in on conversation* ^^

      The next time I order from Doll-Love, I plan on buying an extra head so I can practice faceups. liwenjie0310 is pretty great about letting you pick and choose extras and accessories. (:

      And here's some photo spam, this is my Nichi, Emilie.
    11. hello I was just wondering where Zxia/Janeshine/Manatus went on doll love's page :? She's not gone right!? I'll cry for days it never said she was limited or any thing but I can't find her any more!
    12. I have just ordered an Anona from liwenjie0310 :3 Their ebay shop suggests 35-40 working days wait time, that seems rather fast, especially compared to other bjd manufacturers. Would some of you mind telling me how long you had to wait for your Doll-Love beauties to arrive, so I can get a rough idea of the average waiting time? (I also assume it would take longer around this time of year?)

      Now to sit back and pray that customs don't rip me off when she does arrive :S

      edit:after trawling extensively through the complicated system that is UK customs charges, I have calculated that I shouldn't have to pay more than £50 (~US$80) on delivery for customs duty+VAT+handling fees. But still, that's 1/3 the price of the doll+postage ¬_¬
    13. I ordered my boy direct from the company and it took about 30 days for him to get to me. I also ordered him blank so that likely shortened up the production time as well.
    14. Thanks Iron_Dog. I ordered my girl with faceup so I should be expecting closer to the 40-day mark in that case. Ahh, I'm excited now >w<
    15. Well, I´m joining the Doll Love team... I´m waiting for my Yoyo Doll, I fell in love at first sight with goldendiamonds girl!!!!
    16. I ordered a SD with faceup at the end of September and got her in three weeks. Hope your little one arrives just as quickly!
    17. Thank you ^^

      Wow! you are really lucky!! yesterday, liwenjie0310 wrote telling me that she´s gonna ship my little girl in about 25 days. Hope to receive her on Xmas ^^
    18. I haven't seen any owner pictures of the winking mould yet, she is so cute! I was just wondering what the female body was like, the elbow and knee joints look awfully boxy and clunky looking, I want to get her but the body is really making me reconsider

      I asked the eBay seller on the price of a blank MSD head and I was told it would be about $45, pretty good really : )
    19. i've got a God-Enjoy and i guess the body's not that bad, but i'm used to dollzone double jointed body, which is pretty boxy too... what really troubles me sometimes are her hands, they're quite uncooperative. but she's got totally stunning collarbones, they're to die for :D
    20. received an email from liwenjie0310 today saying that my Anona has shipped, just 19 days after payment! He says the item is gifted and marked down in value, which I didn't ask him to do but hopefully my girl will arrive safely and pass speedily through customs without charge. 15-25 days via EMS, I can't wait >w<