1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Doll Nudity Warnings - Why?

Jun 20, 2008

    1. I for one appreciate the nudity warnings. Even though it is "just" doll nudity, I don't think it is appropriate for work. I skip those until I am at home.
    2. It's just a doll. It's not a real person. I can be working on a computer at school and look at weird abstract art with nudity or naked ladies from antiquity no one is offended. I think people would be more offended if you look at a thread that says "OMG Doll nudity!" I think after an outsider sees this their eyebrows will go up.

      It's just a doll really get over yourselves
    3. While I absolutely agree with this sentiment, we can't dictate what our employers, or others seated next to us in, say, a computer lab or a public library might feel. That's why it's polite to give warning so that if you're in a place where other people might not be so understanding, you can just avoid confrontation by not pulling the image up.

      Just... a courtesy thing.

      Oh! and.. hehehehe:

      I think you'd find that the librarians would be quite understanding, for the most part (we're generally a pretty informed bunch), but would not want to have to deal with the parent, public patron, or less open-minded student who might raise a stink over "nudity." ;) It's not one of the more fun parts of the job. :D
    4. Oh hey, thread was moved/merged. Don't really think it's appropriate, since I wanted to debate a specific rather than discuss a general but hey :3

      I was talking about box-opening nudity warnings. I completely agree that some people don't want to look at dolls in the nood and it's polite to tag your PHOTOSTORY thread if it has any nudity in it.

      However, I have to wonder at the intelligence of people who browse box-opening threads - particularly if they own dolls themselves - who think that the doll isn't going to arrive nude. I personally find the insinuation that I am too stupid to realise that there's going to be a naked doll in an ARRIVALS thread extremely offensive.

      ETA: Also, if you're looking in the arrival gallery at work/in computer lab/somewhere public then that's your problem :lol: Once again going back to the 'OMG WE HAFF TO POLEEZ TEH INTERNETS FOR PEEPL WHO CANT DO IT DEMSELVS' - get over it :| If you don't guess that a box opening thread has a naked doll in it more often than not, then you deserve to get caught out. Maybe you'll learn - eventually.

      Also, for reference, I tag my threads :) I'm purely interested in the debate of why we should, rather than saying I'm not going to. Courtesy is fine, but that wasn't what I was talking about in my debate thread. Hence I don't agree it should have been merged. But like I say, hey ho.
    5. There are a lot of things we do on DoA out of politeness that are not necessarily the way the "big bad Internet" goes. Sure, it's a little bit burdensome, but if you don't like it, don't post on DoA because that's how DoA is. Perhaps you're the one who needs to get over yourself a little bit.
    6. In that case the same applies. If a coworker or classmate or someone had a problem with seeing a naked doll I'd be really weirded out by that. I'd say yes it's a really beautiful sculpture/mold and it's very realistic but it is not real.

      Does this need a nudity warning? No. Why are dolls different? It's art too.

      I will add though that forum members posting explicit fetishistic doll porn imho should not be allowed to post here. That's not what dolls are for. I haven't seen any of that so it's not really a concern for me. I've seen dolls make out or whatever lol but even a young kid with a sense of humor does the same with barbie dolls like lets put Ken and Barbie in the Barbie house and they'll kiss or whatever. It's not the same as explicit sexual detail.
    7. I do put doll nudity warnings most of the sites I post to - especially the larger ones that have international membership. I do it being aware that cultural acceptance of nudity in all its different forms - be it human, art, representative, doll etc vary from place to place, age to age and person to person.
    8. I think that there are probably better things for you to be getting on with at school or work rather than accessing DoA, so I'm afraid that point is lost on me. Also, if you want to look at DoA in your lunchbreak or whatever, use some common sense and realise that most box opening threads are going to have a portion of photographs depicting naked dolls. While you're using someone else's internet connection and you're on their premises, it probably isn't a good idea to check out a part of the forum where you can guarantee most threads will have a naked doll in them. It's such a common sense issue I don't think there needs to be nudity warnings in box openings.

      I also think that nudity warnings in box openings and in the gallery are two very different things. You expect to see a naked doll somewhere in a box opening shoot, dolls arrive that way...but you don't expect to see naked dolls all over the gallery.

      Correction - That's not what your dolls are for. Other people use them for a whole lot of other things. This forum is family-friendly, so BDSM dolly material is not allowed to be posted here, that's true, but you can't say dolls aren't 'for' explicit materials. Dolls are dolls, they're whatever the owner wants them to be...and there are forums that reflect that. Just because DoA's inclusive atmosphere can't accomodate everyone's uses for their BJDs it doesn't mean some uses are wrong.
    9. While I do think that dolly nudity is perfectly fine, I do feel like the nudity warnings on this forum are important. For most of the term I spent a LOT of time in school but not in class(4 hour breaks between several classes), so I'd check den of angels and since I tend to hang out in a group I'd personally prefer not to have to explain it. They probably wouldn't be offended, they'd just ask questions about it. I don't want to talk about my dolls in general with most of them, never mind explaining the photography aspect of the hobby. Just because it isn't wrong, doesn't mean that I really want to discuss it with friends and faculty at my university. Thus, I appreciate a warning when it's just in the gallery.

      Box opening threads, well, I kind of assume they'll all be naked. I just don't go there when I'm not at home.That's not so much an issue for me, where it's almost universal that they don't come with clothes.
    10. For me, I kinda freak out when there is a naked doll in a thread that wasn't warned about. =\ It's not that I am offended or anything... but... people passing by won't appriciate me having a resin boobies all out in the open. TT^TT

      I'm usually at school and whatnot when I am here, so... yah. I don't want to have to explain to a fellow classmate NOR teacher that the penis isn't real.... Or the fact that it IS a penis just hanging out on my screen. *sob*
    11. But if you're in school, why not just avoid the box opening threads entirely? You know already that naked dolls will be there, so stick to the gallery where there are appropriate warnings all over the place?
    12. Well, sometimes I'm at work 24 hours a day for 3 days at a time. I am allowed to take breaks and I do like to look at the dolls as it's not like I have much else I can do here (no TV or video games and sometimes no one else in the office to talk to) so I'm afraid your point is a bit lost on me, unless you think I should be spending every single second of my time working (that is, when I'm not in the bathroom or asleep on the office couch).
    13. Your "debate" thread was merged with this "general discussion" thread because you've asked basically the same things that have been asked, discussed and addressed before in this thread. There really isn't a "debate" here - we mark doll nudity as such for fair warning to members who may not be interested in nude doll photos or who are looking at the forum from a place where viewing nude doll photos could be problematic. It's pretty simple and straightforward. As for the Box-Opening Gallery - again, the warning seems fair, some second hand dolls might just arrive clothed!
    14. To be fair, StandUpDoutei didn't specify whether the threads in question were in the box opening forum. So simma down, now.
    15. There is the whole of DoA you can look at where there will (or is supposed to be) picture warnings. You don't need picture warnings in the box opening thread because common sense and knowledge will tell you that BJDs turn up naked and if you are in a sensitive environment surely you (general 'you' here) have enough awareness to know what is permissable to view and what isn't.

      Sure, everyone has breaks at work, but you're still using your employer's machines and internet access, so your own discretion should be used towards what you view at work on the internet because there will be logs of this stuff. It's common knowledge that BJDs are unclothed in their boxes, so you shouldn't need a warning to tell you that a box opening isn't work safe.

      Rhubarb, I don't know what you're talking about. It was a sensible enough suggestion, particularly when most of this page has been spent discussing the box opening thread in particular.
    16. I agree. I kind of see it as pointless when people post '___opening! WARNING! DOLLY NUDITY!' in the opening/arrival section. You learn to expect that yes, dolls usually come naked, so avoid them if you know the general public could glance at your screen and mistake the images for God knows what. I tend to skip the opening thread or sales threads at uni when I'm in the library because of this.

      As for nudity warnings in general gallery posts, it is much appreciated. A heads up helps if you aren't at home. I suppose this has already been said, but this is my opinion as well.
    17. I prefer doll nudity warnings so that I don't open up any pictures of nude dolls when I'm in class! It makes the people sitting behind me make funny noises when they catch an half-noticed glimpse of naked anything--it could be a doll or a painting. *giggles*
    18. Whatever happened to actually doing work at school instead of surfing the net and going on dolly forums lol. I mean, when I was in school I couldn't get away with going on sites that weren't work related because you always had the teachers looking over your shoulders :lol:

      I have to say that I do agree with those who are saying that putting doll warnings on a post (one that you would authomatically expect nudity in that is) is somewhat pointless. I mean, box openings are where everyone shows off every feature of their doll and every part of the body - expect nudity. Also, if I saw a thread asking to see pictures of doll bodies, for example, so they can see what they're buying beforehand, then I would expect full body pictures - with nudity.

      However, saying that, I think that if there is rather explict doll pics then a warning is needed. The last thing I want to do is stumble across hardcore dolly porn lol. Also, like DarkRegrets said before, if there is nudity in other threads, such as galleries and whatnot, then a warning is nice.

      Btw, bunnydots what work do you do that keeps you there for over 24hrs? Sorry, I'm just curious is all :)
    19. I've never even been IN the box opening threads... O.O I mostly meant the customization threads and in general. I never even mentioned looking at box opening threads... I'd assume that a doll is naked when they are fresh out of a box anyways.

      What I meant in my initial post was going into a thread that wasn't marked that it had nudity and finding huge pictures of doll nudity just there. I understand that some people have different opinions of nudity and all that... but after already being a known doll freak, and general weirdo... why let doll nudes do something worse for me? That's irrelvant though...lol

      And the thing IS... whether it is a good use of someone's time or not at school, work etc... There should be some consideration of those who do look at DoA. It's a rule for this forum... shouldn't it be upheld no matter if the person feels that the nudity is fine or not?

      Like Zagzagael said, the rule is there for those who KNOW that they shouldn't be looking at doll nudes or threads that can contain them in that location, or... just those who aren't interested in that sort of art. And I'm not trying to educate you or anything (You've been here much longer than I have), but doll nudity can be a HUGE misunderstanding, even among people who feel that nudity is fine, publically or not, when you are in the wrong place wrong time... There's no issue with looking at DoA anywhere that isn't home... so... yeah. I don't get why there SHOULDN'T be any polite warnings...
    20. You didn't limit your remark to the box opening thread. I almost never go in the galleries because they're just not my fave part of this forum. I spend most of my time either in Debate, Buying/Selling, or Marketplace, and I really appreciate it when the Marketplace sellers put a "Warning: Nudity" on the threads especially when it's not something obvious like a "body for sale" or the nudie pics aren't behind a link so you can choose to click or not.

      It's not so much that I disagree with the idea that perhaps box opening threads *may* have naked dolls (actually a lot of them don't show the nekkie parts of the dolls) but more that I don't really care for the high-handed "get some common sense or get off the forum" stuff that is being posted in this discussion thread. Like I said, there are a lot of rules on DoA that I think we don't need, if people just had some common sense. The reality is that there is a wide range of people with a wide range of cultural backgrounds, expectations and exposures to net use on here, and having to put a "doll nudity warning" in the title of a thread is an extremely minor like 2-second inconvenience at most. I don't see why people are getting so heated up about it, and some of the blanket statements, like you suggesting people shouldn't look at DoA at all from work or school (and you didn't limit it to box opening threads either) are pretty silly to me.