1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Doll Plans 2017!

Sep 16, 2016

    1. I'm interested in expanding my clothing collection, lol. Also totally going to build a CP Delf army in 2017. Chiwoo, Shiwoo, Lishe, El, Soony...All will be mine!!
    2. Get my poor David Bowie a face-up. He badly needs one. Just can't afford it right now and with PCS time closing in, I don't have the time to save up and send out another head, wait for it, just for us to move and have a hassle of getting the head back.
    3. Ok, I'm attempting to do the plan thing again. It may not take. It usually doesn't take. maybe if it's a loose list, it won't be that big a deal when I don't do it. Or do all the things not on the list that I didn't plan on.


      I have one layaway I just started that might still be going on in 2017 (don't ask me to math, it's monday). So paying that off is #1 on the list.

      Dolls I want

      5Star Aiden Red (Chibi Hellboy)
      Some LTF any color (Chibi Deadpool)
      Impldoll Azalea Star body Green (Poison Ivy)
      66-68cm body for Two-Face
      Dollmore Judith body (for Catwoman)

      This represents the biggest part of my wishlist. I would be happy if I managed these dolls. I am hoping there will not be anything else in my BJD future. Hoping.

      Go through everything BJD I own and really figure out what I need to let go. Then actually put it all up for sale.

      Dolls I have
      Iโ€™ve been neglecting a lot of my dolls lately, so what Iโ€™d like to do is go through what I have (left after putting things in the โ€œsaleโ€ pile. One can hope.) and actually determine what they all need. I have several makeovers, faceups, wigs, eyes, body blushes, mods, god knows what elseโ€™s on the table and I really need to figure out exactly who needs what.

      Like, I know Nightwing, Robin and Dr. Strange need their outfits. I know Lex Luthor needs clothes and a repair job since his elbow is broken. I know that eventually April Story will ship Gambitโ€™s body and I want to redo him to fit my current doll collection. I know at least one of my Kara Klums needs a new faceup and I need to mod another one. And one I will either make or commission a wig for. Beyond thatโ€ฆ.Iโ€™m not sure.

      I need a list. I need multiple lists and a binder to keep them all organized. I need an assistant to keep it all organized. And make me do the things.

      My dolls sit on shelves in my room. I have one that wonโ€™t fit (heโ€™s too big and tall for everywhere), and Iโ€™m more or less out of room for all of them when theyโ€™re all there and not being worked on somewhereโ€ฆso I need to do some rearranging.

      Things I would like to do that probably wonโ€™t happen
      Props and photo-shoots. Actual photo-shoots, rather than portraits. I can dream.
      #43 VampireAngel13, Oct 3, 2016
      Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
      • x 2
    4. I wish to get one soom bjd I love Happy and lucky sculpt hopefully one day they will either release them or release a cute one and I also want a mocha brown switch
    5. I loved participating in the 2016 thread, so... here goes nothing!

      Ongoing / Carryover

      * Work to improve my photography skills.
      * Take face-up practice seriously.
      * Make more DOA doll profiles.
      * Craft my SOOM Pyrol's outfit and accessories.
      * Style my Volks YoSD Kira.


      * Dye my DIM Happy Ace tan using RIT DyeMore.
      *Buy a Kids-Sky Bobo for my Kids-Sky Moonstone's sibling.
      * Buy a random doll on my wishlist, such as Ringdoll Mad Hatter.
      * Track down then buy a Sugarble Naga (white tail).
      *Buy and/or replace necessities for my current crew:
      --- a pair of 14mm AM-016 MAKO eyes for my Kids-Sky Moonstone.
      --- a pair of 12mm IB-006 MAKO eyes for my Kids-Sky Bobo.
      --- an outfit for my GUUDoll Verona.
      --- a snow white wig for my Xagadoll May.
      --- more TBA.
      * Craft a holster and find a 1/4 gun.
      * Did I mention craft? Craft, craft, CRAFT!
      * Hope none of the dolls on my wishlist get discontinued...

      Longshot / Probably Won't Happen

      *Start saving for a secondhand SOOM Serin. Thank you, @wherethelilacsbloom! <3

      EDIT: Looks like it's time to move on to 2018 plans!
      #45 PeppermintPocky, Oct 4, 2016
      Last edited: Jan 23, 2018
      • x 2
    6. Get a practice head and begin my faceup/doll prop journey! Though I still need to buy all the supplies for faceups.. so I'll be starting on that in 2017. Oh and attempt some sewing, to make those clothes that seem impossible to find ;)
    7. I've already bought three dolls this year, I think next year I will just focus on finding some furniture, clothes, and props for them while getting my credit card bill back down XD
    8. All of my plans for 2017 revolve around one doll, since I've decided to try and bring a Volks SDM home. Problem is, I'm not even sure Volks will offer the sculpt I really want! I might have to do a random draw of the sculpts offered once I save up the funds.

      To-do list:
      -Gather savings! ($0/$450)
      -Plan out character personality and background
      -Plan out wardrobe
      -Go name hunting
      #48 Selenae, Oct 4, 2016
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
    9. Things to do:
      • Faceup and body blushing for my DC Madeline. DONE
      • Faceups for my OT dolls (going to try this myself). FAIL - Weather got bad
      • New photos of all the dolls once I get decent photo lights FAIL - Never got new lights
      • Make Agnes her spear.
      • NEW - Complete the Kid Delf Ani Elf head that was given to my by a wonderful friend for my birthday at the end of 2016 DONE!
      Dolls to get: I am strangely content with the dolls I have. I would like to possibly get an MSD boy and bodies for a few floating heads that I have, but I feel no great rush to do so. This could totally change if a new doll catches my eye.

      Things to buy:
      • New eyes for Madeline, Agnes, and Ani Elf (thinking about Makos for all). DONE
      • Body for Ani Elf DONE
      • Shoes for Ani Elf DONE
      • Wig for Ani Elf DONE!
      #49 Tonboko, Oct 5, 2016
      Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
    10. Expand my dolls wardrobes! I've been neglecting piles of material I got specifically for dolls. Also to get a few more shoes, my dolls dont have many options in the department ;_;
    11. Buy bodies for the 3 floating Bjd heads. I would like to attend a BJD convention and more dolly meet-ups. I too would like to save up for a Volks my choice SD10 or SD16 girl in sunlight skin or dk.
    12. I really want to get 2 26cm dolls, one girl, one boy. I don't know if I can save up before the end of 2017, but I'm certainly going to try my best! xD
      I'm thinking of Baisu and Linfeng from Doll Family-H, they seem perfect for the kind of characters I want. (:
      • x 1
    13. 2016 has been the year where I have down-sized my BJD collection like madness... (was that a wise thing to do? Not sure tbh!)
      I hope to behave in 2017 and not start buying dolls like crazy... :/

      Plans for 2017 would be:
      - Buy 2 bodies for my poor floating heads (yea riiiight, like that will happen!) :roll:
      - Maybe order a Pumpkin 1/6 from DollZone
      - Maaaaybe order one of those massive 1/2 sized dolls from SpiritDoll
      - Hopefully order that cute MSD girl, Anemone, from MaskCatDoll (she hasn't been released yet- I'm constantly stalking MaskCatDoll for photos/info!)^^

      ...but honestly, it's difficult to make too many plans with so many amazing BJD companies constantly spawning out new beautiful dolls all the time!! Surely a new release or 3 will pop up steal ones heart eeeee!!! :kitty1
      • x 1
    14. Plans for 2017. I make doll plans. I fully intend to stick to my plans. The dolls constantly make an end run on me and my plans often blow right up and I end up doing things I never intended to do *sigh*. But, here's what I tentatively plan for 2017.

      Plans for currently owned dolls
      *Get face-up for Iwa-Xine (need to decide on face-up artist)
      *Get face-up for Tohan (need to decide on face-up artist) & buy him a body (need to decide on which company)
      *Get face-up for Wu-Tyr, buy him a body and dye his arms

      Plans for new dolls
      I have no concrete plans for purchasing new dolls at this time (commence loud and long laughter).

      I will, however, be keeping an eye out for the extremely difficult and elusive shell that possibly doesn't exist in order to bring Rhas-Khan home *sigh*. Should a miracle happen and I actually find something suitable for Rhas-Khan, I will then also purchase his lover Eilian (SD Vito Rail). I hold out little hope for this though as I've been trying to shell Rhas-Khan for going on 4 years now.

      If Soom does a FCE with their boy fairies again and offers the mer-tail, I'll be shoving my cash at them so fast, we'll both get paper cuts.

      General doll stuff
      I need to make some clothes for specific dolls. That's been on my list forever but I never seem to get around to it. It's probably not helped by the fact that one of the dolls in question is perfectly fine being naked despite how that limits him to doll outings in public and photoshoots.
      • x 1
    15. The 2016 plans went pretty darn well. The only thing I failed to do was buy Nef a bjd cat. So! Here we go!

      Carryover from 2016

      Buy an Eve the Cat kitty for Nef

      New for 2017
      Repaint Gabriel, Victor, kid Cameron, and elder Freya. I can do better.
      Body blush/skin texture Shatterstar, Gambit and Rictor
      Buy a tan Spiritdoll body for M
      Shell Penance
      Sand down the Bamf so his mods don't look like poop
      Finish Nightcrawler's tail. C'mon, Blithe. It's literally been years. You are lame.
      Try not to buy, like, a million new dolls.
    16. For 2017 I'd like to-

      -get at least 4 bodies for floating heads
      -get at least two new full dolls-completed
      -have at least 10 fully finished dolls--clothes,shoes,eyes,wig, character done

      I didn't quite finish my 2016 plans because of unplanned dollies , I got roughly 90% done though, so we will see what happens
      #56 Tragedy, Oct 10, 2016
      Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
    17. Hopefully in 2017 I'll be able to buy my first doll! I have a couple I want picked out already, and I'm excited. (One of them is a limited edition, though, and it's unlikely I'll be able to save up enough for him before he's sold out...) I'm currently enrolled in a certificate course in college, and I graduate in May, so I'm going to get myself a doll as a graduation present! That's a big gift, but I think by then I'll have earned it. :)
    18. I literally just want to do something with my dolls outside of window shopping :P . My goal is to basically redo all my dolls (clothes, eyes, faceup) myself. If I get a new doll, it's because it's a super limited must have or I finally get enough saved up for a Granado Nico.
    19. My, my, already talking about 2017. It feels like just a couple months since I posted on the 2016 thread.

      I don't really have very many plans except for finishing up the dolls I already own. Get a few bodies for heads I own. Repaint some heads. That kind of thing.

      Maybe I'll start saving up for another doll. I'll possibly buy some more clothes, wigs and eyes.

      The main big thing I don't order this year, I'll order next year is an Iplehouse Chase. I've been wanting one for quite some time and I've already saved enough for him but I'm waiting for a few months before I decide to hit that buy button.
    20. I am going to buy Ginger and baby lamb (also named baby Aga) of Mia's baby doll in 2017:DSome 1/4 dolls (40-45 cm) are also on my list but I may not take them next year, maybe take them in 2018.