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DollFamily -H and -A mini dolls discussion

Dec 18, 2009

    1. Your doll looks so good, the jointed hands were definitely worth it.
    2. Does anyone know if the newer 1/4th version of Qing Lang has the different mouth pieces? I believe the 1/3rd version did, right?
    3. I have a lot of parts in normal pink for slim body, but never got around to get the actual girl slim body itself xD

      And now I wonder if hands or feet from slim line would fit yao tiao version?

      I kinda want to make a hybrid for minifee, and get a color match, but I don't know if slim body or yao tiao will look better... also I saw information on weibo about some new 1/4 body being released with Shampoo head? Is it like a 3rd version of their 1/4 girl body?
    4. @forged_in_mess - I was just looking at photos of both of the bodies today, thinking if parts would be compatible as well - I think the hands of the slim body are a lot smaller and would look proportionally too small/odd on the yao tiao body (tbh I think the slim body's hands are already a little bit too small for the body they belong to). The yao tiao body also seems to require a bigger wrist ball so the slim body hands might get lost in the socket, too. But that's all just from looking at pictures, I don't have the bodies and parts to compare in real life.

      EDIT: just saw that legend doll has a hand comparison if you scroll all the way down: 21% OFF BJD Yao Tiao Body Girl Body Ball-jointed doll_DOLL FAMILY_BODY_DOLL PARTS_BJD,Legenddoll,bjd,Ball jointed doll,BJD accessories
      #384 cobaltconduct, Feb 11, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
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    5. I wish the yao tiao hands would work with the slim 1/4 body. I think the original hands are a bit too small.
    6. Got my shipping notification last night for my body :chibi
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    7. It might be too early still but wondering if anyone has received their Yao Tiao body yet and can share some pics/say a few words about the poseability? I'm really unsure from the company pics but I like the aesthetic of it.
    8. I just got my shipping notice! She's coming by Fedex so it shouldn't be long.
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    9. Exciting! How long ago did you order?
    10. I placed the order on December 6th. So not too bad!
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    11. That's not too bad indeed! Hope the shipping will be swift as well :)
    12. I got my body in, I forgot to share it on DoA but here were my notes:
      I was surprised to find the body actually came wired, so she holds poses and transitional poses very solidly (especially in the elbows). Her thigh mobility joint has divets going all around it on the inside, so it can be rotated in the socket too. Thee hand parts are a bit hard to change because the wire makes it difficult to pull the hooks out and push them back in, but I am really liking the body overall.
      Let me get you some pictures : )
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    13. @cobaltconduct I wasnt sure what poses to do, but in any case I had to stop at a certain point. Here are some pictures:


      This first one is taken from my phone. The head is a Muhan's doll Yuna (both resins are in 'soom tawny' and a pretty close match). I ended up with two heel feet pairs but these are the extra parts I got. By the way, she came with a large S hook head/part puller, spare kips and spare hooks.

      I only changed one of her hands out, because the other one the wire is so in the way that I can't twist the hook and get it out in order to change her hands. Something I might have to fiddle with, but I really don't want to...


      Here she is next to my Narae bodies. The Narae bodies have silicone kips in the joints, especially thick custom silicone pads in the hip joints.


      I wanted to show off how well she can hold her arms and rotate her elbows side to side at just about any angle. She is balancing carefully with her legs together in that pose.


      Narae is doing the same pose next to her, but her arms are a bit loose and can't as solidly hold every position. Narae Fusion can do the same poses with her arms well enough, but her legs and ankles just don't want to move that way at all. Her ankles dont bend forward far enough, and in my opinion neither do her knees allow her calves go forward far enough. her legs seem like they can't bear the weight of her torso as well.


      This is as far forward as she can bend. She can hardly bend backwards at all. This is pretty par for the course for a body that doesn't have the torso joint cut at the middle of the body under the rib cage, it's actually pretty good in my opinion for just a bust joint in terms of bending forward. She can bend in increments thanks to multiple ridges in her back. Her leg does not go up as high as the others, but it is good especially with her forward mobility for making a more natural reclining position.


      Here she is bent a little less forward.


      Here is another pose to showcase the stability of her arms and legs. Because of the wiring, she can stand with her back leg bent at the knee and still stand up. I tried to recreate the pose with my Narae, but unortunately her ankles were not meant to bend quite so side to side (but she could do it by rotating just from the thigh joint instead) and I gave her ankle a crack. I figured I might as well stop there and fix her up before I do anymore comparisons.:sweat
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    14. Thank you so much @aestellica ! This is a very useful comparison :) Also shows how wrong I got the scale in my head because I somehow assumed bimong bodies would look much much smaller/petite next to it... But it seems like the yao tiao is very slender after all!
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    15. @cobaltconduct Yes, the only body/doll I have that's pretty out of scale with these is my Myoudoll, she's noticeably bogger/thicker which was also why I didn't put here together in the lineup. Glad it helps! Feel free to request more pictures.
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    16. I got my body today :XD: I’m very happy with it- very close match to an older DIM head I bought it for :chibiwill post pictures later and compare it to similar resins :3
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    17. If you have a chance, would you be able to take a photo of the body with a souldoll girl head? I saw you had a Kuu so I figured I'd ask! I've been thinking of getting this body for Aehael since it first released, but I know sometimes souldoll heads fit... oddly on other company bodies, so I've been putting it off since I've been a bit nervous :'D Originally I was going to get the slim girl body for Aehael, but this one looks gorgeous so I've been considering switching it over.
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    18. @Epona These are just quick snaps from my phone but here you go!

      I think the Aehel head and Kuu head are similar in size based on photos of the heads on the Souldoll body. I think the Kuu head actually looks good, and it works especially well because the Yao Tiao hands are maturely and finely sculpted, so it helps the head to look in scale with the body.

      The head movement range is also really good because of the silicone kip at the neck. I'm pretty sure the body came with it and I didn't use one of my own kips, if I remember right.

      For reference and searchability, this is the Souldoll Kuu V. head from 2017 in sandy brown on the new DF-H yao tiao body in Soom tawny / Soom light tan.



      I rotated her legs inward here at the thigh joints just to show it could do that, but I had to face the feet outward to have her stand since I don't have any doll stands.



      Let me know if you need anything else, hope this helps : )

      I got my Kuu head for a boy character so many years ago, but I'm not going to lie, this is really tempting me to use this body, haha!
      #398 aestellica, May 8, 2024
      Last edited: May 8, 2024
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    19. Ooohh! This is a lovely combination! Thankyou so much! I've been really waiting on ordering this body since I was worried if Aehael was a wash, I wouldn't have a backup plan anytime soon. I have a vamp Kuu too and I can confirm Kuu and Aehael are very similar in size, thankyou! I was planning on ordering it in Switch milktea and getting Aehael color matched but I won't lie, this soom tawny match is REALLY pretty too, so I will have some things to mull over in the meantime. :XD: