1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollie Nightmares?

Jul 4, 2006

    1. I had one last night and my doll hasn't even come in yet. I had a dream that my doll came in the mail but his face was COVERED in black india ink. All over his face up (which I didn't order). I couldn't get the ink off no matter how hard I tried, it was very devastating.
    2. I had one about two nights ago... It wasn't actually about Nikki but he somehow ended up in my dream. I don't know if I was trying to comfort him (he's a sad boy ;A; maah) or if I just needed a cuddle. All I really remember is sitting on my floor, in front of my closet (where Nikki hangs out when I'm not around), and pulling Nikki up into my lap so I could hug him. As soon as his arms were around my neck, he pulled away and smiled this freakishly creepy, possessed smile at me x__x I think I woke up after that before moving on to the next dream... D8
    3. I had one when I first decided to buy a secondhand doll; in the dream I got her in the mail and she turned out to be a horrible resin blow-up doll. (I work at a porn shop, so this isn't quite as strange as it sounds.) I woke up very worried!
    4. I don't usually ever remember my dreams. But last night just really stood out to me D: Here is the scenario:

      For some reason *I don't remember* I had Kori with me at school. We were in my English class, and I had to get up to do something, so I left him on my desk. When I came back this horrid girl in my class was admiring him, picking him up. When I asked for him back she was really snotty and started purposefully rubbing his face-up, harshly, with her fingers...

      Then I woke up Dx
    5. I have a fairly recurring situation in which I have a BUNCH of dolls, but I've done awful things to their faces, like sanded their lips off so I can't even sell them. And I don't remember buying them, but know they must have been expensive and can't figure out why on earth I have them in the first place.

      I did have one awful dream where the two dolls I had at the time were out on a display in the middle of my high school (except it wasn't my high school, though I haven't been there in ages, so it could be) and it was inside but facing the sun and they MELTED! And I wondered (within the dream) if I could at least send my LE's head in to Volks to get a replacement or if they could fix her ... ha.

      Generally with the recurring dream it's a situation where I need to get out of somewhere fast and can't seem to find all my dolls. I know they're expensive so I want to rescue them quickly, but then I have all those disfigured heads and whatnot ... last time I was on a pirate ship in the middle of a storm. Had to find all my dolls (including the random deformed ones) and take them to the safety of the princess's room on land ...
    6. I had a dream that I was in Australia(I live in Washington)on a super secret mission to do something. I was on the beach when Dog, the bounty hunter, and Alice come skipping across the sand to play in the water. I was kinda freaked out because a) Alice was about the size of me b) she was still a doll but she could talk c) the sun was beating down on her pretty face and skin! I was a little upset because I didn't want her to yellow but then when I got closer, I realized she had sun screen on. o_O Then I woke up.
    7. when I was waiting for freya to arrive I would have dreams that she was like barbie doll sizes. Or that she was damaged.
    8. I had my DoD Delphine named AnnMarie on my bed and I had the most creepiest dream that she was biting me in my back when I turned away from her and I remember picking her up in my dream and telling her "No don't bite me AnnMarie stop!" And her fangs would retrack to smaller size, but the minute I would put her down she would bite me again, I tell ya I woke up and stared at her and thought maybe I should sell her:(. I have never had such a terrible dream like that with one of my dolls before and it still creeps me out. I don't feel as close to her now since then.
    9. When I'm about to buy a new doll I tend to have nightmares about things going terrible wrong with my ordering.

      Once I had a dream in which I, insted of a DM Dean, got a DS Saint (no particular reason why this sculpt) with a dark tan peeling off, ugly wig glued to the head, terrible face-up and a tutu... O_o; Yes, my mind is in fact very meddes up. X3
    10. My dreams (the nightmarish ones) about my dolls usually involves someone handling them and then dropping them from the highest point they could manage on level ground. (and then, naturally, shattering into a billion tiny pieces)
      Or having something important chip off (like half a leg or something) or losing their entire faceup thanks to humidity or someone getting too adament about wanting to move their hair out of their eyes :(
    11. Last night I had one again. I finished the face-up I wanted to do yesterday and after that I went to sleep and dreamed that there were hundreds of heads when I woke up. Unpainted and screaming to get a face right away. Even the dolls I have were there and wanted to be painted anew. *_*
      I woke up and began to laugh but it's still interesting...

    12. 2 night ago I had a dream in with I got another tiney, the nightmare part is waking up and discovering that it was just a dream =_=;
    13. lol the dreams about yellowing resinXD One of my also involved yellow resin-- my new doll came yellow as piss and his legs were like Sard's and Beryl's extra parts D: What a nightmare!
    14. I had a nightmare just last night. It was very odd.. It was about my pipos bao limited. In my dream he was bigger, about SD size I think. I had been carrying him around some shop or something, and suddenly he fell out of my arms and landed face first on the floor, or street.. for some reason I remember the ground being cobbled... and he chipped his nose..so I took him home and tried to fix it. I sanded his nose off and under the nose was a real dog nose...O.o.. It was just so weird and strange, thats when I woke up.
    15. I haven't recieved my doll yet and I've had like a million dreams about her. I think it's nerves! I'm afraid she'll be broken when I get her.

      My first dream was that she arrived and when I opened the box SHE WASN'T THERE! O_O

      Then the following night I had a dream when she arrived and she was in pieces. A single note from D.O.D read "Dear Customer, Good luck with your new doll. We did not put her together because you did not select that option. Thank you for your purchase!"

      Then I had a dream that the mailman dropped her through the window and she broke.

      Theeeeeeen I had a dream that someone stole her and broke her right in front of me and threw her all over the lawn. I had to pick up her torn pieces.

    16. Since I got Mira, she has slept next to my head every night except for two. Once I had fallen asleep in the living room on accident and left her in my room. The other time I had her clothed and dressed for early morning departure and both times I had terrible dreams. The first she had fallen on my floor and snapped in itty bitty pieces and I watched her soul fly away. ><

      The other I had been up with my dad watching ghost things in the living room with him and was too scared of an apparition on the camera that they recorded. Mira had been possessed by the ghost and was laughing at me, telling me that she hated me because she didn't have her sister and wanted me dead. I woke up crying. D:
    17. The other day, I had a nightmare that, when my first doll arrived, it was made out of really, really cheap plastic, and I couldn't love it because the body was so ugly and cheap. It was not fun. :(
    18. I've had a reoccurring one about my boys faceup and resin. I pick him up and he's all cracked and begins to rot before my eyes. I've had that one more then once. *shudders*
    19. Im waiting for my Bobobie Isabelle to arrive, I ordered her used off ebay, and I had a dream that she got here and she couldnt stand, and her head kept falling off. *_* Im so worried that she will be broken when she gets here :horror:
    20. I had a dream the other night where I was back at "home" - that is, the house I grew up in, that my parents sold a couple of years ago (and I haven't lived in for a long time) - but I was my current age, everything. I was convinced that there was some thief on the property, and I was trying to find him, so I could stop him. My siblings were there, and no one believed me, but I knew there was a thief.

      I finally found him in my dad's shop, but he had my dolls, and he was pounding them on an anvil - I have no idea why someone would be working on resin on an anvil, believe me.

      I yelled at the guy, and I suddenly had a shotgun, and was threatening him with it, so he laughed, and threw my dolls at me, but somehow, as they were flying through the air, their elastics all came undone, and they all fell apart...

      I woke up hyperventilating!