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Dollmore Fashion Doll Discussion

Jul 28, 2015

    1. My Granado has a small head, wears a 4-5 wig, but I do worry about the short torsos. My big glamor model looks short when sitting with other dolls in the same height range so I was wondering if that is true of the fashion dolls too.
    2. Unfortunately I don't have any other of the more realistic types of MSDs to compare them sitting, but I sat one of my DM guys and measured from seat cushion to top of head, and it was 8 inches/24cm. Hope that helps!
    3. Thank you!!!!! My Granado is 8.8 inches.:thumbup
    4. I finally got around to ordering a strung arm set for my fashion gal. She's really old and had the completely garbage magnet arms and thus I never played with her or photographed her because her hands fell off constantly.

      I'll probably have to purposefully yellow the arms a little to match her but it will be worth it. I really love the 16 inch fashion line!
    5. I'm looking at Thelma... Has anyone got her yet or is she too new? I loooove her sculpt, I wish Dollmore would show blank sculpts too though... So hard to see through their face-ups... But I am VERY tempted to buy Thelma right now because of their sale...
    6. I have totally bought her! She's gorgeous blank, even! I bought just the head to hybrid on a Resinsoul single-jointed body and it looks amazing!


      To be fair, her feet and hands are too big for this body, so I am looking for alternatives, but I like having her on less of a model body. If you need better pictures of the head, just let me know!
      • x 2
    7. I really like her on ResinSoul, @TasiaChiba and I'm kind of a sucker for big hands and feet, LOL. I never noticed RS bodies had such large hands and feet??? I'm curious though, would the head also fit on the MNF body? Maybe not color wise, but it looks like that might look good too, as long as the neck isn't too big?!

      I've always been a sucker for Sara, she has been a draw for .... ever! But I'm not crazy about dollmore bodies, just not my favorite. But now I see I could buy some of the heads, including Sara. Why don't they offer more heads for sale? Also, they don't show how to tell them which head you want, kind of weird???

      I do have chic-line dolls, and I think these are a little taller, but gosh, if I could put the head on a mnf body, that would seal the deal, as I like the realistic proportions and I'd be able to build up my crew in the chic-line size :D Dollmore has some really cool faces. Especially the boys!
    8. @IngieBee : I'll show her on the MNF body for you tomorrow after work ~ ^_^ As for ordering, they buried the comment that says to leave the model name in the comments when you purchase, heh. That's what I did. I don't mind the big feet, but for her I do want to find some smaller hands. And there is a definite size difference between the single jointed body and the doubles~
    9. Thank you @TasiaChiba!! Your girl looks great!! I took the plunge and ordered my own full Thelma last night. Along with a few sets of clothes, wigs and eyes hahaha. Can't wait!! Could you perhaps take a picture of your girl's face from straight ahead?

      I also have a Chicline and I found a comparison pic on Flickr, the Dollmore girls are a lot taller, about 4-5 cm. I'm 6'3" and it could be me and my shortest friend tbh :lol:
    10. Ah, so nice to be tall! Yah, I know the Dollmores are taller, but their heads are similar, no? I'll check out flickr see if I can find that comparison. Thanks @Evelien :D Couldn't find the comparison but checked the site, and Dollmores are also 5" wigs, so I think they'd look great together?? Especially if I use a different body :)
      #51 IngieBee, Feb 15, 2021
      Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
    11. Ehhh I wish I wasn't THIS tall though :lol:. I found the comparison for you, Chicline and Dollmore are on the left, and yes their head sizes match:
    12. @Evelien : Sure! I have some from when she arrived, but not uploaded. I'll so that when I get home and post as well.

      So glad you went for her! Which fullset did you choose?

      Also, the dollshe body looks like a good possible body as well!!
    13. Wonderful, thank you so much :D

      @TasiaChiba , looks like there are a lot of bodies to choose from, I might be able to go larger and put them with my Iplehouse FIDs? But if the head fits the Chiclines, then I'd be happy to expand that group out :D

      Listen to me! I'm supposed to STOP buying dolls :doh
    14. Thanks! I didn't buy a fullset, just a blank doll. :) I'll do her face-up myself. I just got her a few loose pieces like 3 pairs of trousers, a dress, a shirt, underpants etc. :D
      • x 1
    15. Well, I randomly checked out this thread, which was a mistake as I liked the Resinsoul hybrid above so much I instantly bought a Thelma head of my own to make a hybrid! :XD: Yes, I have no impulse control and it was the fact they had a sale for only until the end of the day that swayed me... I intend to try the head on a Withdoll (old) girl body to be a teenager next to my FID and Raccoondolls, and hopefully it will look in scale! So I've ordered it blank to hopefully get a younger looking face-up for her.

      So, uh, thanks everyone for enabling me, I guess? :lol:
      • x 2
    16. sale??? Wait I didn't see that last night, is it still going on? ...? Aw, I don't see a sale, you must have caught it in their sale corner??
    17. It might be over now depending on time zones - it was on the side, a blue image saying 8% off store wide. It happened automatically once you checked out but not before that!
    18. Oh, OK, well, I'll see if it happens :D
    19. Oh my goodness! It seems we have a Thelma buying spree! * __ * <3

      @IngieBee : I attempted to swap heads tonight, but I underestimated just how tightly Fairyland strung this body... @_@ And coupled with the fact I cut my dominant thumb yesterday, I wasn't able to get the quick change mech off today. I'm still going to attempt it later, but for now I took some comparative photos.

      The first photo is with her on the Resinsoul neck side-by-side with the Minifee. I did close measurements, too, for you! The RS neck measures at 6.3cm, give a centimeter, and the Minifee measures just at where the quick change mech lies on the neck itself at 6.7cm. The Minifee tapers smaller after that point, which leads me to believe the Thelma head will fit much better than I expect. All else fails, the slightest sanding will even it out. Proportionally, she looks rather good!


      The second photo is a collage of two images, the first of that which is with the head placed at the exact height it should lie on the neck itself. The second is above it, but better perspective so that you can see proportion better.


      @Evelien : These images above also have a full-front shot, too! You can even see her teeeeethies!!! (Well, one "fused" tooth, hahaha!) Also, I realized I read full as fullset. I absolutely cannot wait to see what you do with her! I'm so excited other people are interested in her as well. She's just so amazing in person.

      EDIT: I should have asked if you wanted a full-front photo for mockups. If so, let me know, and I'll be sure to post a clear, just head shot for that purpose.

      @morganatron : I have absolutely been looking at Withdoll bodies as potential hybrids as well! I had been looking at photos and trying to find some of Withdolls with dolls I might have on hand or have seen to get a better idea of proportions. Would love to find a photo with Resinsoul + Withdoll side-by-side to give me an idea. I have also considered trying the RS Rong body, but it might be a gamble.

      As for Raccoondolls, I totally tried this head on one of my girls. The proportions looked great, though the head still appeared juuuust a tad small (not enough to disuade me), but the neck absolutely has to be sanded down to work best. Also, I didn't do it for the images, but you would definitely need a smaller s-hook for Thelma's head. The RD s-hook was waaay too large and I couldn't close her headcap! I also tried it on my FMD Chris' body and it also looks amazing! It looks so amazing I almost want to get another Thelma head to put on this body. However, I'm leaning towards looking at another head, just haven't decided which.


      I might have a teeeeensie tiiiiiiny love of hybriding! ^_^