1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollmore Fashion Doll Discussion

Jul 28, 2015

    1. So I'm really excited to get, at least my heads, and I've warmed up to the Dollmore body, LOL. It's really not that bad. I'm thinking about getting Neo Erico ??? Anyone have Erico? I haven't seen many pictures of her.
    2. No, sorry!!! I blame my pregnancy haha. Right now we're turning our house upside down to prepare the nursery and I've put my dolls away for a bit. I'll do it asap!
    3. Oh dear, please don't ! You have enough going on! I didn't realize or else I totally forgot, sorry! Congratulations :D Sounds like your first, how wonderful!!! Do not add extra stress to your life with dollies, they should only bring you joy. And don't worry if the living baby doll takes over for a while, That's just how it goes :D :D :D My baby baby came over last night for a family game of D&D, LOL. I still love them all and they give me joy just like when they were babies. It's a wonderful future you will have :D
      • x 1
    4. Thank you!!! I really can't wait!!! And omg you play D&D too?! So do my husband and I! I found out I'm having a baby girl, I hope to be able to inspire our daughter to start playing too!!
    5. LOL, my husband is creative and DMs all the time, so it's a nice family game for us. We're missing one kid who is off at college... forever. They're going to be an academic I'm pretty sure, yuck, LOL. It sucks though, they had to sign a contract for appartment, then there was no class for a year and a half now. Could have saved money, but whatever :(
    6. My husband DMs too, and so do I, occasionally! Fun!!!
      Ugh yeah, covid must have their plans turned upside down :(
    7. At least they can learn remotely, my other two didn't attend college this year at all. They don't do well remotely so they didn't want to spend the tuition. One lives with my mother and couldn't work and risk exposing her, so she took up art. She surprises me at what she can do!
    8. Ugh, why do I want my heads to ship so badly? I don't have their bodies, and I can't paint them until I do, LOL. But of all the stuff I've bought, this is what I want to come home :doh

      Anyways, I got an email today from Dollmore, and they have another Spring sale. It's 3% off plus their 3% coupon or some such. Doesn't seem as good as last time, but it's enough to get me looking at Jaden again. I'm going to have to wait to get more though because I have just paid off the Resinsoul bodies and still have 3 layaways. I went nuts with wigs too, and ordered some extra parts for another doll from DDE. I really need to cool my heels, it's getting bad :doh
    9. Man I'm glad this thread is still kicking around. I feel like nobody talks about the dollmore fashion sold snd the reception they get in doll discord isn't always that enthusiastic.

      This last year I finally got some fully strung arms for Victoria (dollmore misia) she had the magnet hands one originally and I couldn't pose her without her hands falling off instantly. The new arms are way less yellowed but they'll mellow with time
      • x 4
    10. Yaaay, she's gorgeous, @T2P and congrats on the arm upgrade! How long did it take them to arrive from ordering?? I'm so antsy for my Sara and Eya !!!! I remember you had the arms on order, did you just put them on? Oh she has such a pretty faceup, is it from Dollmore? :love:love:love
    11. I actually requested they make a listing on eBay because I have problems occasionally with the dollmore website and they graciously did. It took about 2 weeks to get stateside and then maybe a week hung in customs. Not bad at all.

      It was kind of funny that they kept stressing over and over that the parts would not match my doll and I was like guys it's fine she'd way old I'm not expecting a perfect match up lol
    12. @-T2P- I know, I guess a lot of people just don't understand and are not flexible so they're trying to make sure people understand that ahead of time.

      I'm so antsy for my heads! I'm hoping my Resinsoul bodies will get here at the same time, but I want my heads more than anything!!! Ugh!! And I'm still hoping that I can get them to work on the withdoll bodies. I know it may look weird to some but if you look at a Tyler Wentworth head and neck, you'd see the neck is much more like a human's in that it is usually thicker. I'm looking at a 2mm difference on each side, and think it might work, it's very little. I'm so excited! But it's only been one month Ugh! :doh:atremblin
    13. I think that will work just fine! Most dolls are pretty bobble headed and a slightly thicker neck so long as the connection point at the head looks right.

      With the arms. I ordered I'm pretty sure they have them ready to go along with hand and feet parts so there's no casting or prep time. They just toss them In the mail and away they go.
    14. Ah, well, I'm glad for you that it went fast, and frankly if I got mine in 2 months, that's fast, really fast from my experiences. Doesn't make me less jumpy though. In fact it makes me worse, LOL
    15. Ugh, it's only been a little over 1 month, and I'm so tired of waiting! I have no right, but ugh! I want to see these heads soooooo badly! I have no patience for this particular order (or those Withdoll bodies which will take even longer I'm sure!) Ughhhhh
    16. Same!!! It's also been a month for me and I just want them to arrive??? Because it's been such a horrible year (for everyone!) and I just want my new doll to make me feel better, damn it!!!! Well, new doll head. Which I will put on a doll body. :) But I'm just so keen to see if it works or not!!!

      And back on the idly wondering about hybrids train... I wonder how a FMD head would look on a Luts Model Delf body? I wonder!
    17. Been wondering that myself! I've been looking at so many bodies that might work, and model Delf looks very nice. I have two sets of bodies coming in for my heads, the withdoll ones that I hope will work out or the ResinSoul Shi with added mobility joint. But with those, I asked for a special color that I was hoping would work for my Fairyland head/heads So no matter what I choose, the colors will all be off, ROFL. The only thing I regret is that because of the need to match colors, I can't have dollmore do the faceup which I'm sure would look better than anything I could do :doh I really hope I'll do a decent job??? But then it's fun to take on a challenge so I also look forward to it :D

      You know, when we get our dolls, we're going to need to spam this thread and wake it up :D

      Hey, @-T2P- , Hows about more pictures of your incredibly gorgeous Misia? We need support, I need life support photos while I wait, LOL
      #137 IngieBee, Mar 31, 2021
      Last edited: Mar 31, 2021
    18. Yeah, even when I get the head it will still be a long wait until the doll is finished, as I'll have to send her off for a face-up as that is, uh, NOT one of my skills. :D It's a shame I couldn't get the company one, as it's lovely, but I want her to look younger and it's more of a glamourous lady face-up, so that won't work! Also there might have to be some blushing to match the body, so it's not worth the risk. Trouble is I'm still not sure the postal service is reliable enough to send things overseas at the moment... I guess I'll see once she's here. And definitely take photos to show off the hybrid possibilities!
    19. That's my next hurdle, to get the gumption to send my heads to some of those amazing artists in Europe and Asia and beyond. I'm already a nervous wreck sending them out within my own country!

      But I figure I can always do that, and try it for myself in the meantime. I've been learning newer techniques and enjoy trying even if my dolls don't look professional, they can still be cute (and I can always use hair to hide those brows! LOL)
    20. I know!!! I usually use Matahatas who does an amazing jobs on the tiny heads - she did all but one of my Raccoondolls - but she's in Russia and I'm in Australia, so I just don't know if I can trust the parcel to get there at the moment!!! And I can't find anyone at all locally, so I'm stuck!