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Dollmore Glamour Model Guys

Jun 20, 2011

    1. ...But I'm totally loving that couch!
    2. Thank you!:blush Another of my crafty ideas spurred on by the upholstery fabric my sister gave me.:3nodding:
    3. I think you did it justice! Looks store bought!
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    4. Does anyone have a Glamour Model head on the Dollmore male Model body? I'm looking for a skinnier version of the Glamour Model body but wondering if the head would look ridiculously huge on that thinner body. It looks like the height is the same.
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    5. @SteamWitch & @aernath - i've been bitten by the Nayuta Kenzo bug... i love the blue the most, but alas retired. they have violet now, and the "return of nature" version. i wish they had a high contrast greyscale version.
      i don't think i'm into the red version, he's a little darth maul there for me haha.
      am i crazy, or does the company photo for "return to nature' have facial hair? I wonder if i can ask them to leave it off the face up? do you guys think the violet has really low contrast against the background colour?
      it's so funny, i run into your dolls in so many threads of ones i'm interested in, or have. :lol:
      you've shared so many nice pictures, thank you
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    6. Hi @Grimalkin Yes they are amazing boys. The 'return to nature' does have facial hair but I assume it is added later so it may be possible to ask for it not to be added. I liked it so I added facial hair to my Blue Epoch boy and I'm adding colors to mine also.
      [​IMG]Azure Steelheart Day 53 by SteamWitch, on Flickr
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    7. I am so waffling. I really like the violet too! Especially with those violet eyes. I do like how your boy has a lot of non-tattooed skin on his face for contrast.

      how do you feel about his posing capabilities?
    8. oh, wow! I haven't looked in a long time. the Nature one is very cool. My blue man hangs out with his buddies Glam models DB Ripley and Calix. I should take some new pix of them during the holidays. I'm surprised how untouched blue man is after all these years. no chipping even with moderate playtime. :love
    9. They pose pretty well for a long legged boy. They have a very short torso compared to other bjd males this size. Sitting side by side with another 70cm bjd he looks like a 65cm. The tattoos are sort of etched into the resin but the color in the joints do tend to rub a bit. It's something you need to know if you are going to play with him. I think having to touch up the joint area with color is just part of enjoying my Azure to the max. Here are the three of our local BJD groups tattooed boys. you can see the rubbed spot on my Blue Epoch, just under his torso joint, because he is the most tightly strung. The others are loosely strung which is less like to rub at the joints.
      [​IMG]three tattooed boys by SteamWitch, on Flickr
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    10. @petiteballerine - yes please add to the tattoo-fest, want to see your Glam crew!

      I am so torn between Violet and Nature. i think Violet will work more with the current crew i have, but i think Nature looks more "human" if that makes sense, but he's not hyper-realistic as say Dollshe. i wish i could get both but i'm already in trouble... :chomp:
      you know as soon as i commit to one they will release a greyscale cuz that's my life. :lol:

      @SteamWitch - i love that pic. so cool you have 3 local! and that's really good to hear that the blushing is pretty stable. even the spot on the torso isn't as bad as i would imagine it could be. touching him up won't be a big deal to me. Did you use a sealant spray on yours?
    11. Yes, I used an extra layer of sealant on my boy. Didn't seem to make much of a difference on the few places that rubbed naturally, though suedeing with moleskin seemed to help the most over the torso joint.
      Ah yes, I thought I'd missed out when the brown one sold out but I did finally get the 9th of 10 of the Blue boy. I don't think a grey one will come out soon due to four(suntan, nature, violet and red) still having more available.
    12. well i went ahead and did a "bad" thing... so i put Nature on layaway and they said they could leave his little scruffy beard off which was super nice of them. it was really hard to decide since there is also something really special about the violet one. but, if they come out with a greyscale one, he might get a doppelgänger/evil twin haha.

      What type of sealant did you wind up using?
    13. I actually used Krylon Archival Acrylic matt, the one they say 'don't use' because it is hard to remove. I didn't want my tattoos to be removed so I figured it couldn't hurt.
    14. thank you, that's great! at least we get to use someone else's research for a positive result :lol:
      i'm still a little giddy, will be very excited to see him in summer.
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    15. So glad to hear someone else succumbing to Mr tattoo! I find myself wanting every single version they release. Sadly (ha), I have to be content with my two boys. They really deserve a lot more photos. They are such fascinating creatures!
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    16. You can use them as hybrids too. I have a weird story line that allows Azure (Nayuta) to mass hypnotize everyone into thinking he has an untattooed face, hands and feet, becoming Steele. I used Granado V-01 with Dollshe Arsene's gesture hands and feet.
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    17. @SteamWitch - he looks great! i love those hands and that blue hair :3nodding:
      i hadn't thought too much about hybrids since the neck size was listed at 11.5, it's bigger than a lot of my others. How true is that measurement?

      @aernath - and i do keep looking at the violet, wishing i could get another. pathological i tell you... heh
    18. speaking of blue hair, Timo doesn't get a lot of attention in photos, but he should just be grateful he still has his body.I bought him for another head and instead of getting just a body, I got a whole doll with full set!


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    19. @Grimalkin It is 11.5 the Granado boys have big neck holes so they fit really well. I don't know about any others because I haven't tried.
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