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Dollmore - Illua Doll Discussion Thread - Part 1

Jul 23, 2016

    1. @Studio404 Thank you sooo much for all the pictures. However, as I think the discussion threads technically have a one picture per post limit, you may need to either put all the pictures under a spoiler tag, or better yet, create a thread in the picture reference section of the board, so others can also find the comparisons easily in the future. These are all seriously great.:whee:
    2. @Cloudedmind hey, thanks, I could move it to another thread. But in the interest of also keeping it here, what is a spoiler tag, and how do I use it? Please pm me if you can help, thanks!
    3. @Studio404 You are amazing!! :D Thank you so much for so many photographs!
      I lol'd at the Illua head on the Dollzone body (I love the look of body so much though - must buy one eventually) but it might just be the angle. The length of the neck on both the Dollzone and Baby Delf bodies look pretty good on the Illua head, which is a good surprise to me. I always have a hard time hybriding heads because of neck length issues, so I'm really glad to see the DZ and Baby Delf bodies might work on some other heads if I bought them!
      It's so strange how she really does seem to look best on the SD10, but I think with clothes on she might also look alright with the Baby Delf body, even though she looks a bit funny on it when naked... I'm actually thinking of getting a Baby Delf to take its body for my Illua head and then giving one of my SD heads the Illua body. For some reason I think the Illua head looks a little small on the Illua body. Your reference pictures are so useful!!! I saved them to my computer and phone and will be staring at them for the next few weeks, deciding which body to buy for my Illua head.
      I now want to weigh my Illua on a scale! I can't believe yours is only 6 ounces lighter than the SD10! I thought it would be much more. Mine felt so light. It might all have been in my imagination :lol: I need to find my gram scale now.

      I have to try to put my girl in a cross-legged position! Yours look adorable sitting like that. Also yes, mine too came with a huge amount of eye putty. I was quite shocked when I opened up her head haha
    4. @Studio404 I actually have another question about the Illua doll and the Baby Delf - how is the resin match? I'm not a huge stickler for perfect resin matching, but I'm wondering if the Luts normal skin is too dark to be paired for an Illua head (and so I should instead consider a Luts white skin body). In your pictures, the normal skin body looks great with the Illua head but I'm not sure if it's just the lighting!
    5. @ker246 thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the pictures!
      I agree, I do think illua could be quite cute on the dollzone body. The pictures that really crack me up are the baby heads on the illua body! ROTFLOL*cries*
      ...I had to check what I wrote down, but Illua is actually about 12oz lighter than SD10!!! That's 3/4 of a pound! :o

      The resin match between the Illua ns and baby delf ns are quite close. My guess is that white skin would be too pale. The baby delf ns comes out almost the same in my camera in daylight. To the eye there is more of a difference, but just slightly ~ the baby delf is darker and more yellow. But I think it is a close enough match, especially once the head has a faceup, I think it would be hardly noticable!
    6. Oh LOL I was looking at the weight difference between the Baby Delf and the Illua! No wonder I was confused about 6 ounces :lol: Yeah that 3/4 pound with the SD10 is serious weight!

      Both the Baby Delf and DZ heads look truly ridiculous on the Illua body. It's as if their faces are expressing "help me" ahaha especially Maca!

      I'm so excited at your response to the Luts resin! I'm really considering getting a Baby Delf body now for my Illua head. I would buy the DZ body but sometimes Alice's Collections has 10% off DZ and so I will wait for that to pop up again, plus I can't decide if I want to buy the Natalia head+body (full doll) because she looks lovely.

      I just remembered that I should try my 37cm Alice in Labyrinth body with the Illua head. It might be far too small but I should try just for kicks since it's the only MSD-sized body I have right now. Hopefully I'll get that done this weekend and finally do big and Little Dahlia pictures. Been trying to get a similar wig and eye colors so they can really match nicely. I'm sad Dollmore discontinued their custom clothing size service, because I would have loved matching outfits.
    7. Dollmore has plain Mary Janes and boots up for Illua!
      • x 1
    8. @ker246 I'm really looking forward to seeing the pictures of your illua and lusion together! I'd also be interested to see your AiL head swap!

      I was really sad about Dollmore discontinuing the custom size service too! (I'm trying really hard to see it as motivation to sew more myself, lol) I'm hoping they catch on though, and try to make things matching to the lusion size!

      On that note, I also mentioned in an email to Dollmore an interest in seeing an Illua size dreaming Dahlia headmold, and they seemed to like the idea. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! (Even though I have no idea where I'd find the money, lol)
      • x 1
    9. Ugh Dollmore seems to have a monopoly on my wallet, so a sleeping Dahlia sculpt would absolutely have to come home with me! It would be fantastic if they designed one with fully closed eyes and not partially-closed eyes like the sleeping Lusion Dahlia. I always wanted the sleeping Lusion's eyes to be a bit more closed, if not completely shut.

      Thanks so much for the link, Nancy! I love seeing the Illua next to an Alexia doll as well as theadorable matching dresses pic with the Lusion!
    10. I purchased the Chololate Noir. I am crazy for red heads and I like the darker makeup. It there a way for you to take a photo of the seam lines? I have her on layaway and if the seams are that bad, maybe I can add the sanding service still to my order.

    11. Studio404, I just bought this doll ( the noir version) and
      ker 246 mentioned the seam lines being more pronounced in the torso and feet. I had requested a photo from her, but I was wanting to ask you as well if you could supply a picture as well. Just to compare, please if you don't mind! :)
      #92 loveusps, Jan 15, 2017
      Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
    12. I think it was someone else who reported seam lines on the hands and feet. I'll try to check my girl later. Things are in disarray after finding a roof leak in my doll room! Luckily there was no major damage!
    13. It was ker246, sorry about that.
    14. Hi! I'm out most of today but I can take photos for you tomorrow if that's okay?
    15. Seams vary from doll to doll. If seams both you, I would recommend that you have them sanded.
    16. That would be great, Thank you!!
    17. They don't really bother me, but I would like to see how different they are from doll to doll. If the seam is severe, then I may have them sanded.
    18. I'm contemplating an Illua, have quite a few Lusions. I just ordered the Luts Daisy Elf Baby Delf, so she might need a friend. I really like the most recent set but I'm thinking about getting the blank version...or waiting to see if they release any of the other Lusion sculpts in this size. Love the comparison photos. Especially the one I believe that is the Lusion, Illua and Alexia? I honestly didn't realize how big Alexia was, might have to give her a second look.
    19. I have three Lusions also but I am really having fun with these new smaller children. Yes, that Is an Alexia in the comparison. I have Alexia, Illua and big babies from Myou and Xaga and a Spirit doll Healing Basil. I will do a comparison in the near future. I need to get everything back in place after a little leak in the roof.