1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollmore Judith Girls discussion part 1

Dec 31, 2010

    1. yup, dollmore customise most of their clothes for her size. you can put it in the comments when you order or ask if the outfits you want can be made in her size. i believe that most of the outfits add on an extra $10 USD to be customised for her though. but they are releasing new outfits for her soon.
    2. fweee just photoshopped a pic of Bekah! you cant see her new eyes but i couldn't get a good photo of them anyway ;; i'll try on the weekend ^^"

      view at deviantart or flickr
    3. wow my clothes from dollmore came yesterday! (wasnt even expecting it!) they fit Bekah very well, but i was having lots of personal issues last night and was in hysterics because her head kept falling off (which i've sold now). i'll take pics tonight and show you guys later xD

      but i've also seem to have found a crack on her right arm, on the top part. i need to take her apart and check but i'm nervous that it's just a seam. there shouldnt be any reason for her to be cracked, but i dont want to put pressure on it and accidentally break her. if it ends up breaking i'll ask dollmore if i can buy a replacement arm part off of them.

      @elsii no rona does not xD it's quite amusing =P
    4. Does this give you an idea? MNF with JID
    5. Wow KD! I never would have thought they were that big! They always look so feminine and dainty in pics by themselves

      *runs to get camera for GenGen*
      Pants are far too large, though if I could sew perhaps a dart or two in the back could fix that problem.
      Roma in BFC by elsiii, on Flickr
    6. GenGen, I edited my post on the last page to include a picture of Roma in BFC inc, and there are more on my flickr of her in MNF and Dollmore clothing.

      judith, rosette by elsiii, on Flickr
      Oh this dress is a mystery homemade job (not by me - I can't sew!) but it fits my chicline, my MNF and it JUST fits Roma. I can get the zip done up but not the clasp at at the top.
    7. Have you contacted Dollmore about it? They may make you the segment in question if you show them pictures of the crack...
    8. thats true. the only thing is that i bought bekah second hand. im going to take photos tonight. i dont want to unstring her to completely check it out without some new elastic. if i notice the crack get worse then i'll ask dollmore. i'm sure Jee (their english manager) will have a replacement part made no problem (i dont mind paying for it either).
    9. Wooooooooooo! I sent bekahs head to America for her faceup on monday, so I have a headless body at home xD
    10. At least it's a gorgeous body. :D

      Are you going to be sewing or otherwise creating outfits for her while her head is in furn parts? 'Cause she'd be pleased & surprised to come home to a wardrobe. ;)
    11. XD thats true. I'll be attempting to, but my sewing skills are nonexistent xD -gets out the sewing machine-

      I want to make a test oiran kimono for when i get my chicline girl xD may as well use bekah as a labrat xD
    12. Congrats to all who have their dolls shipping right now!!! I'm so happy for you!! Enjoy your beautiful girls!!! And Milky, I can't wait to see Starie!!!
    13. Thanks when she comes in hopefully you be in town and can see her ^_^
    14. I can't wait to her! I'm looking forward to meeting her! :D
    15. Yeah! The girl me and uldred ordered was handed to customs yesterday. I have no hopes, that she'll go through just like that, but, hey! at least I can get her soon. Maybe even this week! That would be sooo awesome. My girl is looking forward to her new body :)
      Now, I'll have to wait for the letter from customs, so I can drive there and get her ... meaning getting up at 6 in the morning(so I can get there and back before work) *yawn* what we do for our resin lovelies.
    16. Guess who made a surprise appearance!!! She was last tracked at JFK Customs yesterday afternoon, but she's HERE!!! omg she's so beautiful!!! I'll have box opening pics soon, but OMG I love her! She's SO my little Mouse! The only sad thing I'd DM sent me the wrong size shoes I ordered with her... So she doesnt have her boots for the outfit I designed... Oh well, hopefully I can get them still!
    17. Oh, and her teeth ARE, in fact, removable! I looked closely at mine and noticed they were askew somehow, so I pulled off some of the putty and it's a little plug inside her mouth!

    18. Ooh! I never knew that! My girl is on her way to her new home now so I don't have the chance to play dentist :lol:
      How many people here have ordered the Black version? I can't wait to see owner pictures of her. I like to live vicariously :)