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Dollmore Kid discussion part 4

Oct 3, 2016

    1. Yay for more Aidan twins :whee: Love seeing the older sculpts :3nodding: Haha it's really difficult to own just one of these. I have an own shelf for my Dollmore Kids, and as long as there is still room on it for some more (which it is) I'm not done!
    2. LOL, that's the way, isn't it, @KittyOrochimaru ?

      Oh gosh, that's such a cute picture @manabusama ! For some reason it looks like a slumber party to me, LOL
    3. @IngieBee Thanks :) I just tried to place them so I could get them all in one shot. So I kind of piled them up :lol:
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    4. I gotta do some photoshoots, but I've been both lazy and busy cleaning house. But hopefully soon!
    5. Getting another Ballet Kid still tempts me, but I have to be careful with my purchases now. I'm trying to keep a nice balance in my room, I don't want my room to end up looking like I'm a doll hoarder.

      I still have more room for dolls but I've come to a point where I carefully have to select my next purchases. Any doll I order, there have to be a really good reason behind. I don't order dolls anymore just because they are a limited edition release or because I really like how they look. For me to order any new dolls now (limited or not) they have to belong somewhere with my current dolls. They have to have some kind of meaning other than just being a beautiful piece of art. Like being someones sibling, child, friend, lover, girlfriend or boyfriend etc.

      But I'm really feeling the struggle right now, whether it's a Ballet Kid or a regular Kid, I feel so ready to get another one. Gotta be strong though, now is not the time :sweat
      #205 manabusama, Jan 5, 2021
      Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
    6. I'm actually trying to not get the Dollpire Hazy Roo - i keep going back to look at her but that body looks so different compared to the kid one. I'm not sure if i like or hate it.
      I'd just love more dollmore dolls tbh. I keep eyeing up Luen, Geoul, Sona and Suntan Vian.
    7. That body is this one. Dollmore.net :: Everything for Doll & more

      It's very pretty but not everybody likes it because it is very difficult to deal with. Or so some have said. Mine is very kicky, even the upper body parts are all over the place. But then again, mine really needs a re-stringing and sueding so I do not have any experience with her re-stringed and sueded. Maybe the body will be better then?

      But also there are people who probably really like it, so it might all come down to whether or not you have enough experience with the body, something I do not have yet.
      #207 manabusama, Jan 6, 2021
      Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
    8. I think if she's there still in a couple of months I might have to! (Lockdown in the UK i don't wanna risk shipping stuff arm) Really interesting looking body.
      Is it any taller than the kid body or the same?

      Waiting for the weather to get better so I can do faceups for the Pado and Asha. Itching to get them done!
    9. According to Dollmores site Hazy Roo and the Dollmore Kid girl both measure 43.5cm tall with the head. But The Judith body is a bit slimmer built than the Kid body.

      I don't mind the Judith body at all. I think it's beautiful, I've just been lazy getting her re-stringed and sueded. I don't have a Judith doll but I have a Catish Reaa and they have the Judith body. I might even get another Catish oneday, I really like them.
    10. I've finally done an order but it were a Dollpire Boy Deadliness Scar Shiloh. Never had a Shiloh, I feel so excited :whee:

      I've had some unexpected changes in my plans. For so long I've wanted a Pado, I meant to get a sleepy eyes boy and open eyes girl Pado twin pair. But one picture I stumbled upon while searching for Dollmore doll pictures changed everything.

      It was the Flocke sculpt, a sculpt that I from time to time found cute but never really thought much of.

      In an instant Flocke became my new favourite. I'm still thinking of going for a twin pair oneday. I can still do the sleepy eyes boy and open eyes girl twin pair thing, but only with the Flocke sculpt.

      This is actually good though, as then I'll be able to go for a tanned Pado boy in the future. I still yet have to get at least one kid that is tanned into my Dollmore Kid collection.

      But anyways "Dollpire Boy Deadliness Scar Shiloh" were the one I choose to order this time, as I've delayed for far to long getting a Dollpire Kid. And there weren't many left of him so I could not take any chances with waiting any longer.

      (I'm going to end up with a whole army of Dollmore Kids :roll: But I don't mind as they are amazing :3nodding: Never have any other BJD brand been as addictive to me as the Dollmore dolls XD)

      Sorry about the long post but so much changed in my plans in such a short time :sweat
      #210 manabusama, Jan 13, 2021
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
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    11. Congratulations :D He's going to be so cool!
    12. Thanks, It feels like Christmas right now :3nodding: But what is he supposed to be exactly? A vampire or a vampire zombie?

      Either way it's going to be so much fun having a Dollmore Kid in that resin color :)
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    13. Ahh congrats! There are alot of the Limited dollmore kids/dollpire i like. It's just i don't do default faceups so i'd feel bad buying one to wipe the faceup if you get me? T_T

      I also want a dollmore kid army, even selling a few of my SD's so i can hopefully find some to join.
      I am interested in the suntan vian but honestly i might see if they release one of the new sculpts in tan - or ask them because oof <3
    14. Thanks :) I would like more tanned sculpts too. But more I wish that Dollmore could do like most other companies does and have a dropdown meny where at least both ns and tanned is offered. Being able to choose tanned for any basic sculpt you like would have been nice.

      And about an army, I will at least have room for a small army of Dollmore Kids. My Dollmore Kids have their own shelf.
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    15. Am I wrong remembering back in the mid 2000 that they used to offer tan as an option all the time? I seem to remember that it was nice that they did back then and wondered why everyone didn't offer tan. It was before I learned that tan can be difficult to produce??
    16. My Adians arrived today after 2 months in the post :)

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    17. Congrats so much :) They are absolutely gorgeous even without any faceup :D It really is sad that Dollmore discontinued such an awesome sculpt though.

      I'd gladly give one of my Aidans back to Dollmore if they brought back this sculpt.
    18. Oh, they're super cute! Congratulations, @KittyOrochimaru . Wow, 2 months in the mail, ouch!
    19. Hello! Can I please request pictures of any of your dolls with 12mm or 14mm with small iris? I have regular 14s in my tan momo right now but the iris seems kinda big and I'm thinking of changing it up.
    20. Finally gave most of my dolls a temp faceup (also don't worry, down the line they'll get more freckled on the body - looks a little weird huh) still got my Pado to faceup (She needs a body too but shh)

      Here is
      Vale, Marnie and Jonas!
      Then just the twins on their own.

      Also @Jextia i'm pretty sure one of my Aidan's has dollmore 12mm eyes in, though Aidan's have quite small eye size anyway.
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