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Dollmore Kid discussion part 4

Oct 3, 2016

    1. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing you can put regular kid feet on the ballerina body since the site says the ballerina feet can go on the kid body. I heard from Dollmore that the two bodies are similiar enough that the ballerina body can fit into most of the kid clothes. I hope this means the ballerinas can also fit into the Dollmore kid figure skating outfits. Dollmore has more figure skating outfits available individually than they do ballet tutus. I'll probably look for a ballet tutu somewhere else. Angel Studio sells one, but I wonder if it would fit.
      #121 Allie27, Jul 5, 2019
      Last edited: Jul 6, 2019
    2. The new Black Swan listing suggests that you might wish to get kid flat feet also!
    3. Besides Dollmore, do you know of any other clothing brands that will fit the ballerina body? The shoulder width of the ballerina body seems to be significantly less than that of other msd-sized dolls.
    4. Oh wow, I really have no idea. Perhaps, and this is a long shot, but if you check the dimensions of the MSD sized "fashion dolls" such as Iplehouse FID or Raccoon dolls? Maybe you can find something you like on Etsy.com ? But I don't know if the dimensions are close???
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    5. The kid-dollmore bodies are in kind of a weird inbetween size. They fit some smalller MSD-size clothes, and some stretchy or oversized slim-mini clothes. They're not really one or the other.
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    6. just ordered my first Dollmore kid girl, and was actually wondering if there are some known websites (other than Dollmore its self) to get good clothes or shoes for them...
    7. Congrats, which sculpt did you buy :)

      Luts is a good place because Dollmore and Luts MSDs have similar size. My Vian wears light pink Mary Janes from Luts. And the clothes that I have bought in the past seem to fit well.

      I also use to order from Alice's Collections, it's my favourite place to order things for my dolls. The only thing you need to be aware of is that a lot the shoes fit slim MSDs that have smaller feet, and that tight fitting jeans may not look as good in the crotch area. The fly sometimes look as if it's open. But you can order some of their clothes custom made. You can send an email to the company and ask if the clotes you want can be made to fit your Dollmore Kid.

      Here's a list of clothes that you can have custom made, but I think they prefer that you send an email first and ask if they can make the clothes for you in the size you want. Custom Size : Alice's Collections - BJD, BJD Doll, BJD Accessories
      #128 manabusama, Aug 11, 2019
      Last edited: Aug 11, 2019
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    8. I went with suntan Momo!
      She arrived at the face up artist today!

      I'm also trying to crochet some things for her, and my other two msd girls.
    9. Momo is a cutie! ^_^ I hope you get her soon!

      @manabusama Thank you for that link! I had been wondering which clothes on AC had a custom size option. Do they charge extra for custom made clothes?
    10. I went on Dollmore's site yesterday intending to buy a blank Tara head for one of my Judith Girls, when I got totally sidetracked by Black Swan Lake Geoul. Guess who's coming home to me? Hint: it's not Tara.

      I have one other Ballet Kid: Pirouette Zinna. I never found other clothing that fit her, but then I didn't look very hard. I had made a ballet costume for another doll using a corset pattern to which I attached a tulle skirt. It was a simple matter to move the snap sets to fit the ballet body. It's not a perfect fit but it works. I'm thinking of sewing a pair of leggings and crocheting a top for Geoul.

      Here's Pirouette Zinna in the outfit I altered. I also redid her faceup because I couldn't live with the yellow and green eye makeup Dollmore gave her. She looked like she was recovering from two black eyes. The doll's resin color was originally normal. After five years she has faded to white.
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    11. They will look gorgeous together! Congrats :D
    12. Thanks @IngieBee! Dollmore says shipping times are affected by COVID19, so heaven knows when I'll see Geoul.
    13. Yah, I'm on the 9th month for an order, and since it was with Alice's, everything is held up by one item, which will take until June, they say, so.... Ugh!
    14. Alice's has shipped me partial orders. You might ask!
    15. Well, given the difficulties businesses are facing and the non-essential nature of my order, I figure I can wait and not cause undue expense. I just write them once in a while so I feel they won't forget me :whee:. So all is well. :thumbup. I just like complaining :mwahaha

      Important to note, this isn't dollmore items. Dollmore is usually pretty quick, as I recall, so hopefully the delays they are talking about are not too significant. It's also Korea vs China :)
    16. The delays Dollmore is talking about seem to be with EMS not delivering to certain countries or taking an extra long time to deliver to some.
    17. Oh shoot, I ordered these shoes for my Dollmore Kid Boy, because all of their shoes looked so big on their feet but they probably aren't gonna fit right?
      Suitable for VOLKS MSD/MDD or other similar sizes.

      Sneakers *1 pair (Inner length 6CM)
    18. @Salem_85 - You're right about the fit. Dollmore's sneakers are absolutely huge. These might fit better, although your doll probably won't be able to wear them with socks. I wish shoemakers would find or make shoelaces that are more in scale with the shoe. I always end up replacing the laces with elastic to try and keep things in proportion.
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    19. It will be tense with the shoes fitting I think. But the ones on Dollmore and AliExpress are so huge! I just want petite shoes for him. :XD: I am planning already to let him wear all his shoes without socks, or just to order some cheap socks on Ali and cut off the bottoms or so. xD
      The real life shoelaces are driving me crazy as well. Especially on the All Stars sneakers, I also had this problem with finding shoes for my Blythes. xD
      What elastics do you use? And how does it look?