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Dollmore Large Dolls Discussion Thread (all sizes) - Part 2

May 2, 2014

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    1. Thanks everyone. Poor guy was soo sad before. I need to body blush him now though and order him some Dollmore clothes.
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    2. hi people :D having said NO more dolls and moved to a TINY room in a shared flat and SOLD nearly all my dolls ... I lasted less than 3 months LOL - just impulse-bought a Kasi Dan (Glamour boy) on ebay! Should get him next week I hope, but I'm meantime wondering if he takes regular 70cm clothing from Alice's or if he's bigger than that in any way? I have NO idea where I will put him though :ablink: Before moving here I had an impldoll idol boy but he was just too beefy for my liking - I think the skinny Dollmore boys are way cuter, and I'm hoping he will be easier to dress than the idol boy!
    3. Congratulations @elve He is long legged so that means a shorter torso. I have the tattooed boy so he doesn't wear much, but he wears almost the same size shirt as my SD17s,though 70cm is a better fit for pants lengthwise but they may need a belt.
    4. thank you for the advice @SteamWitch :D he does have teeny hips! I really like that aesthetic though - he reminds me of the old discontinued Dollzone boys, which I missed out on <3
    5. finally got my boy unboxed! I wasn't sure who he was or how to style him or where to put him, so he stayed in his box on the floor till last night - how sad for him! He's called Curtis, that much I know almost for sure.... but impulse-buys tend to evolve slowly, and so far (since it's all I have in stock) he's having to wear girl's wig and underpants! But I think actually it might be right for him - we both kind of like it? Really love him though - and found a shelf he can sit on now, so no worries <3

      [​IMG]c4 by elve, on Flickr
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    6. He's really nice-looking!
      Mine is currently a hybrid, so no pictures ever...but as far as clothes go, I bought him a bunch of just straight 70cm stuff from Alice Collections and it all fit just fine! This after years of stressing over his size and buying him nothing, it turns out he's easy lol
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    7. that is great to know thank you! :D I have a tendency to buy more resin instead of dolls clothes though LOL - for years I've had badly dressed or naked dolls in increasing numbers - it's a terrible weakness! But of course I tell myself I can MAKE doll clothes, so why buy them?.... yes possibly, but WHEN will I ever get around to sewing? I'm far too busy drooling over my wishlist and deciding who to bring home next :frownyblush: New Years Resolution coming up.....
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    8. Longshot, but does anyone have Nayuto Kenzo and Ripley Days??
      I suddenly find myself in need of a WS Glamor Model body and since they only come as full dolls I need to decide which I want an extra head of....

      I already have Ripley Days (who took back his body recently, so he's a real doll again) but having the same head multiple times never bothered me lol
    9. Hai everybody! :D After having a floating Melissa Baul head for many many many years now, I finally got around to getting her a Model F body! :dance I had a lot of nice clothing and shoes picked out for her on Alice's Collections, but after comparing measurements I think nothing would've fit her. :sweat I also looked around on Dollmore's own site, and Tata's Paradise, but nothing really jumped out at me.
      Might anyone have suggestions for good shops that offer clothes and shoes in the Model F size?
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    10. Based on measurements, modelF dolls should be able to wear Iplehouse nYID clothing, although pants and skirts will be on the short side, as maybe sleeves.
      I have Iplehouse female SID clothing at home, and the skirt works, although a teensy bit short, but I don't mind.
      So you can always looks on etsy, and ask if they can make sleeves/pant length longer?
      Have cross referenced their measurements before, and its not a bad fit.
      No idea about shoes though.
    11. @aernath <3
      I feel like it's a real long shot that anyone has both. Ripley Days is not the most popular. I guess in the end it won't matter much since I won't be using the head XD but since I have to buy him it would be good to know which I feel like I need more lol

      @AirimirOfGondor I don't have a Model F (just M) but Alice Collections will make their clothes to the measurements of your doll. Are they too big? Or small? Shoes I can see being an issue....Dollmore tends to have big feet. I have the heeled feet on one of my DM Adams and they're pretty large for girl feets....
    12. I love your two tattooes boys. It reminded me that I didn't post this here. Three of them at a meet. I think the Blue Epoch got the raw end of the deal since he is the most colored one, he rubs in spots where on the others there is no extra color just the resin color.
      [​IMG]hearnospeaknoseeno by SteamWitch, on Flickr
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    13. Dollheimr on etsy makes a bunch of stuff in Model F size, 2 of their "shop models" are Model F girls
    14. @Sparklin_me @VampireAngel13 @Girrl

      Thank you! <3 :hug:

      I think I may have come across a few clothing items that will suffice for the style I want, but shoes indeed are the hardest part. :sweat
      These were the ones that I fell in love with, and I found them in a few different places, but it does seem like they only come in that one size. If I was on the lookout for rough-and-tumble boots, I could get a boy's size shoe, but I can't say that I've seen many sexy patent (p)leather red high-heeled ankle boots for boys. :XD:
      I've found a few places that sell shoes for SD16 or SDGR-sized girls though, so I should have at least have a few fall-backs (even if I don't like them as much. :3).
    15. Hi everyone!
      Just want to show you my favorite girl - Marla (Dollmore Amelia Lecc). Love, love, love her! ^_^
      (Sorry for the nude photo.)

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    16. Hello everyone! I had my boy - Ryu (Kara Klum) for a while now. Just got him cat ears and blushed them today. So, I decided to show them off :)
      #678 vicky_lis, Jan 24, 2018
      Last edited: Jan 24, 2018
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    17. Hi everyone!

      I wanted to share a picture of my Dollmore Glamor suntan Keeley. She has such a great potential! I can't wait to redo her faceup (currently she has dollmore faceup):
      Xesbeth again
      by Follow-the-Wind, on Flickr
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