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Dollmore Model boy Kyle Reese Discussion

Oct 13, 2006

    1. Ok...I'm oogling him so much I'm starting to feel unfaithful to my hound....
    2. @_@ He's lovely! ....See, this is why I was gonna wait before getting Max, to see if I liked "the new Model boy" I'd been hearing about more than Saint. He's nice but I love Max and I could't swap him. I wonder if the body would fit a DS head though ....thats something to think about.
    3. haha, that's what i was going to say! i think he's :love beautiful.:love
      Looks like a cousin of Hound!
    4. Hee... Kyle Reese.. that's the name of the hero from the first Terminator <3
    5. Kyle Reese... hee <3 That's the name of the hero from the first Terminiator... first fictional character I developed a crush for at the age of 13... *petpets pretty boy* I like tall and skinny =3
    6. I was just going to post that! So it isn't me. Too bad the doll isn't built as hot as Michael Biehn :0

      Or rather, I'm grateful he isn't as hot! My wallet is still groaning.
    7. Oh gawd... if he was I might have go back on my word to not by an SD... it's bad enough I almost cracked when Chaim came out... but that's for another discussion.

      *petpets pretty boy Reese*
    8. I really like him...

      I was trying to figure out who he looked like it kept bugging me...


      He's a dead ringer for Keira Knightley!
    9. I'm not too keen on the face, but I love the body. I do really like the DollShe body, but the character I wanted for my Bernard needed to be a bit buffer. If a DS head will fit on this body, I'm all for some model boy love XD
    10. He's pretty handsome. :D His eyes are dreamy but I wish they were open a bit more. But overall I love him! :aheartbea :love
    11. I really really like him--lovely face and body *drool*
    12. I'm on the other way round. I want to fix the model's head on the dollshe body. :doh
    13. I like his face, but a bit scrawny for me...not as broad shoulder as a dollshe to me...i wish someone would come out with a male doll that is not so willowy...
      and 73cm?? I have enough trouble getting my hound to stand...don't need a taller doll....
    14. How pretty. But I don't like the really tall dolls, so no temptation for me.
    15. :o I still love Hound, but goodness this one is tempting me!
    16. XD Sillypeach, true but... it looks more like an asian version of Keira though, but I love him. :D
    17. Yep. One of these boys is coming home sooner or later. I'll wait see if they release other heads in the next six months, though. :aheartbea
    18. Oh my, look at those shmexy poses! :o He's very... modely I guess?
    19. oh my. I was going to get an aister as a partner for my black lillith, but now I have to have him instead!
    20. Love the body!! the face not so much, I wonder how a hound head would look on him...
      There is one thing we need before we can truly compare him to a Dollshe boy- the pantless shot :wiggle