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Dollmore Model Glamourous Bust Body - LE Eva, Leah and Mellow

Mar 17, 2009

    1. omg. I love them both :) They would fit perfectly with some characters I have in mind... I just wish they weren't LE... @_@; Big boobs are brilliant. <--sounds like a dirty ole man.
    2. Personally I think they are amazing! Their face-ups are perfection and I love how they are styled. With regard to the boobs, I think they look great as they are presented but I would be curious to see what they look like without clothes. It does appear as they may look a bit odd nude. They are two of the most beautiful doll dollmore makes IMHO and if I collected girls that size I would snap them up in a minute!!!
    3. I'm always looking for busty dolls, so this is awesome! Yay! :)
    4. IMHO these girls are beautiful. Do they look real? NO of course not, most dolls dont.
      I have a DD2 with the large bust and she makes me giggle. My hubby was nice enough to buy one of the girls for my birthday next month. Cant wait to sew lingerie for her!
    5. I'd prefer them with large hips to balance a bit more.

      Not seeing the outrage so much...I think these are in keeping with other BJDs.
    6. The boobs are just too much for my taste, and I LOVE Model girls. I have both a Leah and an Eva, but I think I'll be sticking with my smaller busted versions.
    7. This just in from Jee at Dollmore....

      Hi~ PamSD.^^
      First, thanks for all of your interests~~
      New Leah and Eva have the new chest part on the same Model female body
      that is being sold. ^^
      yes, your requests will be updated sooner or later
      but I can't let you know the exact date now yet.. seek your understanding.

      thanks a lot~~
      Dollmore Jee. =))

      PamSD wrote :
      >Is that a new chest line on the newest models?
      >Is there a place I can see this body without clothes?
      >Will you be offering it as an optional part?
      >Will I be able to order a blank model with the new chest part?
      >Thank you,

      I am thrilled with this new look.
      I have no illusions the bust was sculpted to be shown in clothes.
      But OMG...pleather pleather pleather.
    8. Exactly! I've got no problem with the size, but I find the shape and position of them just plain unappealing. Not in a "there's no way that's possible :evil:" sort of way, because bras can definitely do that, and these girls are probably meant to wear clothes. I just think they're ugly.
    9. That's actually a very interesting idea. It would work particularly well for a 1900's look-these girls definitely have a Lillian Russell thing happening. The right wig and the padded out hips you mentioned would be awesome!
    10. I like the gravity defying boobs! I might be alone in this, but this is rather how I draw my characters and how a lot of anime looks. The breasts are higher than they would be in real life. I like to think of them as STYLIZED :)

      And I'm so glad PamSD asked about these coming out as option peices! Fingers crossed Dollmore's vague answer is a YES! My Volks Pearl NEEDS this body and just put Glot on layaway!

      P.S. Anyone have pictures of Volks and Dollmore resin? Not finding much in the resin matching thread- or I'm not searching with the right keywords....
    11. I really, really love the face-ups for both of the girls - they're probably the most tempting girl (faces) that I've seen so far. The big bust isn't my thing, but I don't have an issue with how it's being marketed with the lingerie - in their promo pics, aren't a lot of the regular model dolls wearing lingerie?
      Overall, what this has done for me is made me more pro Leah Cox and Eva Louise in their small-busted incarnations. It makes their faces seem more versatile than they had before.
      I agree that it would be really cool to see them in historical costumes! :)
    12. I have always wanted a Leah Cox, she strikes me as a very lovely drag queen. XDD
      But then, I think everything strikes me as a drag queen, hm...
      But surprisingly, I love those girls. And I have always said "The dolls should be MORE realistic" it's not like me to say "HECK YEAH" to dolls with massive breasts. >_<'
      However, these gals have sass. So I'll make an exception for them.
      & I just so happen to love a gal with sass. x]
    13. I just ordered/paid for Eva. Wow, that was fast even for me. I only just saw her this morning and I've already bought her.

      I can not WAIT!

      Hey Pam...start up that sewing machine!
    14. I agree with some of this but at the same time I don't find them ugly. I've, um, never really liked any of the Model girls so this chest piece adds interest from my p.o.v. The unnatural shape is what makes me think they'd work well for anime characters that also defy gravity. Aya and Shin, the sisters from Tenjho Tenge come to mind. There's nothing realistic about how their chests hover in the air either.

      Since I never see much mammary backlash in threads for the Dollfie Dream girls (not including the thread about custom made chest pieces) I have to wonder why is there and why should there be a double standard between vinyl and resin girls? There is an interest among male and female doll collectors for large chested girl dolls. Maybe it's just surprising to see it all of the sudden in a doll genre known for it's demure lady types and frilly loli girls?

      On a Mod note:

      Please keep overly aggressive comments against real people's bodies out of the thread. And try to keep your personal large chest stories to a minimum. ;)
    15. Ship her on over darlin...I would *L*O*V*E* to sew for her.

      You know my models all get free clothes.

      I am so jealous...I want one in the worst way but Vacay is coming and I gotta gotta save.
    16. These Dollmore girls have beautiful faces, but ample bosom, where are you going to find a "cross her canyon" size bra?

      Ok, so custom-made bras, slip tops, blouses, etc., would have to be made for these girls.
    17. I actually think both of these girls are lovely. The breasts don't look bad to me at all. I think if I were to have a large-busted doll, I'd prefer one in soft vinyl so they'd be hollow and have some "squish" to them (hard resin boobies make me think "top heavy" for some reason...). But, other than that, they're very pretty. I'm sure a lot of people who want a doll to represent a large-breasted character will enjoy these ladies. Their lingerie is very cute, too. :3
    18. I love the makeup on Eva the most, I wonder if Dollmore could do that same faceup for the regular Model doll line if I were to order the non-big boob doll?? Of course I wish mine would sit up pretty like their's too;)
    19. Hello layaway. I could not stop thinking about the LE Leah so i think that means we're destined to be together >.>
    20. I know I'm certainly not the first to say this, but: those are some HUGE boobies. It looks to me like one may be bigger than her head. DX

      Pretty faces, though~I might have to put a non-limited on my wishlist. <3