1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollmore Trinity Discussion - Part 2

Jun 8, 2016

    1. Excellent point, @Lady Tiku about wedding dress experience.
      In my area, synthetic "dressy" fabrics are much cheaper than cotton and other natural fabrics. I was astounded at the prices!
    2. Since I sold the Red Riding Hood outfit to @Lady Tiku, I can confirm that the slip has a lot of expensive Swiss edgings.
    3. lol i dont' even know that but i do recognize quality when i see having shopped with mom who 'DID' know AND we have a few textile knowledgeable ppl in our local club... like trained to the teeth and more lol... i nearly cried when i found out what you had to do to test to see if a certain antique fabric was authentic... it's just so wrong LOL

      btw I looooooooove that set ... need a reason to break it out again. but so delicate... if not 'under glass' figuratively speaking... must be damn good reason to have it out now lol
    4. Oh...yes...the lace and trimmings! A good reminder they can kill your wallet! I have ribbon that was $1 per INCH and vintage buttons...well, maybe I didn't want to remember how much those were!:blush
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    5. omg button's I grew up reised by 'never throw one out you might need it sometime... We had 'tins' (plural) of them ... could have done bins once upon a time... just found a REALLY old box of super old ones 'last night'! ... I think they breed so I never manage to get rid of them lol.
    6. Hi!

      Dollmore added another lovely Trinity Doll:
      Dollmore.net :: Everything for Doll & more
      She has seriously thick eyebrows! =D

      Is it normal for Dollmore to add 4 Trinity Dolls in 3 months? Kinda curious.

    7. She is lovely, first one that I almost like more than my Klaire Myself Agape.
    8. Do all Trinities have the same body sculpt? (I would assume so, but I need to ask.)
    9. Yes, unless the listing says they have the new big bust part.
    10. There are also flat or high heeled feet. Both of which are available in the parts section.
    11. Thanks to both of you! The bust and feet options are important information!

      Any hand options - even from other companies?
    12. Here is a picture of Dollmore Lusion jointef hand om Trinity Black Jude. She arrived with a broken finger and borrowed the hand while waiting for a replacement.
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    13. Wow!! The new Klaire is totally different - red matte lips! I didn't recognize her as Klaire at first. Very sexy and realistic. Her make-up reminds me of "Frida Kahlo" style.
    14. Hi,

      Here is my Nuada. I change her orginal name (Sanglant Kate). She arrived to me little time ago. Maybe someone want to see her photo from owner not only on Dollmore page^^


      P.S. The outfit is sewed by me^^ I know - my cat is handsome :D
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    15. She's lovely in hand/paw! =)

      Can't wait....*Looks at Dollmore site*......nope not shipped yet... >.<

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    16. @Ausra She is stunning! Love her hair. Congratulations! Dollmore does such a fabulous job with their face-ups. They are so vibrant, and well represented on their website photos. Amazing! And your kitty is so cute - maybe a little camera shy, hehe. :kitty1
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    17. your cat looks like 'who you let in my house Neow!' lol and that... god Ely needs her big sister so bad... ans so not happening any time soon lol wow i do love her... *sits on grabby hands*...
      *snerks* Impatient much LOL but oh how i get that lol I'm stalking and order now.... and it's just clothing and wigs! lol
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    18. Lol, dress and wigs arrived last week, so I am good there. ^-^
      Klaire and Kate will be lovely together, but it will be awhile....*looks at Dollmore site again*....Nope XD

      But Dollmore have been releasing a lot of Trinity Dolls in a short time frame. =(
      There are even lovely limited dresses in store. =/
      Wish I could buy them all, but you know funds are limited....unless I just live on air and water......hmmm.. >.<

    19. Hello everyone,
      Let me introduce our lovely Katya ( Kate Soft Light Restful ). She arrived lately this afternoon after 3 months, safe and sound.
      If I have something to say about her, just 1 word : GORGEOUS!
      Nothing to complain, she is exactly how her original name means: soft, light and restful. The face up is amazing in detail, very beautiful and the colors are very natural. The outfit is great as well, very detailed and perfect for her face up.
      Oh she has new bust and high heel feet, so she looks so tall in person.
      Really in love~~~~~~

      [​IMG]Dollmore Trinity Kate Soft Light Restful by AQUATALIS, trên Flickr

      https://farm1.staticflickr.com/885/41406375555_5577a7e4c5_b.jpgDollmore Trinity Kate Soft Light Restful by AQUATALIS, trên Flickr

      https://farm1.staticflickr.com/953/42307639861_a29dae960c_b.jpgDollmore Trinity Kate Soft Light Restful by AQUATALIS, trên Flickr

      https://farm1.staticflickr.com/945/42307640541_f84bf9471e_b.jpgDollmore Trinity Kate Soft Light Restful by AQUATALIS, trên Flickr

      https://farm1.staticflickr.com/952/42307637241_07f3629c5b_b.jpgDollmore Trinity Kate Soft Light Restful by AQUATALIS, trên Flickr
      #360 QuanaP, May 23, 2018
      Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2018
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