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Dollmore Trinity Discussion - Part 2

Jun 8, 2016

    1. @aernath, your comment made me look at the Trinity male, and while I won't buy any dolls bigger than 70cm, I like his frowny face, too! So I'll be weird with you ;)
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    2. Nah, I'm the weird one. I'm the one who wants happy smiling boys and frowny-face girls, lol.
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    3. I like all happy or contented dolls. I get enough scowls from hubby.
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    4. Dollmore just added a new boy, i am tempted, but as i have a trinity body on layway i must say no...
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    5. I like his face, but I think Dollmore went a lil too red on the lips of his face-up.

      I still need to get a lot more arm strength and money before I could ever order one though
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    6. I'm in love. He's exactly what I want.
      Sigh. Not going to be able to afford him any time soon, so I'll just enjoy the pictures.
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    7. Ha. I lied. I read his description. He's a bastard lawyer. Dollmore may as well have written, "Mal - buy this doll." I ordered him. My first Trinity boy, to go with my first Trinity girl. Speaking of whom...

      Please note I know absolutely nothing about children's clothing or shoe sizes. All I know is, I found these little zip-up cheetah print booties in Aldi's Aisle of Shame (Aldi is private-label grocery store with non-food seasonal items, jokingly referred to as the Aisle of Shame, cuz they're such a good deal! How can you not buy!), and the box said (U.S.) Toddler size 5/6. They are a perfect, snug fit on default (flat) feet:

      I will now be stalking the children's shoe section at local stores for toddler-inappropriate, but doll-perfect, shoes.
      They were $15, by the way.
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    8. Congratulations on ordering your male trinity doll, i think he's very cool.
      Your girl has same hair as my Miya doll (that it's still waiting for the body) and she looks great in this outfit. I also buy 4-5 yrs old kid shoes for my trinity girl and fit nicely...also, it's cheaper than dollmore shoes
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    9. Grayson is on sale again - 15 percent off. Plus the 10 percent off general sale coupon, which makes him 25 percent off - until March 31, 2024.
      If anyone else is tempted by this description...
      You're stupid.
      This is Grayson, a bastard boy in the Trinity family.
      He has a lot of daydreams and a self-indulgent personality that doesn't listen to what everyone says.
      Although he likes to be an actor in plays
      He is a lawyer in real life.
      It's really unfriendly.

      :lol::lol::lol: (Did I order a new doll cuz the description said I was stupid? Yes, yes I did.)
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    10. I hate to be that person, but the total percentage off is actually less, since you're taking 10% off after the first discount so it comes out to about 23.5% off.
      (e.g. $100 with 15% off is 85, 85-10% is $76.5 which is 23.5% off from the original price of $100)
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    11. Oh, math. :lol:
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    12. Sorry I haven't checked in in a while friends! Congrats on everyone who has gotten dolls, and oh boy, those boys! :love

      They aren't exactly my type, but they are handsome! The height difference between him and the female trinities is a lot! I like it, but I almost wish there were a different version of the body that were a tad shorter. Or a female body variant that was a tad taller? Either way, kinda wish there was an inbetween size, but still, they look great together.
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    13. I am once again feeling like I want to buy those trinity jointed hands for my Lumie, does anyone know if they pose well or do the digits just kind of slide however they want?
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    14. They really do slide wherever they want to - they are very loosely strung. Also, don't pay for blushing - Dollmore sent mine already chipped because they couldn't get it to stick. Better to just DIY it.
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    15. Oh, also - Elysia is currently hanging out on an ottoman, but I snagged one of my niece's IKEA chairs, so Elysia will be getting an upgrade soon. Probably going to keep the pillow though:
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    16. Are really loose strung, as everyone said here, but can pose nicely if you are patient enough, i think will be even better if decide to hot glue its, it's not that hard because are kinda big.
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    17. Thank you for the heads up about the hands MaleficentMrsofEvil and Ishogai, I had wondered since other jointed hands I've had in smaller sizes have also kind of done whatever they want :P Figured it would be even more pronounced because of the weight of the fingers, etc. Then again maybe because they are the size of doll legs/arms hot glue sueding could be a great option.

      @MaleficentMrsofEvil can I ask who that GIANT doll next to your Elysia is, wow. :aeyepop:
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    18. That is the crown jewel of my collection, Xin Meng Doll Magical Angel Iris. I adopted her from another forum member, and she is pure endorphin. 6 feet (180 cm) of endorphin, to be precise.

      Unrelated: kid chairs, such as Ikea's Sundvik, are perfect for Trinities.
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    19. Jacques with Trinity wig

      Can't seem to figure out how to get a picture to show, but I got one of the new Trinity boy wigs, just before the current sale, and it fits fairly well on my Lusion boy!
      Just wanted to give you all a heads up, wigs are on sale!! 40% off! The big kids wigs are usually pretty expensive, but this sale makes them affordable!
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