1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollmore Trinity Discussion - Part 2

Jun 8, 2016

    1. A glass dome that large would be very heavy. I would recommend an acrylic case. Custom cases are available. I just put a baby blanket over mine when I'm not playing with her.
    2. Thanks! I'm already at the 'is she ready yet?' stage and it' only been 6 days! LOL ... I have a line on one of those older strolers (umbrella types) which would work for temp.. or my girl will just sit on normal furniture. I have a few 'hostess' chairs, they are smaller than regular furniture so only a bit big for a trinity. I also have a bite on a bed I'm trying to sell... if it does... whole new game as I'd get my doll room finally! My girl will also just get drapped when out of sight, with a large 'dust cloth'. My only problem will be keeping my cat from using her as a bed... I have one that likes to sleep on dolls LOL
    3. Huge congrats - she is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the pics x
    4. Would some kind person who owns a Trinity measure from the nape of her neck down her back to her waist for me please, going a bit mad on the knitting, already made 2 dresses, a hat and nearly finished a sparkly cropped jacket. Two months next week since I ordered so hopefully not too long to wait now.
    5. I get 21 or 22 cm.
    6. Great, thanks very much.:)
    7. Hi,

      Just found this thread! >.<
      Normally only go for Iplehouse, but Klaire was an expensive exception. =p
      She arrived sometime ago, really love this dress and sculpt. =D


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    8. Lovely to see Klaire, mine should hopefully be shipping soon, Dollmore do put some fantastic detailing into their clothes, I used to own Nostalgia Dahlia and when I eventually sold her the worst part was seeing her limited outfit go.
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    9. Wish there was a larger selection of outfits on Dollmore for Trinity Dolls. =/
      Love to get the Red Priestess outfit without actually buying another Klaire. >.<
      Though she has a different face up......*Stop having these stupid ideas* XD

    10. Love to get the Red Priestess outfit without actually buying another Klaire.
      Though she has a different face up......*Stop having these stupid ideas


      Wasn't someone on DOA selling that outfit, seem to remember seeing it and I think she might have had it on ebay as well.
    11. Thank you for the information. I just checked E-Bay, but there was only the Dollmore complete set available.

    12. @Angelkat, You need to post more! Than you can apply for marketplace access.

      You should ask Dollmore about the outfit! Occasionally they will list a few outfits separately.
    13. Ooh! Thanks, will try mailing Dollmore regarding the outfit!

    14. It's best to use the Q&A board! That way you know they got it!
    15. Lol, was already halfway typing a mail to Dollmore. XD
      Doh, forgot there was a Q&A board. >.<

    16. She looks stunning!!! I really wanted this girl for the longest while - I'd be rly tempted to get this outfit one day if they sold it on its own!!
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    17. She's so pretty...I still think my next one would be Revolution Klaire, though!
    18. Congratulations! I really like her and it will be fun to see how you dress her.

      I was bad and hit the button on Golden Dust Elysia in the last sale.

      Drop of Dream is a beauty!
      • x 1
    19. Ooh - Drop of Dream is super lovely. She is definitely a summer girl. Her color scheme is dazzling!

      @ryuunohime I was thinking the same thing - if Eugenia ever needs a sister, well, I think Revolution Klaire would be the one!
      @Lee Turner Thank you! It will be so much fun - can't wait for her to arrive. Still have to figure out her "living arrangements" . . . :kitty1 Maybe she will just have to share a bed with me! LOL I think we'll find her somewhere to be displayed. <3