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Dollmore Youth Eve & Adam Discussion

Jul 1, 2010

    1. Hinotori: Thank you so much for your support and cheerful attitude. :) I like your Suzaku! Is it the Phoenix from the Tezuka Osamu work?

      Keeping with the Dollmore - Eve Topic: it does not look like it from any of the pictures here, but have any of you tried to modify the neck to make it a little shorter through sanding or some other method? I was looking at the Iplehouse girls and they have such realistic necks, being a bit shorter and not a little wider. The Dollmore-Eve body seems (to me) to have an almost strangely long neck.

      Also, did any of you ladies seal your bodies when you got them? If so, do you have any pointers on the best way to go about it? Have you noticed any difference in the resin since you sealed them or even left them unsealed?
    2. I haven't modded her neck, or any of the DM necks...I actually enjoy the long necks, it's just so graceful IMO. But I know I'm one of the few. Part of why I'm such a Dollmore hoor is I like the odd proportions of their dolls, it's really close to how I draw XD

      I haven't sealed my girl, but I've sealed my DM boys and I actually recommend it if you're afraid of color change. My first wasn't sealed until he was about a year old, and after that only off and on. He's got a drastically different color compared to my others (true he's older by more than a year, but still...), as does my DM kid who was never sealed until now and he's older too. And my WS boy who's about a year and a half old has been sealed since I got him and he's hardly changed color at all if at all.

      When I do it I just take the head off, straighten all the arms and legs, make sure nothing is touching, take them outside strung and spray. I have an old arm string/elastic that I loop around the shook and just hold it by that. Then I hang them on a door knob or the odd coat hanger we have upstairs to dry. I've recently been sealing the blushing on my boys that way too (I favor them over my poor girl. She'll probably get blushed eventually too, but the boys have tattoos that need sealing) and I really think it works better than doing it strung. Especially if you're just doing it as a protective coating. Just give them a good cleaning first, or you'll end up with smudges and/or lint sealed in (lol oops).

      Now that I've said all that, I would like to add that I actually prefer the color my first Kara Klum and Pado have turned. It's less pink and not yellow so much as cream. I wish my newer ones would catch up already =_= Yet oddly enough my Dollmore dolls seem to be the only ones in my group that even get sealed at all XD
    3. Yes it is ! :)

      I actually also like the long neck, even if it's not realistic. :sweat My other SD is a Supia Rosy and her neck is awfully too big in my opinion, so my Mio looks so graceful beside her. But I have an Iplehouse MSD and it's true that her neck is very proportionate.

      VampireAngel13 : thanks a lot for these sealing tips ! Since I just got my Mr. Super Clear, I was thinking of sealing my dolls. That's less scary than doing a faceup ! :|
    4. Ophelia has aged to a really nice peach colour, it's made me really prefer that pale normal skin tone in other dolls because I really like how they age.

      I blush my dolls so I seal things a bit differently. I pull them apart completely, lay the pieces out on some paper and spray one side and then the other, before blushing the torso, hands and feet and spraying them again. I find this way then also coats the joints nicely, which helps with giving a bit more friction for posing (though I also hot glue suede my dolls as well).

      I also really like the long thin neck, it adds a graceful touch that my other dolls don't have.
    5. I just came home today to find that Josephine's new Fuzzies Wig and eyes came in the mail today. The day before came a fresh new can of Mr. Super Coat UV Cut.

      So far in the Miso head I have tried 16mm, 14mm, and 12mm, and I'm thinking that the 12mm eyes are my favorite for face:pupil size ratio. I'm thinking I may have to get some pinkish eye putty because with the twelve size you CAN see it (just a little, but it is there.), I'm thinking that this may actually help with the realism of her face because our own eyes have muscle (pink) showing at the edges.

      I'm still waiting on Ohoo head and the rest of my Dollmore order to arrive, but I'll post a little picture of Josephine as she appears now (I just threw some super quick watercolor pencil eyebrows on her so she wouldn't be SO creepy, as this head is going into storage completely blank once the new one arrives.).

    6. She's very cute, and what an adorable wig ! :D

      The eyes look good too. I also prefer smaller sizes, but my putty is white so it's never good when it shows. :sweat
    7. random but i thought since everyone was a dollmore fan they would like to know that there is a dollmore group on facebook called, "dollmore dears." just letting everyone know!
    8. Okay guys!!!! Today was delivery day! I got Josephine's new head and outfit today!!! I haven't taken her apart yet (don't have time today to blush and seal the body, so I'm leaving her to model her new outfit until I do), but I'm pretty excited! Just so this isn't a total waste of time for you, I'll post some pictures (again, this is her old Miso head that I just drew some eyebrows on and colored her bottom lip so she wouldn't be so creepy), sorry about the quality, I just used my iPhone. She got a coat and a sweatshirt today, I may edit in a photo of them later tonight...

      I added some pictures of the face-up I did on the new face plate.... there are definitely things to be improved upon, but I'm encouraged by this as a start. :chocoheart
    9. blue_wysteria : She looks good ! I love the beauty spot under her eye. Oh, and nice outfit too : it looks a bit like how I dress... :)

      Are the boots from Dollmore ? I still have trouble finding shoes for my Mio... I sanded the extra pair of feet that I have, but somehow I am too lazy to change feet all the time, so she stays barefoot. :doh
    10. Those boots are from DM, I have them too and they should fit no problem...my giant-footed boys wear them. Actually I think one of them is wearing them right now...

      blue_wysteria ~ she does look good! I can't wait to see more of her^^
    11. Just found this thread. I love DM dolls and especially their Eve's. Their resin is beautiful and feels very nice to the touch. Their weight is also perfect. Hands are so delicate and beautiful. I've got 3 Eve's now:

      Serenity a DM Lilis Liv (the first girl bjd that I fell in love with but actually the 5th or 6th doll to get :|)

      Estelle a DM Orlando Ray (a very under appreciated sculpt in my oppinion!) here with her man Armand a SD Asiter

      and Snow (at least I think that's what her name will be :sweat) She is a DM model doll Lisa Rubik head on a regular Eve body.
    12. I very very much second the name "Snow." She is very like Snow White! Gorgeous! Just lovely!

      (On an unrelated note: Once I get the body dissembled, blushed, and sealed, I promise a real photoshoot for you all. <3 )
    13. blue_wysteria I never actually thought about her as being Snow White but that is exactly what I see in her now!! I don't even know where the name Snow came from but surely it was the right one!!
    14. Mu Shu : she would be indeed a perfect Snow White : skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony ! :)
    15. Well now I have to find an evil queen :)
    16. Does anyone have pictures of Chami with a Kid Delf girl? I love Chami but I want to see how she goes with my girl Bory.
    17. What does everyone think of the new Halloween Limited Edition Mios?
    18. I got the email last night ! I might be biased, but... I love them !!! :D

      I think they're gorgeous. If I didn't have a Mio, I would certainly get the Candyholic one. :aheartbea
    19. I really love them. If I didn't already have an SD girl on layaway, I'd so want the poison apple one!! as it is I'm redoing my friends Mio to look like Candyholic...hopefully today!
    20. (about haloween's limited edition...)
      I loved them face-up work! And the dress, especially Candyholic's!
      For me, the best "halloween edition" for this year *3*