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Dolls in pairs or trios?

Apr 19, 2017

    1. I have 3 Aidolls Hani, 3 Uri, 2 Sunny. I also 2 Xagadoll Tata, 2 doll love youyou. When 1st started, i wanted aidolls army. lol
    2. I've got both twins, although variations of the same sculpt, vampire and non-vampire version, as well as sibling pairs. Some sculpts just really match and complement each other.
    3. I love having groups in the same scale/proportions that ‘go’ together. So I really only buy two sizes: 1:4 scale with realistic proportions and 11-13cm heads, and 1:12 scale with realistic human proportions.
    4. I'm waiting on two dolls who I ordered together and already think of as siblings! Myou released their two 1/6 elf sculpts at the same time, and I think they definitely will complement each other well.
    5. I usually like to have dolls in groups with someone their character “knows” for instance, I have the children of Auratus (which was originally intended to be just Aura and Dacrya?) which is now like 4 dolls, with 3 more in varying stages of completion.

      Then there’s their natural enemy, the Shrike: who, again, I swore I only needed Shrike herself, but she now has 2 friends. Classic. Even better is that she’s getting 2 more body sharing friends. And now I have a body that can’t not go to one of her girls...

      Then there’s the dnd ‘verse: Vidania needed her gf, Ireena needed her gf (plus her brother, their aunts and stuff). Zariel had her gf (and several other denizens of hell). The only “singles” right now are probably Aveden, who will one day have a gf, but is friends with Vidania anyway, and Neferet who isn’t from the same universe as anyone else.
    6. I have pairs, trios and groups within my crew. That's because I have couples or siblings, and even a whole clan of japanese demons (they are 8 :XD:). I like when my dolls are related.
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    7. I own exclusively VOLKS F-01s so they obviously all go well together but are divided into trios.
      I have my originally planned three sisters (one in each color offered) and am now working on creating a "three friends of winter" trio with my YoSD Megu, DSD SwD Megu and if VOLKS ever releases one an SDM Megu.
      There are two other girls (DSD Megu and currently floating old F-05 head) that might end up being related somehow or might be paired off with future dolls.
    8. I think some dolls do better in pairs. I bought my one doll in 2008 and decided the following year he needed a partner. My new girl is different in that she was sold as a set of sorts as twins in June for Gemini, so I obviously want her other half. But I feel she was meant to be paired.
    9. I'm planning on getting a few pairs of dolls simply because there aren't many in that specific size and shape, so if I want them to have friends or siblings, I kind of have to double up, but right now I don't mind that.
    10. I have a pair of mermaid sisters and a boy that takes couple pics with either or both of them together, so i'm not sure whether to call them a swapable duo or trio, I've got another boy coming in soon, so maybe when he's made up they can have more set partners, but it's also very possible that he might be a loner. lol
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    11. My honey delfs are definitely a pair! I think it's nice for dolls to have a sort of friend? So they're not lonely, haha.
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    12. I've always thought Dollfie Dreams work best in pairs or trios, and I'm well on my way to having 06 head twins + a Mariko as my main triage. I also really want to get my Littlefee a friend her size someday.
    13. I definitely like having 'sets'-- Pete and Billy are a little found family of two, Party Martian and Marigold spend more time together as my fantasy oddballs... and I'm building a set crew around Jack now, he's waiting on his new partner-in-crime. In story, they're teaming up to search for the people they've been separated from. So until he gets his husband and she gets her family back, they'll be a close platonic duo, and I'm kind of excited about that.
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    14. I like to pair or group my dolls as well and unless they’re twins I try to make them look quite different. It creates more diversity in my collection. I think while my bjd collection is small I’ll keep the groups as friends because if they are siblings I’ll want to make them look alike.
    15. Relationships are at the heart of everything I write. The story ideas I get that inspire my dolls tend to revolve around couples or best friends, plus I have multiple different stories going on; so my dolls are loosely grouped together by storyline and then I have specific "pairs" of dolls that are intimately linked or connected some way in the story and they just seem to "go" together. When I have two dolls I know are going to be a pair, I try to design them to compliment each other. So for all that rambling, yes, my dolls do come in "groups" lol. :)
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    16. All of them... I only have 3 dolls, so it's not a question that they must match. But if my collection 'll grow one Day the next will match too...
    17. Same for me, exactly.
      I like to view my collection as a whole group. That’s partly why I keep it small.
      At one time I had both 1/4 and 1/3 dolls and I felt they were split that way and I didn’t like it, so now I only have 1/3 size.
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    18. Somehow I ended up with 1 mnf shiwoo full doll and two other Shiwoo heads that need bodies now lol, i've made them into triplets for now so they're a set I guess...I certainly didn't mean to end up with 3 but life is funny like that