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Dolls' Sexuality and Owner's Sexuality: Are they related?

Feb 22, 2011

    1. I think there could be correlations with the 'outskirts of society' and being part of a very open-minded community that may have a tendency to attract a GLB sort of population. More interestingly, though, I might look more towards those who have many dolls. Out of say six dolls, how many of them are gay or straight? Are ALL of the dolls gay/bi? I think it has a lot more to do with how the general structure of the 'yaoi' fandom goes. According to society, guys dig watching two girls kiss... girls dig watching two guys kiss. _xD To me, it's all just a funny, funny world. Ultimately, I suppose it could be a bit of a coincidence... But I do notice that there are beaucoup number of gay/bi doll characters out there (one in every household almost) and quite a noticeable number of gay/bi dollie owners. Guess I vote for the accepting artsy culture and the 'out of the norm' influence on the whole shpeel, too. I'll make one final note on the matter, though, and say that for myself, I find it as more like an interesting character dynamic to explore.

      I associate myself with being 'asexual'. So far there's one gay, one bi, and four straight. Aaaaa-yup. Except that three out of the four straight ones are female.... and one of them is still too young to know any better... FUUUUUUUU...
    2. HA! Ditto for me :P

      My girl is not at all an outlet for my sexuality however, but she is coincidentally a lesbian (with no partner). I really connect with my things (possibly at an abnormal level) so with her, she just spoke to me that it was who and what she was. Then she sort of came together for me from there. I absolutely love her to death though she's the most awesome doll I have EVER had the pleasure of "meeting".
    3. I have noticed that a lot of straight girls like to have gay male characters. Kinda like yaoi. I don't really understand the connection.
    4. This is an interesting topic. With my dolls, I'll have (using future tense since I don't have all the dolls for the couple) one gay couple and the rest all straight or too young to know any better. But for me in general, I like to design characters based on the "You love who you love" philosophy. Gender doesn't matter, if you love them enough. So my dolls aren't really gay...they just love the other person too much to care about gender (I think one might be gay, but the other has been uninterested until he met the other...still not sure if that's how things went down...I'll have to see what my dolls say lol). I do think there's a definite attraction to a certain gender if you feel a certain way (I'm straight so, so far I've only been attracted to men kinda thing). I don't think my dolls reflect my preferences. True I do like shounen ai and whatnot, but the reason I made the couple was because they felt so perfect for each other. I got kinda deep there lol...and I wasn't doing a good job of explaining...does what I said make sense kinda?
    5. Of the 30 I currently have home or planned, here are the stats:

      3 gay men: Amir, Matt, Kaid
      10 bisexual adults: Loki [married to a man], Maddox [dating a man], Blake [engaged to a man], Mike [married to a man], Mikko [married to a man], Billie [engaged to a woman], Heath [in a relationship with a man], Jayson [engaged to a man], Kane [dating a woman], Mige [dating a man]
      10 straight adults: Axl, Erik, Ashley, Claire, Olli, Cosmos, Titus, Noble, Dylan, Tanner
      1 asexual/demisexual: Hansel, though he is engaged to a man...so....demisexual/romantic, as in, he only is interested in the sexual aspects of it with his partner AFTER falling in love in a non-sexual way, and no one else, not even interested in looking
      2 pansexual: Sixx, Xerxes
      2 children who are too young to know yet: Venice, Zack
      1 male child who is only 9, but showing a very strong preference for men: Parker
      1 unknown : Gus (Is a grail doll I'll likely never own, so I haven't gotten that far in developing him yet)

      I am bisexual, though when in a relationship, I am ONLY with that person. So while it was purely subconscious, the highest percentage of my dolls are bisexual, like me, but in a committed relationship, like me. However, currently, most of my bisexual dolls are in homosexual relationships, and I am in a heterosexual relationship. Tied for highest percentage is straight....hmmm....
    6. I have already answered to this thread, but there is something else that just came to my mind concerning the connection of the doll's and the owner's sexuality. Could it be that the ones answering to this thread specifically tend to be the ones who are thinking more about their orientation in general, and these happen to be the non-heterosexual rather than the heterosexual because well, if you are not hetero, you simply have more problems with your orientation as you grow up in our society? This way, the impression that there are more non-heterosexual doll owners would be an artefact (=artificially created through the kind of survey).

      ...and my "statistical approach" to my doll collection's sexuality has ceased to function, by the way. I had tried to keep the "lifetime incidence of sexual interest in one's own sex" under 20% for my doll characters, but it doesn't work anymore ^^
    7. I don't really consider myself to have a defined "sexuality". I have a girlfriend of whom I'm very attracted to currently, but I don't consider myself a "lesbian". I think that every human has the potential to fall in love with another human, and that gender shouldn't be a barrier between them. I think there is equal potential that my soul mate can be either male of female, and I will not scrutinize anyone or rule anyone out before I get to know them and give them a chance at my heart. It's hard to explain, and someone reading this might think, "oh, you're bisexual and haven't realized it yet", but that is definitely not the case. I suppose I just feel that labeling yourself is like building a wall around yourself, and you're just pushing people and opportunities away.

      I don't give my dolls sexuality. I did at first (I had two boys who I placed together), but I re-did my characters designs completely and I have eliminated all background stories for now. I will not be placing them together again, that much I know for sure. My reason? Simple. I kind of feel that the whole "my doll is gay/bi" thing has become...how shall I put it...glamorized? ^^; I don't want to word it in a way that sounds offensive, and I certainly don't mean it that way at all, so please no one take it that way. I just see A LOT (and I mean A LOT) of sexual orientated dolls of the homosexual nature as of late, and I'm not really sure what to think of it. I think a lot of it may have to do with a relation to anime/yaoi and the BJD hobbies colliding at conventions (as someone mentioned earlier).

      The ratio of gay male to lesbian female dolls is alarmingly different as well, from what I've seen in the galleries. There are always photos that haven't been taken, of course. I just feel that the yaoi-gay doll connection is very strong, and people fashion their dolls into what they've read in yaoi stories and fanworks. Most of the time, this is a really unrealistic view on how a relationship works anyways (as is in all media, but life as a "homosexual" person is not all it's cut out to be in manga that I've read!!). It just sort of irks me whenever I see an unrealistic relationship (straight, gay, in the doll hobby or in a movie, doesn't matter), so maybe that's why I avoid giving my dolls the potential to "be with someone"? Who knows.

      Probably should stop talking now, before I sound stupid (oh, wait, its too late for that).
    8. Hmmm. I never considered this before! For me, I don't base characters around a doll mold--instead, I take my own existing characters, and browse around until I stumble across a face/body that really resembles them (probably true for a bunch others out there?), so--yeah. I think it really is more of a creator/character dynamic--how much (or little) of yourself do you put into your own characters?

      I only own one doll so far, she's straight as a rail, but I'm not, and out of all my wishlist future dolls--only one or two are gay, with the rest being hetero. I usually find myself putting other snippets of me into my characters/dolls--personality quirks, some likes or dislikes, etc. I do think the accepting atmosphere of the arts really draws a lot of LGBT people, myself included.

      I've even noticed a margin of transgendered dolls, too (in the DZ MSD thread, there was some side chat)--doll heads that come on /one/ body, but are designated to become (sooner or later) a character of the opposite gender. It was neat to see people take up the same dynamics with dolls that they do with actual trans people ("On the inside, they're really a boy/girl, so that's what they'll be to me, no matter the body." vs. "Well, it's on a girl build, so I really can't see that mold, as it is, being anything other than a girl.")
    9. xD I think my dolls reflect my preferences. Male and straight. If I ever have a homosexual doll for some odd reason, it would be way out of place since none of my other dolls are. (And one of the characters are completely against that sort of thing in the first place.) I also considered buying some girl dolls too but for the girls, I'd want smaller or younger dolls because they just look so precious and I'd be one of those weirdos calling them my "babies" all the time. OTL
    10. I have never really considered my dolls sexual preference, Its not something i really think about, even though they all have characters and personalities, I don't really go too far down that road.
      Not from being prudish but I have never considered it, Being a Gay man i don't feel the need to have gay dolls, i suppose if i thought about it i could probably say this one is this or that one is that, i don't know why and only thought of it when i saw this thread! lol
      Usually my dolls are mates/girlfriends going out shopping or for lunch! (that is such a gay thing to say)! hahaha
    11. i dont think my dolls have a sexual preference. guy or girl.
    12. Interesting topic, I've always wondered the percentage of gay/bi people in this hobby because in these years I've known about many heterosexual women that have met another woman (in bjd forums) and they are now in a long and solid relationship. I think it is very curious, but I don't know if this happens everywhere, and well, it makes some sense if you think that in a community where most of the people are girls with interests in common and an "artistic side", you can feel attracted to somebody in many different ways.

      I'm lesbian and almost all my dolls are gay or maybe bi, and I can only think about non-heterosexual relationships for my doll/characters, but I don't think that dolls orientation is directly related with the owner sexuality; most of the time we reflect an "ideal" in our dolls and this is a way to abstract ourself from our reality, as most of the hobbies. In my case, I've grown up in a very catholic/traditional family and I felt and still feel oppressed, and I think that for that reason all my dolls are the opposite.

      Also I know many heterosexual girls who have all their dolls with the perfect "love story", and other girls who have gay couples, or mix... I'm sure it is not related with your own sexuality, but with the way you see the life and that you feel comfortable.

      *I hope my English makes sense in the way I tried to explain my thoughts ><
    13. I personally don't think that my dolls reflect my sexuality much at all. Although now that I'm thinking about it, all the dolls I have planned are straight women, and I am a straight woman. But I honestly don't think about my dolls' sexuality much, outside of planning potential partners for them.
    14. I'm a girl and straight, but very prone to girl crushes. I don't think my sexuality affects my dolls as far as their characters, since I have at least one of every option, but I do think it affects what dolls I have.
      Like I said I'm very prone to girl crushes, so it doesn't surprise me one bit that my bjd collection is overrun with girls. I have a couple boys, but they are definatly in the minority.
    15. Hmm :o You know, I think they are related.
      Because.... I'm straight, and I guess the stories that I make with my dolls are also that way, since that's what I relate to the most and enjoy.
      Probably also to buck the stereotype that beautiful guys are all gay, haha :lol: Rebel with a cause. (Though I have a hard enough time even convincing people that my pretty boys even -are- boys..... )
    16. I'm pansexual, and my girl (though right now, she is my only doll) is bisexual. So, it seems like you could compare those things and say that our sexualities are related, but our preferences are in fact very different... I'm very picky about the people I like, but she would do basically anyone who gave her a second glance :sweat

      Now before I continue, I would like to explain that I'm not trying to point the finger or say that any opinion or preference is "wrong", I'm just going to point out something that I've noticed...
      I've seen this especially among anime/manga fans who are also fans of yaoi/yuri (and as we've established, this does tend to overlap into the BJD community): there seems to be a tendency for people who are homosexual (or maybe even just really like homosexual pairings) to assume that all or most characters are also homosexual. While the fact is that most people in the world are straight, birds of a feather do flock together and I think that people who are homosexual do tend to have homosexual friends (or dolls!), and the same goes for heterosexual people.

      As for me, I think it really depends on the character. Some characters just are heterosexual and some just are homosexual, and some are in-between. It's all up to them :)

      So bottom line, I think doll and owner sexuality can be related, but aren't always.
    17. I have a friend who is female and has a male doll. She feels more male in personality and we all agree that she would be a prime candidate for gender confusion. However she came to terms with herself quickly. She admits that she plays out her male side through her doll rather then herself. He is tall and handsome. She dresses him the way she would dress herself if she were male. She writes stories using him as her reference. He is her inner self and is how she displays her sexuality. So in a way you could be right with some doll owners but I don't think it applies to every one. That is what I love about dolls. They are a different outlet for each person.
    18. I am more of an 'asexual' really and a bit of an antisocial. Even though I did not have a doll yet, I only have one on my wishlist although I can buy a few. The doll is a girl and I am a girl. I never thought of getting a guy doll (or another doll for the matter) although I once did have a spur of 'I WANT!' when I saw a guy doll. But I never intend to get more than one doll. Even if I do get a guy doll along with the one I planned, they will only have a sibling relationship at most.
    19. I am a lesbian, but my doll is straight. To be honest this shocked my friend when she was saying I need to find a cute girl for her (my friend is straight btw and plans to make her boys gay once she starts in on this hobby) and I told her that I already had a boyfriend planned out for her. I don't really think the owners sexuality is reflected in their dolls. At least not for me.
    20. For me I am straight and, for now my 2, dolls are straight
      though I would love to have a lesbian character and I do have a
      gay (flaming Queen kind) i just wouldn't exactly know how to write it out.

      Though i would think it would be the same as a heterosexual couple, I would need
      to study people (cause I'm weird and love body language and movement and
      minds of people) and see how the different relationships worked ^-^