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Dolls with the same hair color as you?

Jan 8, 2011

    1. I don't have any dolls with my hair color (blonde) yet. I have three boys with black hair. One with pink w/black streaks and one with white and light blue. My girl has copper-red hair. I do have some blondes in my future doll plans, but not nearly as many as will have other colors of hair. ^^
    2. I'm a brunette and for the longest time my dolls had practically every color under the sun (black, white, blonde, blue, purple, gray, pink) as well as two redheads planned, but never any dolls also a brunette such as myself. This has only just changed recently when I decided to give my Kirill a complete make-over as I revamped his character from the ground up to get better in touch with him. I honestly had NO idea what color wig I wanted him to have, simply that I was sick of his black wig that made him look like 90% of all the other Kirills out there. I was willing to try him in just about any color and was considering an aqua green but was still unsure. It wasn't until I went to a doll show and found the only wig in his size on sale for $12. I wasn't crazy about the cut or the fact that it was boring brown but since it was only $12 I decided to give it a shot.

      He is now my resident brunette and I love it :) I don't think I'll have any other dolls with brown hair in the future, though I never say never at this point.
    3. My dolls have a variety of hair colors and textures and that's the way I like it. I do find myself drawn to blue eyes like mine, though.
    4. I have natural blue black hair and all of my female dolls have black wigs. I don't have any male dolls at the moment but the one I did had dark brown hair although I prefer lighter colors on my males.
    5. I have waist-length blood-red hair; it would look a bit weird if all 12 of my dolls also had dark red hair - not to mention that it wouldn't suit the skin tones and face-ups of most of my dolls. My El, Kai (in my avatar) has a red wig that's almost but not quite the same shade of red, but at the moment I've got him in a black wig - so none of them match me.

      There are so many different shades and styles of wig out there; it would seem a waste to just stick to one colour! My dolls are an escape from reality and a way of exploring everything I'm not - so why would I want to turn them into little clones? If I were going to do that, I would just buy Minimees of myself!
    6. Yup. I'm black-haired, pretty much all of my dolls are too. I just like black hair a lot @_@ ..
      But I'm working on bringing a little more variety into the crew.
    7. I have a relatively dull shade of brown hair, its a very plain colour. I have had it different colours though, among which several shades of red. One of my dolls has auburn hair, and I have wefts in a more red shade for her too. But that's the only one that has some similarities with one of my previous haircolours.
      Out of my other BJDs, one is a blonde, one has cremewhite hair, one has teal hair with white tips, one pink with white tips and one white dreads with some green streaks.
      I see a trend of light colours, actually :lol:
    8. How bizarre. I am exactly the same. :) (Not having one doll with black hair mind, though I do seem to go for red-heads. I may as well be Gibbs!)
    9. I wouldn't say never, I like my natural hair colour enough [brown with caramel highlights], but none of mine currently have this. Blond, platinum blond, redhead, black and white...but no brown ^^;
    10. Nope. I am not hugely fond of my dark brunette hair. So my dolls have the color hair I wish I had - black and red. I do not like maintaining dye jobs on my hair and those are my two favorite hair colors, and my dolls are my ideal visions of beauty so they are of course what I WISH I had, and not what I actually have.
    11. My first doll has silver hair, so I definitely don't keep with brown hair for my dolls. None of them actually have brown hair, unless I switch my Elf Sabik and my Cuprit to their human hair colors. Which, actually, they don't have any brown wigs of their own. So I can't really do that. lol.

      I usually go with what colors I want and what colors I don't have yet. For example, I don't have any purple haired dolls yet, but I do have one planned. I'm working on a crimson red wolf and I don't have any crimson red haired dolls yet. My Heliot has teal hair, but he's the only one. I have a few black haired dolls, a few white haired dolls as well as some blond ones too.

      So I've almost got every hair color. I know I do have some brown haired dolls planned too, so eventually, I'll have some. It's funny that I never thought of that. I really don't have any dolls that wear brown wigs regularly. XD

      Oh and I didn't add that my hair is dyed now. It's kind of more burgundy in the back, but you can't reeally tell. The front bangs are red now. So actually, if my hair was dyed black in the back, it would match my Vega boy, who has black hair with red streaks.
    12. My first girl that's on her way won't have my haircolor. In fact, she'll be a redhead, and I hate myself with red hair! Besides, I was born a blond and am now a brunette, and my hair changes every few months, so I don't think I'll ever own a doll that really identifies with my hair color XP
    13. I have dark brown/black hair and two of my dolls have hair that's more jet-black. Even so, people keep thinking one of my girls is myself in doll form because of her hair...even though she has bright blue eyes and mine are brown :|.

      Anyhoo, my crew consists of blondie, brunette, greying haired, black haired, white haired...and even black AND white haired dollies. It's nice to have some variety.
    14. Not yet, but when I look at my planned-out family, and the number of wigs I have wishlisted, yeah. I'm a natural redhead with a bias towards other redheads when I'm doing character design, or when I'm picking a favourite character in various fandoms (so, yes, big Weasley family lover). The next doll I'm saving for is a redhead.

      I tend to like natural-looking reds, but if I was going to get Vince a red wig, it would be either a bright cherry red, or one with hints of purple to it, since he's not a redhead, but he does get to change his hair up more than other dolls I plan on getting-- meaning, he has different coloured wigs instead of different lengths/styles in the same colour.

      I also like wigs in interesting colours, and black wigs, and Vince's usual wig is brown. Some characters I plan on dollifying are blonds or brunettes, etc., but by and large, I definitely lean towards red hair, anything from a light gingery red to a near-auburn.

    15. I tend to just use whatever wig best suits the doll :) That said, I do have a tendency to lean toward white or silver wigs or redheads, none of which are my own color ;)
    16. Very, very rarely is this true for me. I have many dolls and only three have blue hair. Of those three, only one is anywhere near a similar shade to my own. This is something I actively avoid. As my hair is rather distinct, I think it would look very self obsessed to have dolls that "looked like" me.
      Had I another hair color, or I was less recognized by it, I don't think it wouldn't be an issue.
    17. I tend to go for opposite now that I think about it. I have dark brown hair, and I tend to want wigs that are blond, red or gray.
    18. My natural hair colour is somewhere caught between dark blonde and red, and I've never actually seen a wig that matches the colour yet. But even if I did, I don't think I'd get that colour unless one of my characters had that colour hair.
    19. I have a turbulent 'relationship' with my hair. The last thing I would want is for a doll character of mine to undergo any of the same strife. When I first got into the hobby, the kind of wigs I preferred were as different as possible from my own hair. I loved the styles that I would never be realistically able to achieve on my own head. Now however, I have a doll with a wig colour that is roughly in the same range as my hair, which is something I had not really expected.
    20. Thank you all for answering my question. But what I really what to know is...why?

      Do your dolls have different hair from you because you hate your hair? Or maybe the same style because you love it? Maybe nothing to do with your hair color at all...?

      Sorry for the confusion ^^