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Dollshe Re-Launch of old style 70cm Body

Jul 1, 2010

    1. I agree...what the heck's up with that faceup? I think I preferred when they where showing the greyscale, blank pictures.
    2. I'm gonna third that. I wish they would at least keep blank shots so you can see the sculpts a little better. The body blush is very nice though, and somehow Bernard still manages to look really sweet-faced~ :aheartbea
    3. I've been thinking exactly the same. :-S Those faceups couldn't be more unflattering for the sculpts.
    4. Maybe I will write to him. It's just such a pity to see people turned off by the face-ups when I know there's a cool doll under there somewhere!
    5. Yeah!
      I was thinking that maybe Pabo would look better with another face up, cause we can see how he really is with that terrible faceup

      I don't know how Bernard manage to still look cute ...xD
      wow.. thoose eyes are telling me to take him home!!...*-*
    6. While I agree that the face-ups are unflattering... wouldn't it be a little rude to tell him that? (specially if translation issues are thrown in the mix.) Why assume he doesn't know.

      I do wish he'd put up blank shots of the sculpts.
    7. I'm not a big fan of the face-up pictures, they seem to enhance how thick the eyewells are (which I never noticed). Maybe it would be better to just ask for blank pictures, so as not to risk offending him?
      I do quite like the new thumbnail they have up for the Pure body, it looks so much meatier, compared to the DS18M. XD
    8. I'm pretty sure I can write a diplomatic letter discussing the fact that even Volks moved away from the more "old-fashioned" face-up style and launched a Renewal version of their standards back in 2008. He's already said that he's grateful for the feedback because of his distance from the English collectors. Also, he's got a professional translator so I'm not worried. ;)
    9. Mr. Dollshe said he is unaware of the current state of the hobby. I am confident St. James can write a balanced informational note about changes in the expectations of BJD enthusiasts and what they require from promotional pictures these days. Perhaps he is unaware that most companies large and small now employ independent professional face-up artists for their promo images. Helping him improve his sales and show off the full potential of his creations can be conveyed in a positive and helpful fashion.
    10. Very true, very true.

      Maybe he might be interested in seeing what Dollshe owners have done with their dolls? There's the Dollshe-Club on deviantART, which has quite a few lovely dolls. I also found two Flickr groups, Dollshe DSAM32 and 35 and Dollshe Dreamers. ^^ Who knows, he might enjoy seeing them.
    11. I'm sure he would, thanks!
    12. Great news about old body re-releasing! At last I’m going to get one for my Saint. And I guess I only one who enjoying their new old-style make-ups :lol:
    13. I agree with the faceup talk, I remember when they were relaunching the dolls I didn't like Saint because I thought he looked like an alien with his faceup. It was only after I saw someone's boy with a different faceup did I realize how handsome he was.

      But the re-release of the old body makes me happy, because I hope these pretty dollies will still be around when I can finally actually afford them in a couple years. I actually like the DSAM32s body, but this is a nice extra choice now. Do I get a fancy jointjoint body, or a simple dolly body? Should I get a Saint with one and a Bernard with the other? :whee: :aheartbea
    14. Go St. James! That is an awesome idea to write to him. What's the worst that can happen? He did say he doesn't know what the community was like ... :roll:

      Thanks for those links, LupusDarkmoon! I didn't know about those flickr groups! *joined*

      I think Saint has the best faceup on the board, Doria. And I guess that's why people say, there exists chocolate, vanilla and everything in between ice cream! :chocoberry
    15. I hope this is not limited somehow. 0_0 I have wanted an old Dollshe boy since I heard about bjd in 2008. I missed out on those elegant lovelies... Gawd I want it bad. I was going to say if they add in double-jointed-ness I'd buy but I almost don't care. I will get one eventually *raises fist to the heavens*

      :edit: @Doria I agree, the faceups they have on them now are terrible. It's personal taste and all but they are awful so I'm really excited too.
    16. I Just say "YAYAYAYYY!!!!!!"
      I'm happy to hear that!!! T_T:D
    17. (O_O) ... I had just received the new DSAM32 body believing that the old 70cm body will never return again.

      My sister has a Tensiya Hound and seeing them side by side, I prefer the DSAM32 body in looks... but how it sits drives me a little nuts! The return of the old body is creating great conflict -- especially since it is being reworked. It's better to wait to see how things turn out but the FREE shipping is tempting. :P
    18. I love the new super jointed Dollshe bodies, but don't want any dolls taller than my old Dollshe. I wish he had kept them all about 70cm. I very much hope he will make the old style hands again; I worry that I may break a finger someday and would like to have spares. I'm thinking about a Saint. I've always liked him and have been admiring the ones that belong to friends.
    19. Hmm yeah not too sure on the new promo pictures, but I'm happy to see a blonde Saint, as I want my boy to be fair when I get him, and a very large percentage of owner pictures you see are dark! He does look so good dark though... :XD:

      As for the new body, well, one of the reasons I ended up changing Saint from 'love look at' to 'MUST HAVE' was the DSAM32 body, so I'll probably still go for that. For me, an extra 4cm on a doll that is already so big isn't going to make a lot of difference haha
    20. Oh, oh, free shipping and the whole doll is cheaper than I thought! D:
      Man. Maaaaaan Dollshe, you are breaking my heart. I wonder how much money I can make before the 15th? D: