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Dollshe Saint ~ 2009 (new Rhythm body type)

Feb 4, 2009

    1. The bridge of the noseis is a bit wider and the point is round, imo. The face looks softer, yes.
      But it's still the Saint <3
    2. OMG!finally the beautiful boy returned~~~SO will the others boys ?
    3. I'm sort of tempted to just buy his head for now... I do love the body, but if people can make Unoa hybrids, (they have a face plate system too, right?) I can't imagine why the new Dollshe ones can't be done the same way. I dunno. I do know that I really want a Saint head though. xD

      Did anyone notice there is a newer "more human" body? Wowah, I guess everyone just needed to be more patient for it. ^^
    4. Ok I am really liking the 32 body. This might be dangerous for me...and my wallet!
    5. The 32 body is nice I really like it, Saint want, Time to get saving Can't wait to see owner pics because I just can't decide on what color to get him in.
    6. Wahhh I love Saint - but the new bodies are not my cup of tea :(

      Anyone planning making hybrids with the new saint heads + bodies from different companies?
    7. I'd like to get the new body, but $750 plus $60 shipping is over $800 for him and it's just too large a leap in price from what they used to be especially with the AUD so bad against the USD. I keep thinking I'd rather put the money towards a Souldoll Centaur or a Soom MD and get something really different. I've got someone due to pay me for some dolls and heads soon so maybe I'll feel differently once I've got the money in my account, but I'm surprised how much I'm hesitating over him now.
    8. Just a bit off topic but does anyone know when the dollshe online store is gonna open? just curious :aheartbea
    9. Trust me, if any of us knew the info would already be here and there would be a News annoucement. ;)
    10. A new Saint (or Hound, if they rerelease him) is definately in my future! Very soon future, hopefully sometime this year I can bring my first big boy home! *Squee*
    11. I have a question for anyone who has received their new lovely: is the head able to go on other bodies? I am not a fan of the DSAM bodies and cannot see myself shelling out that kind of cash for something that I don't find aesthetically pleasing, no matter how posable it might be. I think I would prefer him on a Super Gem or Senior Delf, but the site seems to indicate that the head will only work on the DSAM bodies.

      Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
    12. The new heads will work with Super Gem, at least - check out my post for pics here :)
    13. The new Saint head works fine on a Limhwa Limho Mano body. Normal beige urethane by Limhwa matches nicely with Oriental Skin. Not perfect, but close enough for my taste.
      The head fits pretty well on the neck.
      Here are some head shots. (The match is better in reality. I need to fiddle more with my camera settings, I think.) I still need to make body shots. :sweat
    14. Thank you so much! Those are enormously helpful, and very good news!
    15. really looking forward to pics on the mano body. AT the moment I am leaning towards either supergem or dollmore body... what do others think is the best?
    16. Well, getting the Super Gem body would be less directly insulting to Dollshe, if you care about that sort of thing. :sweat I prefer the SG body myself because it has more mass in the upper body and the sculpt has more refined details, which would work nicely with Saint's fine bone structure. And you can use the super cool jointed hands! :D
    17. Bridget - Please start a Picture Request thread in the BJDopedia for images of the Saint head on the bodies you are interested in since this discussion is more geared towards both the Saint head and the Rhythm body. Feel free to link to your Picture Request from here if you would like! :)
    18. :dohidrisfynn ... oop sorry!!! but thanks for the input St James!!!
    19. i was wondering how much does the Dollshe Saint voe cost the body and the head and where can i buy it? *_*