1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollstown 17 and 18 year boys and girls - Part 2

Apr 4, 2018

    1. animemom, thanks for info. At DoA Demiurge forum is DT 18y body as possible option for hybridization, especially because bigger neck in 2018 version, so I would like to try it. If you dont mind my questions, why DT body plus SartoriaJ (Zakary) head failed for you? DT is quite pricy body so better to know than be financially exhausted :whee:
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    2. The Dollstown body is like over $600 while used Dollshe Pure bodies used are found around $300-$400 and in USA so save on shipping as well. Plus the weight difference I have to consider as I have arthritis in my hands and I find the pure body by Dollshe a solid stander and good power compared to the 18 year boy body by Dollstown. I love Dollstown, but the 18 years bodies I don't like. 17 year bodies is the highest I go.
    3. animemom,, I feel with you because I know how much painful this can be, my mum and grandma both, so I'm probably next in line, and they both was (Granda) / are (mum) are handcrafters (knitting, embroidery etcr) so when this happens to one who uses his hands intensively for craft and hobby then it hurts twice as much. a lot of love joy and health and thanks for advice.
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    4. I have a quick question on the 18yr girl body.

      When I bought her secondhand, her elastic was looped directly through the toe section of her jointed feet. I'm finally getting around to re-sueding her and was looking for tips on stabilizing her legs. What I found was a video of someone restringing the body and it looks like she's supposed to have an s-hook attaching her toe joint to the rest of her foot? Which makes way more sense than having the elastic run straight through there.

      Does anyone have an 18yr body they could check for me? And if possible, post a photo of the s-hook? I'll have to dig through my supplies to see if I have an extra s-hook small enough to fit in there.
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    5. My 18yr girl body came strung the same way (elastic through the jointed feet) directly from dollstown. I swapped out the elastic she came with for 5mm and used some extra hand s-hooks I had for the jointed feet. The default stringing makes no sense, elastic thin enough to fit through the feet isn't thick enough for the doll to actually stand (especially with the old collapse-o-matic knees)
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    6. Restringing her with the foot hooks was so much easier this way! I swapped her elastic for 4.5mm, as that was the largest I had, and she was way more stable. Thank you so much for the advice :)

      I also added 12g wire, but I may have to find some thicker wire or pop a second piece in each leg. I'm still getting some hip and knee wobble, even with the new knees and proper sueding.

      Now I just have to find her some shoes that aren't stolen from my SD17 boy...
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    7. I got some new dollshe hands in oriental from the mp and it’s definitely got a pinker tone to it! So torn about it I wish it was easy to find an updated body but yellow X0c
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    8. Hi, can someone share what fits the 17 girl vision body? I'm seeing SD16, some iplehouse? And how does her height compare to Iple's EID men?
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    9. Heard from Dollstown today. A few of my items will be shipping next week. But not my 17 year vision body girl. She needs more time.
    10. Hey guys! Just popped in to report that Luts senior delf boy shoes fit the dollstown 18yrs girl body quite well; I got mainly boots, but they fit body the feet and the legs.

      So most variants of these boots, these dress shoes and these buckle shoes should work fine on these big girls.

      However, standing in a whole other issue. The boots and the buckle shoes both have the interior that is certainly more accommodating for heel feet, however with the engineering of the joint on the toe piece, combined with the lack of back-rotation of the ankle joint make for a whole lotta heartache when trying to get my girl standing. Add on the trademarked knee issue of all dollstown bodies, and, well. Yeah. But with a stand it would likely look marvelous!
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    11. I got word from Dollstown yesterday. All of my orders except a 13 year girl body in oriental skin will be shipping this coming week. That's four bodies and three heads. The other body hopefully not much longer. Finally some heads will have bodies. And one body will finally have her head.
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    12. Hopefully; other then some stuff that came DHL not sure how long EMS will take to get items from S Korea. Hopefully in a couple of weeks.
    13. @animemom Took 6 days for my SartoriaJ giant clothes order EMS from South Korea. I hope the same for you!
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    14. Thank you, but I have noticed big packages are taking longer. Even in USA. I ship small flat rate stuff and maybe it takes a day longer, I ship a doll to a friend and she's only 100 miles away and it took a week.
    15. Yeah, you may be right! I had a doll that landed in NYC DHL to USPS from China but instead of coming to MA it went to NYState further and further west each day. I swear it was heading for CA! I complained to DHL and USPS and it arrived the next day. Seemed like DHL was the best phone call.
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    16. I've been emailing Dollstown about my layaway, asking what my balance is so I can pay it as well as to confirm the email I need to send payment to....anyone have any advice? I've emailed them 3 times over the past week.
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    17. You can send payment to same address as [email protected]
      Also if you paid 20% down you should see if you log in your owed balance. If you didn't create an account then you can do a bit of math. If your total order is $1000 or more you don't have shipping costs and can send the owed 80% for your order. Be sure to add in note the order number and if you don't have an account then check your email from them stating order number and hopefully owed balance. Good Luck, I was lucky and must have got them on a day when they replied to emails due to some free time.
    18. I created an account but there’s no balance owed, it just shows my first payment plus shipping.
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