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Dollstown Elf Body Discussion - Part 2

May 21, 2015

    1. Lovely

      • x 1
    2. :D
      Your two are beautiful! What lovely dresses too!!
      She is a XiaoYu from Black Cherry.
    3. I recently ordered Dollmore's Breathtaker outfit. My DT Elf Luna is one of the dolls who enjoys wearing it.
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    4. I didn't know Dollmore did clothes to fit the elf body....

      EDITED TO ADD: Oooh! They do it in yellow! Now, there's temptation.

      #524 Teddy, Sep 18, 2020
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
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    5. Technically the clothes are made to fit their Youth Eve (SD) size, which is taller and more developed than the elf body. In some styles it won't matter, while in others it will. You have to judge it outfit by outfit.

      I should add that the clothes are very good quality. This dress is made for DM by Ajumapama.
    6. But it really helps when someone posts pretty pictures of how good it looks on their doll - Thanks!

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    7. Don't Zaoll sized clothes fit the DT elf? I've often wondered...
    8. SO pretty @vermont chick !! I just love the Luna sculpt.........such a shame he discontinued it.
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    9. It would be useful to know...

    10. They do. Problem is there's not much to choose from unless you bought a Zaoll with a decent fullset.

      I know. I jumped on it when he announced its discontinuation. Didn't want to risk missing out.

      As I mentioned above, there's not much to choose from. I buy Zaoll jeans and shoes for my Soom ID51 guy and my FID men. I for one would appreciate a few more feminine looking things in this size.

      Here's a pic without the bonnet:
    11. {nods} certainly not for me - My girl is 1920s/30s style

    12. DollHearts still has several outfits left in this style in size SD10/13. That's the size I usually get for DT and Zaoll.
    13. Thanks for the tip - but they're all too adult-style for a little girl of 11 or 12 to be wearing.

    14. Ah, too bad. I didn't realize she was a youngster.
    15. Yeah, the majority of my SD size gang are under fourteen, most of them clustered around the 10/11/12 year old range. The Elf body girl is little sister to a girl on the 13 body.

      Eventually, they'll both spend most of their time in shorts, shorts and red knit caps, ready to go sailing and be piratical. But I want them to have some clothes for when they're at home and on-best-behaviour.

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    16. @Teddy - Have you looked at Dollmore's Illua line? The dolls themselves look babyish and chubby, but the essential measurements (chest, waist, hips) are only a tiny bit larger than the elf body's. Although the line has been around a few years, clothing choices are limited--three age-appropriate dresses and one floor-length black outfit that elicits the question: What were they thinking? The three age-appropriate dresses fit the category of party wear or Sunday best.
    17. They're the mini version of the Lusion dolls, right? Yes, the three dresses read more generic-party-dress than specifically 1920's/30's child, but thanks for pointing them out.

      I have one antique doll dress that fit's and is the right sort of style...

      ... and I've made a dress for each of them using the 1920's "one our frock" instructions, so they're not completely devoid of outfits, and I expect to have to make most of the clothing for both of them. I'm just sort of keeping my eye open in case something suitable is commercially available.

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    18. Yeah, they're the mini Lusions. I forgot about the 20's/30's aspect. That antique dress is darling--as well as ageless. It also appears to be in fabulous condition. I did a quick search of "antique doll dress patterns" and came up with a whole bunch of stuff for all different sizes of dolls. A lot of it seems to be on Etsy. There seems to be plenty to choose from.
    19. You're right - And I'm very lucky in that respect. Now, if I could only get around to doing al the sewing I have plans for, I'd be all set.

    20. Just catching up with all the chat and photos......I didn't seem to get any notifications so had no idea the thread was active again