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Dollstown Elf Body Discussion - Part 2

May 21, 2015

    1. I succumbed to the temptation of another elf body as I saw it second-hand (although the CoA says it's only form November last year so it's new and pristine really), because I have another RML head of the same sculpt as Peggy, who works so well on the Elf body... but Peggy isn't a twin and I already have her older sister, so I am at a bit of a loss as to how to style/faceup/eye/wig the new doll now I have it.

      Impulse buying is not always a good thing.

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    2. I still think the head will work as a lad, and you'd then have a boy at that size that you could style in 20s/30s clothing... John maybe..? Mind you, that leaves you having to find the rest of the Swallows, but hey, it's a project! :XD:
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    3. Too small and skinny to be John. It's all very well Nancy being a tad taller than him, but she'd would tower over him.

      (S)he is probably going to have to be completely unrelated to Peggy and Nancy.

    4. What fun Teddy! Well done on snagging that body.......it took away my temptation to get it! LOL!
      Have fun building a new character around the second RML head now.
    5. Thanks, Jane... it may take some time to get around to it - I still haven't given a faceup/eyes/wig to the Petite Ai who arrived before last Christmas, and I'm feeling very uninspired.

      #545 Teddy, Sep 29, 2020
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
    6. I’ve been in wig changing mode here and made a surprise change to my gal
      Myst yesterday. Myst is a Maru head on the DTelf body - painted by VittaVera.

      I had ordered this wig from @Erlif for one of my nYID gals.
      It looked good on her - then I tried it on Myst and am liking it even more! I think the
      color was called ‘chokeberry’. Anyway just wanted to share Myst’s pretty new look!

      #546 Robyn_in_WA, Oct 12, 2020
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2022
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    7. It does suit her a lot

    8. Really sweet!!
    9. Ok so funny story... I finally went to restring my Soph (technically Soph "A" but made before there was a distinction) for the first time since I got her (early 2008?) and I found out that the feet have been strung directly on with the elastic knot located in the left shin (that took some looking). It is the single joints all around elf body.

      Since I am no mad genius like the artist who sent her to me like this, I think I need to procure some s hooks for the feet. Where is the best place to find them?
    10. @vermaxen I'm not familiar with the Elf Body and what sort of hooks it will require- but I recently purchased some hooks from DOLLMORE- maybe they have what you are looking for? Just do a quick search for 'hook' :3
    11. We used some of the S hooks that came with the Doll Chateau kid body heads- slim and small hook on one side and bigger on the other to fit through her feet.
    12. @Lotte Rotten Thank you! Super helpful to know which company sells them! Especially for replacements etc

      @smilingcrescent I think you're right that I need some that are bigger on one side. I'm going to see if any local craft or hardware stores have them
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    13. I'd like to share my little Myst (DTelf with Maru head) wearing a velvet gown
      that I'd made a couple of years ago. I found it again when looking for
      something else (isn't that always the way!). And took a couple of quick
      photos of her. Her hair is pinned up. I need to make a belt for the gown too.
      The fabric is quite yummy - and certainly does reflect the light well!


      • x 8
    14. Gorgeous!

    15. @Robyn_in_WA, your Maru looks lovely in that gown. Working in velvet, with all the gores -- wow!

      I also enjoyed seeing your Maru; I'm waiting on a Maru I ordered from Dollstown at the end of November 2021. I kept going back to look at the Maru sculpt; her quiet charm worked its way into my mind :3nodding: Plus, I think she's been discontinued since then.
    16. @beamlette Yeah, I missed out by dithering too long to get her. I'd messaged them to ask if they had any left before they got the new website and they said no. Then there were some on the new site, and instead of jumping in, I think I just thought they'd changed their minds about discontinuing, so was sad to see she'd gone the next time I logged in. So my Maru elf girl will have to go on the back-burner sadly.
    17. I thoought I'd share another picture of my Peggy (RML R-01 head on the DT Elf body), this time on the shelf above my desk at work. Which means it's from re-lockdown as my desk moved jjust after returning to the office one-day a week and I no longer have a shelf, but checking the date on the picture, it's from a year beofre the first lockdown, so January 2019... Shows I've not been taking as many pictures of my dolls in the last few years... Must fix that!.
      Her dress is a longer-length Sasha doll dress by Ginnie of A Passion For Sasha on Etsy.

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    18. Two of my Elf girls............in their gowns by Robyn (Period Threads). I just love this size. Their face ups are by VittaVera. Luna on the left, Soyu on the right.
      [​IMG]Winter Wear by wizgerg3, on Flickr
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    19. Lovely - nd such nice colour themes too.

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