1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollstown Mini discussion part 6

Jul 1, 2016

    1. Thanks Teddy. Can't wait to see what here fits here to help complete her look.
    2. Yippee! How exciting!
      • x 1
    3. Here is my Christmas display with some of my DT7 dolls.....

      [​IMG]Christmas plans by Jane, on Flickr

      Please let me know if you can see the photo........I am using Photobucket for the first time in years
      Edit: I had to replace the image as the Photobucket stored image stopped working ((shrug))
      #583 Jane, Dec 17, 2019
      Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
      • x 4
    4. Showing up fine for me, Jane. And such a nice little scene too.

      • x 1
    5. @Teddy
      Thanks Teddy......it took me simply ages to figure out how to load a photo to Photobucket, and then even longer to work out where to find the links! LOL!

      How are all your DT gang doing? Have you dressed them all for the winter season?
      I am still cross about the disintegration of so many of my DT size shoes.......but I have discovered that those I bought from Blue Fairy are standing the test of time.
      So as soon as they restock their TF Mary Jane shoes I will be ordering!

      Bluefairy International-I will always be here for you
      • x 1
    6. What prompted you to switch back to using photobucket, Jane?

      I haven't done a thing about switching them to more wintery clothes (in fact, January is stil in a summery dress I changed her into for a "flower-power" themed meet a while back, and the outfit she was in before - knitted jumper & velvet leggings - was far more suitable for the coler weather we have now). I must get onto that for almost all of my resin gang.

      Same here.

      Luckily all the less expensive ones I got from Juju's DollyMall (Juju's Dolly Mall | eBay Shops) have lasted beautifully and still look like new so I'm sticking with them... I just wish they did more "Victorian" style boots so I could replace all the more expensive ones that have flaked and been ruined. Arin is currently without boots since the ones he was rearing crumbled beyond use ( I had several pairs of those in different colours and all of them in SD size too... {grump})

      Good news that your Bluefairy shoes have stood the test of time though. That's worth remembering - thanks for sharing.

      • x 1
    7. @Teddy I used Photobucket because I hadn't used it in years, and as I pay a small yearly fee for it I thought I had better just try and see if it still worked.
      Convoluted reply! LOL!

      And my girls haven't had a clothes switch since last year either.......I don't play with them at the moment. They are just display dolls.
      But I really should put a cardi on Jillian (who is sitting on the floor) she will catch her death of cold otherwise! LOL!

      And I am sorry that you are having the same issues with shoes :|
      • x 1
    8. If the central heating weren't dfoing it's job in that house, the fire would be lit in the picture, so Jillian will only get cold if she goes outside with out her cardi and coat.

      It's been mentioned on other threads so we're not the only ones.

      • x 1
    9. Has anyone come up with a way/solution of halting the disintegration yet? I have considered coating the shoes with PVA glue !
      • x 1
    10. My DT Jiyu arrived today. After about 6 weeks she is finally home. Face up will have to wait until after the holidays. But she has her wig and the start of lots of clothes to try on for size. Eyes will be different once face up is done, Something less staring at you style. LOL So here she is with big brother Momiji.
      [​IMG]Meet Momo by Marie, on Flickr
      I can't wait to play dress up with her to see what works for her.
      • x 3
    11. It's worth a try, I don't recall anyone making any suggestions of the sort.


      Have fun finding her style

      • x 1
    12. Help!
      I seem to have a doll on my hands who might just be a 'repeat' of what I already have!!!


      I bought Jillian (Deogi) over a year ago and I have hardly done anything with her. She simply doesn't seem to have a strong and distinct personality like my other DT7 dolls have.
      She is a lovely doll but.............

      Do you have dolls in your collection that have less personality than others?
      And if you do, how do you cope with them?
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    13. I do, and they just fill the quieter roles in the groups rather than the extrovert ones. One of them ,all I have for her is her name, her favourite colour, she has a cat, and likes dancing (but isn't a "natural" at it).... and that last bit didn't become apparent until a few days ago.

      • x 1
    14. She's lovely @Jane I am thinking I should add more kids then big ones, but I figured the big ones first then kids. Certain ones will be in stories, but a lot will be fillers, extras in a crowd or group. Fact is I am barely able to handle one let alone two for a shoot. I have been looking at adding as I find and let the others come about in time. But I was never a patient one.
      I saw your photo on Flickr and thought I had a very similar coat to yours. But as you can see not really. Poor Momiji had to wear it for photos as his little sister is still headless.
      [​IMG]Momiji-Coat-1 by Marie, on Flickr
      This coat is purple, has a fuzzy lining and was manufactured, not hand made.
    15. Thanks for the replies Teddy and Marie xxx
      It is comforting to hear that you have quieter characters too Teddy. I will 'fret less and enjoy more' having Jillian in the gang

      And I do have a coat by that maker of the coat that you 'forced' poor Momiji to wear Marie!
      Here is a quick snap of Susie (Ganga) wearing it.
      I can remember takes ages choosing what colours to have the coat made in.


      That shop no longer trades on Etsy now either.....shame.:(
      • x 1
    16. @Jane I didn't notice a tag so couldn't be sure who made let alone when daughter got it. She joined me in hobby about my second year and was out of hobby by my fourth. Surprised she even had anything left as she asked me to well most of it. I Just started year number fourteen in hobby.
    17. @animemom the jacket style that we both have came from a shop in Russia called 'NatZayShop'.....I went back and checked my purchase information on Etsy.
      I bought the purple jacket in December 2016

      I just wish I had bought more while I could!

      And congratulations on entering your 14th year in the hobby! I am a long time member of the BJD world too......I bought my first one way back in 2004!
      #597 Jane, Jan 8, 2020
      Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
    18. Then I would have got jacket from daughter in law. She purchased items from them. I tried and on my second order was ripped off. Her assistant was shipping partial and sometimes empty boxes and reselling items for her own profit. By the time it was stopped Etsy had shut them down. Sadly she was not able to gain back people's trust.
    19. Oh my goodness! I never knew any of that history :nowords: I bought from her three times and never had an issue at all!
      I guess I was lucky
      • x 1
    20. Yes I was one of a few people that was complaining to Etsy about missing items from a order. I got a full refund eventually. It would have been faster if I had gone through Etsy instead of PayPal. Anyway I was sorry for her. She was going through a high risk pregnancy and her family was to busy to keep tabs on assistant.