1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dollzone Discussion ~ 60 and 70cm ~ Part VIII

Aug 1, 2018

    1. I agree about that odd blushing. I see other people blush their dolls like that, sometimes doing the noses bright red too, and even shoulders. Very weird to me but people like their dolls looking a certain way and that is fine.
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    2. Hi hi! I got a Dollzone Devon back in July, that was when he'd come in, and I was wondering if there were any bodies that would work with him other than the Dollzone one? I like some of the Doll Chateau bodies, they're super long, skinny and overall weird looking, but they don't seem to have a body size that would match him.

      I also glanced at some of the posts here mentioning how some reject a ton of eyes. My Devon boy has rejected all but one. That one pair of eyes belongs to my IOS Anarmonia. Why you want the eyes that belong to your friend, buddy?
      #82 Jackdawlord, Dec 6, 2018
      Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
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    3. @Jackdawlord - Dolls do that. They will indiscriminately steal the eyeballs right out of others. Rude little resin people. :lol:
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    4. @Jackdawlord They'll also steal wigs and clothes, too. No respect for boundaries. Treat your wallet like their personal trust fund, demanding this and that and becoming uncooperative when those demand aren't met. Yes, very rude little people.
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    5. @Quiet and Insane @Iron_Dog
      Oh no! I gotta hide everything in a box then. He has those big eyes too, so he's especially dangerous. It's always the ones with the big, sad looking eyes. D:
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    6. Hahaha can confirm! They give you those big, sad puppy dog eyes and then you'll let them get away with anything. :lol: Culprit #1 around here is Azrael for obvious reasons.
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    7. Fei-Lau is very chill (he is the God of Winter Storms) and doesn't demand much. Sleet has things that are his and he'll get very murdery if another tries to take what's his. Wu-Tyr has seen things he likes and while he'll claim it, he's not overly bothered by sharing as long as it's given back when he wants it.
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    8. [​IMG]
      Emily bringing in some Holiday Cheer!
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    9. Aww, she looks so pretty @IzabethS! :) Happy new year!
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    10. Happy New Year! Glad to see this thread a bit more active. I've missed y'all.

      To celebrate, here is Silfe Spammage

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    11. He looks wonderful @Quiet and Insane That red really fits him.

      Here is Hart with his kitsune bf.
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    12. Thank you @SteamWitch! :) I love this suit on him (even if the pants are far too short :lol: )
      Aww, they look so sweet together!
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    13. Hai guys! :dance

      Long story short, I'm attempting to find a hybrid body for my IOS Sezz head. :) I really like DZ's newer B60-005 body for him, but I haven't had any luck finding many hybrid photos.

      I am pretty sure it will be too small, but I've seen a Loongsoul body with a Luts Summery2010 head that looks good. I have the same Luts head, and it is similarly sized and propotioned to my Sezz, and also the Loongsoul is kind of similar to the DZ body, so I'm crossing my fingers that it might work out in the end.

      Might anyone have the B60-005 body, and maybe any IOS heads (or similarly proportioned heads) that you have any thoughts on those possibilities as hybrids?
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    14. I'm afraid I can't help much. I only have the b70-003 body, which is far bigger than what you're looking at.
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    15. @AirimirOfGondor I have a Chaos head, I also have SD bodies but not a Dollzone 60 - Ringdoll 60, Doll Legend 60, Migidoll 65, Islandoll 60 and an AoD 60. Do you want to see any of these with Chaos?
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    16. My wife has the B60-005 body, but I'm not sure we have any heads between us that are IOS sized. Though maybe... what's the head circumference?
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    17. @SteamWitch actually on the Ringdoll body would be wonderful if you get a chance!

      @IzabethS it is an 8-9" head, but it is the proportions that are a bit more exaggerated (he's got really wide-set features) :)
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    18. Silfe is Mister Perfect, as usual.

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    19. He's so gorgeous <3 I really should try feather eyelashes for a doll sometime.
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