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Dollzone Discussion ~ 60 and 70cm ~ Part VIII

Aug 1, 2018

    1. Pleather is such a dice roll and more often than not ends up in the crumble slot for me. I don't know why as I don't typically store the doll with the outfit on and it's always stored away in a bag of it's own away from heat/light. Unluck of the draw I guess?

      I loved those ears on Jeremy. I wasn't as taken by the wing arms but see my previous grievance with wings in general (although I still love them and they usually end up in the yes please column for me because I'm a contrary soul). I liked the skull version but I've already got a character with a 1/2 skull head (Rai-Sui is a SD Vito Azreal The Hierophant) so I'm not sure what I'd do with another.
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    2. Yeah, DZ probably has long since "lost" the masters for their older sculpts, and I wouldn't be surprised if the people who sculpted the original heads have also long since left the company. And most of those heads were developed long before the digital doll sculpting boom. I was actually surprised we got a re-release of Moment and Anson.

      But, it would be cool to see some of the old heads come back. Or even just updated versions of the heads, like I wonder what those might look like.

      Man, I remember wanting a Jeremy so badly.
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    3. Oh, that's right, Moment and Anson dipped back in for a short while. Those are beautiful works of art. The huge mermaid... Freida? did a lap around the buying pool not that long ago, too, if memory serves.

      That's one of the nice things about a digital file, you can keep using it over and over again and the space it takes up as a product is very small compared to an actual physical copy of a sculpt. Especially if the sculpt had special parts for the body. You see so few of the old sculpts pop up 2nd hand nowadays. I assume that the people that have them are not willing to part with them, which is completely understandable.
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    4. Iron_Dog, I think I figured out what DZ outfit you have on your Wu-Tyr. It looks like the outfit that Wing2 was wearing when he was reissued in back in 2008. (I saw a better picture of the full outfit, but couldn’t download the picture to share here.)


      Cloudedmind, I agree. I also think that when Dollzone became connected to Doll Château, and their style changed so much, the old sculptors were long gone.

      However, like you, I would love to see updated versions of their old heads. Updated Yuu, Hong, and Chen would be awesome! :love
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    5. @Rabbit-moon I think you're right. It does look very similar with the jacket on. I can't say 100% as I bought it 2nd hand and I don't recall them mentioning a sculpt specifically.

      I agree that when DZ and DC became sister companies, the aesthetic of DC seemed to bleed over into DZ in a big way. I don't know if that's because they were sharing sculptors between them or what.

      The old school sculpts (not just DZ either) are just so much love to me. Partially nostalgia for when I first started in the hobby and partially because I just like the aesthetic.
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    6. Grimalkin, dolls like Jeremy are pure works of art. :aheartbea He was gorgeous with those majestic winged-ears and his winged arms; so stunning! I know this may sound strange but I never really considered him a “doll”. I just couldn’t see myself ever just playing with him, like I would with my other dolls. He’s beautiful, but all I would do with him is find a nice corner to display him, and admire his awesomeness. (I’d actually be afraid to play with him, for fear of breaking his delicate ears.)

      Iron_Dog, I’m almost certain now that the outfit on Wu-Tyr is the Wing2 fullset outfit. I finally got the second photo to download (Man! How I wish I had bought this Wing when I had the chance!:doh)


      This! So this! :thumbup
    7. Ohhh Jeremy!! I'm super lucky that there's a local owner who bring their Jeremy to meets sometimes. He's a stunning sculpt, and I love love LOVE his wings! :D
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    8. @Rabbit-moon your detective skills are truly impressive. I would say that you are correct. The only thing missing/not on the outfit I have is the tulle or netting or whatever it seems like is on the shoulders. My version doesn't have that and as far as I can tell, never did (there's no evidence of it being cut/torn off). How ironic that the promo shots are with a water background when Wu-Tyr is the Elder God of Primordial Waters. I guess he was meant to wear it.

      Wing2 here reminds me strongly of old CP/Luts sculpts and I'm into it. One of my friends has an old CP/Luts girl (I don't remember the sculpt name but she's of the resin hook moulded into the headcap variety) and I'm getting the same sort of vibe from him. Sometimes when I see an old sculpt just languishing in the MP forever because it's not the current aesthetic I just feel so bad and want to "rescue" it.
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    9. My Feather Fox arrived today. I was so surprised he got here so fast. His name is Kei Kou.I can't wait to work on him, just as the weather turns rainy, of course.
      I made a fox tail years ago and it seems like it was made just for him.
      [​IMG]Kei Kou by SteamWitch, on Flickr

      Luckily, I still have some of that red fur left to use on his head too. :whee:
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    10. Even blank he looks really good. And the tail is perfect for him.
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    11. Thank you! It's the Virgo in me. :doh

      I totally get this. I feel the same way. *Heart breaks*:...( I saved an old Iplehouse Lion head because it was just sitting in the MP forever. I don't know what I'm going to do with him, but he's safe and loved now. :aheartbea
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    12. SteamWitch, he looks amazing! Wow!

      And, the tan resin looks beautiful. :love

      Who is he going to be?
    13. @Rabbit-moon Ahahaha, I'm a Virgo, too.

      I'm not sure if I've rescued any dolls but 2 of my boys had been in the MP for 2 years. I'm convinced it was because of their appearance. Macian (Spirit Doll Dark LE) has been heavily modded by a previous owner (not the person I bought him from and I wish I knew who did the mods) and the mods would be very difficult if not impossible to undo (but are solely to his head). His mods are a bit difficult to describe but I guess heavily scared steampunk would be closest? He also has very noticeable yellowing between his body and his hip part but that generally wouldn't be a display noticeable thing unless he was displayed naked. Wae-Lan is a MD Aseal LE50 head and the face up on him was supposedly done for a contest and it's stunning in my opinion. Finding him a body was a chore (he's on a 5Star body) because of the size of the head/neck hole and the fact that he'd also mellowed and blush to match with an existing face-up is tough. But because both of them were so... unusual they just sat there forever.
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