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DollZone Moment and Anson discussion part 1

Oct 14, 2011

    1. Well, I crumbled. I ordered a Moment. Our resident alchemist will have two lab assistants, one Souloid and one...Planthro! :D I ordered him in white, unpainted with a pair of the 03 hands. I wasn't too impressed by the finishing on the human arms that were offered, so I just got hands. So weird. Is there a way to order directly from DZ? I swore I'd never buy one of their dolls, so I've never even looked. I ordered from Denver Doll once I'd checked out their payment options. A four month layaway is pretty painless on such an inexpensive doll, so I didn't make much of a dent in my Ludwig savings. Whew!
    2. St.James: Dollzone sells internationally only through their dealers, so you have to go through Denverdoll, Mintoncard, etc. Took me a while to figure that out, lol. I was desperately trying to order through the official site and almost gave up once.
    3. At MOC they have the dragon babies listed for sale individually, so you don't have to buy $800 in stuff to get them. I like the heads but am not liking the bodies at all. The tail is way too fat for my tastes. I'll just enjoy looking at others' owner pics.
    4. DDE was nice enough to let me change my order and thus get a free Louis head for the Spring event. Was very tempted by Una, but I would only want her with the freaky stag-horn fern ear things. :) I decided to get my Moment the jointed boy hands instead of two pairs of regular hands, since I think I would be fun for him to make weird little flower stamen hand poses in the center of those petals.
    5. St. james - I had already ordered my regualr hands for Anson when I saw those jointed hands. I thought I might like them but it was too late and also if I remember correctly, they were pretty expensive. I can't wait until you post pictures of your hands. Since I ordered Anson, I think the jointed hands are nicer for a boy anyways.

      Yes, I am quite impressed DZ is having their event before the end of Anson and Moment. That is quite nice of them even though I am not a Dragon fan. I could get a head. Their heads are quite different and would be nice as a second head for our bodies. Many years ago when the antique dolls were made, some came in sets with one body and 3 or 4 heads. That is something we should all do to cut on costs and when we get tired of a head we all change it.
    6. In the parts section they actually sell both Una and Jeremy's ears separately. So if you got the Una head you could get the ears as well.
    7. yay, more flowers coming to people!

      here is an update picture of aphelion... after another couple of hours, i've gotten most of this side of the head done (i still have to do the back of the petals as well since they will be visible from some angles)

      it doesn't seem like much progress from the last picture, but i swear it is! this pretty boy is going to take his sweet time, that much i can already tell :|

    8. My Anson arrived today! Oh wow, she is so insanely beautiful! I'm ridiculously happy to have her here :fangirl:

      I know people are dying for pics, but they will have to wait until daylight tomorrow. It took me a while to figure out which arm is which and all that, but the actual stringing was pretty easy. A note on that though, the string they send her with is much too long for her arms, so you will need to cut or tie it about half as long as the piece they send.

      - your Moment is looking amazing! I love how soft & subtle you are keeping the marbling, it makes it look incredibly real! You should make him a matching "fig leaf" for meetup modesty ;)
    9. darkmothflame - he is looking awesome. I can see it is going to take a long time so don't get impatient and try to hurry. What you have done so far is perfect.

      candygears - the string is too long? Now I am scared again. I have not strung anything. I am so pitiful I couldn't get the hands off of my Dollstown 7 body. Isn't that pitiful. I have managed to get a head off though. I guess if a person just takes their time and follow their not so detailed pictures with no words it should work out. So many have done it here, I am sure I should be able to. It is just the first time is scary. I remember the first time I changed eyes I was scared. Now we can see what you are going to do with Anson. Remember we all love pictures while we wait for our turn to get our dolls.
    10. Alright guys! I put up a bunch of pictures of my girl!


      More in the gallery!

      She's just so amazing, I literally can't stop staring at her. She's been pretty cooperative at holding really great standing poses too, I think her petals help balance her a lot. I'm just ridiculously impressed with this amazing doll...
    11. So is anyone now thinking of ordering another doll to be a companion with the one you already ordered. I sure am. If we don't act now it will be too late. I think i really need Moment to keep my Anson company when she finally arrives. Hope that is soon but I know it will still be awhile.

      After having my deer girl for quite quite awhile now (I ordered her when I ordered a DZ body and DZ Natasha), I have painted her legs. She came with faceup, painted horns, but no painted legs. That had come at quite a surprise as I had thought when you paid for the painting ($50) and the faceup was so minimal, you got the legs painted. I am actually glad I didn't have them painted because I now have them a colour that matches the dress I bought her. She looks wonderful and I will take a picture to show you guys. I guess it is off topic but we had talked so much about the pearl ex awhile back and since I bought so many colours, I am so happy I could use them on this little girl. I will definitely be using them on Anson and after spraying them the sparkly didn't disappear as much as I thought it might.
    12. Anne Mae you could check out the Dollzone discussion threads. I'm pretty sure someone can show you pictures of a yellowed WS doll. From what I remember the WS turns to a nice ivory color.
    13. OMG is all i can say! Picture of my Flower family!

      Untitled by kittywolf13, on Flickr

      box opening pics are in this set on my Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/54526034@N00/sets/72157627817055011/

      Also i took step by step (well nearly) of how i strung one of her petal arms. Incedently it is very diffcult to string, hold the elastic and my phone (cause my camera died) all at the same time for the sake of teaching. :P
    14. Hello everyone!
      I have been sneaking around here on DoA and in this thread waiting for my first two dolls to arive. And today I finally got my Moment, Im so in love with him! <3 :D

    15. She is here!

      The ear petals are held on with magnets. They're only lightly on, which isn't such a bad thing when dolly takes a bit of a tumble. ^^;;
    16. Thank you so much NannaElle! :D She is incredible!

      I made a video of how to string the arms. It was pretty easy.
    17. Here's the body alone with some other mini's. I'm working on an outfit, so later a photo might happen with her all put together.

      We have from left to right: Custom House JR Ai Marco (NS), Batchix Lagoon (WS), Dollzone Anson body (WS), Unoa 1.5 (NS), Batchix Gamma w/Epsilon head, Batchix Alpha

      Forgive the weird angle. I lined them all up against the wall, but laying on the floor so I didn't have to worry about any faceplants.
    18. Oh gosh that must be frustrating!

      I've strung mine three times today and I don't want to do it again any time soon. I was hoping that swapping out the S hooks in her petal-palms she might have better range of motion. The jury is still out on that one.
    19. PoeticSoul : Thank you! ^^ I love him so much , looking forward to make hes face up and body blush, Im going crazy on him I tell you! :D

      keepithushhush I have an pic of Lulu and Gugu =)
    20. the neck hole is the correct size for the anson body and her head is about 6.7inches around, so not that much smaller than a regular dollzone mini's head. the rep mentioned in the news thread that the moon head does fit on the mini girl body, but that the neck might be too long.... i personally love long necks and think it could work for the character, but the neck can also be sanded down so i'm not too worried about it being too small ^^ i got the moon with face up so i'm really hoping i can match the rich blues on the petal arms.....