1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DollZone Moment and Anson discussion part 1

Oct 14, 2011

    1. @PoeticSoul So nice she won't have to be alone for much longer.
    2. Well, she’ll still be waiting quite awhile for me to pay off his long layaway…but I’m certain she’ll be patient considering we never thought we’d ever have a chance to get him at all. This sudden re-release was a thrilling surprise for both of us!:o And there’s the Dollzone wait times to consider of course, but I simply don’t care. I’m beyond thrilled just knowing he’ll eventually be mine…and in green skin no less! I swear I was haunting my doll dealer’s website until they put him up!:lol: I struck like a cobra!
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    3. It's really been over a decade? Now I know I'm getting old, It doesn't seem that long ago they were originally released at all. :o

      Wonderful to see a re-release of these dolls, even if it's just a limited one.
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    4. I was so surprised to see them re-released them as well! But oooh! How exciting!
      Hope we get to see lots of new flowers. :D
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    5. Oh my, this is such a wonderful surprise! Had made amends with the fact I'd probably never get my hands on one of those. Hopefully I'll be the proud owner of the Anson (or is it Ansom? quite confusing as that name is written on the promo pictures, but not the actual listing at AC, anywho) at some point next year. Will be awsome!
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    6. I wonder how they'll ship these, considering how fragile they look. I guess if they break you could fix them like a model kit since the flower parts probably aren't that mobile? I'm probably overthinking it since receiving her is months in the future but I do wonder.
    7. I’ve just received a Dollzone Sawarieda which is pretty much equally fragile and detailed looking…and she arrived safe and sound in a sturdy box specially constructed with shaped foam inserts. Back over a decade ago when Moment and Anson were first issued (and only for 3 short months) they were shipped with only bubble wrap and pillows, and breakage did occasionally occur. But fortunately times have long since changed, and shipping within fitted foam inserts is entirely safe now. I’ve already ordered my Moment and I’m very relaxed about it and not foreseeing any issues. And I know from experience over time with my Anson how surprisingly sturdy she actually is.:)
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    8. Yeah, I can also confirm that lately Dollzone has been using custom foam packaging for their dolls which keeps them very safe. The original Anson/Moment release did indeed use only bubble wrap, and my Anson (who I actually rehomed to PoeticSoul) did come with a few chips/breaks on the tips of some of her delicate flower petals!

      Really looking forward to seeing more of these dolls in the world. Even though I decided they ultimately didn't fit in my own doll family, I still really love them.
    9. mine are still sitting in their "pots" with no faceup because I kind of liked them looking like a statue. O.O
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    10. My original Anson did too. Funny, I‘d almost forgotten I’d adopted a second Anson from you all those years ago. Alas, once I had her I realized I really didn’t need two of them and moved her on fairly quickly. But that’s what stopped me from buying another Anson during this recent release (even though one in lavender skin would have been so pretty)…and choosing Moment instead as a male counterpart to my beloved Bohemia Rose, who is still the queen of my collection to this day.

      I totally get this. Their blank sculpts are absolutely awesome…so artistically sculptural with a beauty all their own. I cannot resist getting creative with mine (much the same with the larger Sawarieda…my hands are itching to get started on her) but I can completely empathize with being in love with these gorgeous etherial sculpts all on their own.:)
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    11. They are totally a work of art for sure!
    12. I'm so happy to be finally bringing an Anson home! Briefly considered getting a Moment too, but I only have space for a few more dolls, and I only need one to finally have the iris fairy I've been wanting since I found out they existed.
    13. I hear you on that…I had to reason with myself not to bring home both myself.:sweat But sometimes practicality wins out, so I opted to only bring home a Moment in green skin instead. Good for you to be getting an Anson! What skin tone did you choose for your iris fairy?
    14. Moon white. I briefly considered purple, but I figured the bright yellow and purple on the petals would contrast with the white more.
    15. I love them both, and I would have loved to get one - if ony I had know in time... :...(

      Oh, well - it's not like I have room for more dolls... (This is me trying to console myself with common sense. LOL!!)
      #875 Fairy Milliner, Dec 30, 2023
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2023