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Don't you wish the companies would use several faceups in their photos?

Jun 10, 2010

    1. It would be interesting to see, and convenient all in one place, but I don't find it necessary - I usually have no trouble visualizing what I personally have in mind for a doll.

      What I do find odd, is that I find blank-hed photos harder to 'read' than one with a faceup, even one I don't like or is totally opposite of what I want - though they are helpful in understanding the sculpt. What is more important to me is that photos show the hed from all angles - particularly in profile.
    2. I understand your point. I'm just noting that sometimes when I seek out owner photos that have different than default faceups, they can look so drastically different. It really brings out the sculpts potential. I've seen the Souldoll Chiron done to look more like an Elf (think Lord of the Rings). I would never have thought that sculpt could carry that look but it was done extremely well. But these owner pictures can be hard to find, so I was just thinking it would be kinda cool for companies to have maybe a small photo gallery at the bottom of their doll page showing how different each one doll can look.
      I know in the end, it would probably be too much work for them. But then again, it would probably create jobs for some. :sweat but that's a different topic. On topic I know some company sites actually do have a gallery area for owner photos. But think of the less popular sculpts and how difficult it can be to find owner photos. :( That's all, it's just an idea. For me, it really helps to see how differernt one sculpt can look just by the faceup. :)
    3. I think it would be wonderful if more companies did this. I wouldn't be disappointed at all if they only offered one of the faceups as an option to get, but sometimes I see a sculpt I really like, and have a hard time deciding if it would fit one of my characters because the only faceup I see sort of biases me one way or another. At the least, having photos of the blank heads (straight on and profile) available at least somewhere on the site would help me make some decisions.
    4. i agree on the nude head and body and different face ups, but I think I'd rather have the blank head than different face ups, because I like to know the exact shame of the head and eyes, nose, lips and stuff, and with face ups it always looks different.
    5. Showing a different faceup would be very helpful, but it would really be amazing if they included the nude full body and the blank head shots. If I'm going to drop $300+ on a doll, I'd like the company to at least take the time to show me what the doll looks like beneath the beauty of wigs and eyes and faceups.
    6. I really like seeing blank sculpts so I know what I will be working with when I come home. There are some companies show examples of the variety of faceups they offer (e.g. Glorydoll, etc) and I think that would definitely be something that could help out buyers. But, I think that showing a variety of faceup samples for every single sculpt they produce could prove to be quite time-consuming.
    7. I think gallery sections or links to flickr groups are needed more than the companies providing various faceups themselves. Owner pics are awesome. WHat bothers me is when some ciompanies, Bobobie and Lost Angel, for example, show faceups they don't offer. The faceups on the Bobobie site are quite lovely, but they are nothing like the default, and are dramatic enough that it's really hard to tell what the doll looks like underneath.

      I do agree about the blank and nude pictures, a thousand times over.
    8. Honestly I would love it if doll companies stopped covering half the dolls face with a wig in their promo shots. That bothers me more than faceups. Im trying to purchase the doll, not the wigs (and many times those wigs they chose are just awful for the sculpt or even the faceup chosen.) And that has more than once influenced me to NOT buy a doll. The blank doll head shot and profile would solve that.
    9. Oh I totally agree with this! I would love to have more pictures with different make if any (also with natural lighting if possible). frontal, profile and 3/4 sideways of the face plus blank head pics. Or, alternatively (but not the best option, although still better than nothing) maybe a template of the face with the style and colours of the different makeup so we can at least get the idea of how it should look like on the actual doll.
    10. Yeah, definitely. Instead of several repetitive shots of the doll with a wig in the way, a faceup you can't get, and sometimes wigs and clothes and eyes you can't get, some nice dramatic shots and then some good, clear shots, and a blank and nude shot.
    11. This.

      I am a stickler for facial symmetry. If I can't see the whole face, how can I tell whether the face is symmetrical or not? It seems to me that when the face isn't exactly symmetrical many companies will cover it with a wig. o_0 ...Not cool.
    12. I agree about clearer front and profile views so you can see what the face really looks like. I also find the wigstyles distracting. If a doll is posed in a wig that is a totally different look than what I would go for, I have trouble getting past that and imagining how the doll would look in another style.
    13. Especially if the doll has some fantasy element to it, like elf ears or horns. Then the wigs can truly just cover up what you want most out of a doll. Even without fantasy parts, a lot of companies (Souldoll!) bury their dolls in so much clothing/wigs it's hard to tell at all how big their ears are, what their jaw line looks like, what their neck looks like, etc.
    14. I think that, perhaps, the reason they don't show more than one faceup on a doll is to avoid confusion. I can already imagine people harassing the company because they didn't get the "faceup that was in the picture."

      Though I totally agree that they should show the blank sculpts and full nude shots! I rarely buy dolls without seeing both of those things! I kind of feel like you can make any sculpt beautiful with a gorgeous faceup and the right outfit, but I'd rather know I like what's underneath just as well!
    15. I agree. I would be a lot easier to see all of the face-up options on each face since each doll has different features.
    16. Blank sculpts would be great, or even a few angles of the face-up version without the wig. So many companies use wigs and hats that partially obscure the features and hide the ears. I wonder why they don't do a simple front, profile, 1/4 turn shot sequence without the artistic tilts and up-dos?

      Is it so hard to let us see the shape of the nose from the side?!?
    17. Yes! The one I'd like the most is blank-doll shots, no faceup, no wig, no eyes; so I could do mock-ups more easily.
      And naked shots on the doll page are good, but most sites that sell bodies seperately will have those on the page for the body.

      I also like what IpleHouse does, by showing the doll in a couple different wigs eyes and outfits~
      And along with what Cymorill said about better face shots, I know Luts will often have pictures that are lit in a way that it's difficult to see the features since the face is so washed out.
    18. I love Luts, but I hate that about their site! I thought maybe it was just my computer monitor, though...
    19. I would prefer to see blank heads over several faceups. I try to do the faceups on most of my dolls myself so the chance that I order blank is rather big. It's also nice to see the features of the face without them being concealed by a faceup.
      But it would be nice to see different faceups aswell, since it shows what potential the face has ^^ but as mentioned before, if the company doesn't sell all the faceups they show it may give bad hopes for potential buyers. If they decide to put all styles up for sale it will only be a good point :D
    20. I agree that companies should show blank sculpts next to the ones with face up! ^^ It would be easier for me to determine if they could be modded or changed into other characters. Plus, without the make up and accessories, wigs, photoshop effects, I can clearly see the pros and cons. Migidoll is one of the companies I love that's doing exactly this! They even have several face ups for each sculpt.