1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DOTs are out!! (FIXED ^-^)

Oct 8, 2005

    1. I was wondering when clothing will be available at the site for the DOT. I dont see any on the korean site, does anyone here know? also does anyone think they will be very much like the styles offered for the DOC dolls?
    2. Summary of the time confusion:

      - The Korean site was reported to have the DoTs for sale on Saturday 8AM Korean time.
      - It turns out they had them for sale Sunday at 9PM Korean time.. = Sunday 8AM somewhere in the US (EST?)
      - There is no time of sale stated on the DoD international site yet. The date is the 29th.

      I think so far, any ideas of timing for the international sale are completely hypothetical.

      Fwee. *_*
    3. Does anyone know if the nude tans will at least come with a wig?
    4. I think all that info is on the Korean site, if anyone wants to take a crack at translating it into sensible English. ^^;
    5. So, I was visiting the Tan Shall section of the site again (wish it were next Friday all ready so I'd know if I was actually lucky enough to get her), and they have her information up. She comes w/ the face-up and wig pictured, as well as a slip, and 2 cotton cushions, exclusive box, two extra hands ...so cool :)
    6. While looking on the site at fullset Lahoo's description I found this:

      This is my first time hearing of a "thumbs-up" hand for a BJD. So exciting. :D
    7. Whoohoo! I sent an email to ask DOD about the Collections:

      Subject : DOT Collections Start Time

      Can you please tell me when the DOT Collections Black Full Sets will go on sale?
      ~ Beckers

      Dear customer,
      Collection DOT will be released at 9pm Korean time , 26th November.
      Thanks for your interest.

    8. Whoohoo! I sent an email to ask DOD about the Collections:

      Subject : DOT Collections Start Time

      Can you please tell me when the DOT Collections Black Full Sets will go on sale?
      ~ Beckers

      Dear customer,
      Collection DOT will be released at 9pm Korean time , 26th November.
      Thanks for your interest.

      Does that mean full set Dots too with normal skin color?
    9. Nope... unfortunately, those already went on sale last Saturday. ^^; This is just for the tan dolls with the exclusive outfits by Chesca. :daisy
    10. No you don't have to send them your credit card front and back unless they request it.

      They changed the rules now. From everyone to just those they request.
    11. Did anyone mention that DOT heads were sold but they're already gone.

      That was a big suprise for me.

      How much were the heads?

      Would DOD do faceups on the heads?

      Boy, if you don't check these sites contstantly you're sure to miss something.
    12. It was mentioned in the DOT thread in the Larger Dolls forum. They were just added to the site, not put up for sale yet. Same with the bodies and the hands. I can't remember how much the heads came out to but someone checked the Korean site and converted the price over. It's in the other thread.

      The naked normal DOTs aren't limited. Just the fullsets (which are sold out) and the naked tanned dolls, which will have another batch of 7 come out in December. (I think?) I suspect the naked normal versions will be available then too.
    13. The DoT heads are now available on the English website.
      Normal DoTs or bodies are still not available. I've been checking since the 19th, and only the heads came back in stock.
    14. Will they do faceup on the heads?
    15. Yep, all the Full Sets are sold. I actually thought the collection tans should have gone on sale by now, but I also heard there was only supposed to be one of each, so perhaps they already sold? And we just didn't notice?

      I'm planning on ordering a nude tan in Dec. *crosses fingers* I'm glad I got my full set already, but I'm kind of nervous about trying to get my tan now.
    16. Does DOD accept paypal yet?
    17. What luts clothes, if any, to the DoT dolls fit? They are bigger then the Luts dolls, so I was wonder if I would have to search under the SD-13 catagory, or if the normal Delf clothes would fit?
    18. Yup, they do ^^