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Dragon's Shell Doll Minis

Dec 28, 2019

    1. Thanks, those and the faceup were done by komorebidolls.
    2. He's here! My MSD elf dog arrived today. He is awesome. He looks like someone I know but I can't quite put my finger on who. And he came with two pairs of elf ears, so I can rest assured I have a spare pair ;)

      I like the body quite a bit, but it is taking some getting used to. For example, I'm used to the ankles being able to rotate, but you need to rotate the entire leg to turn his foot. It isn't bad, just different. I like how smooth his joints flow between poses, although standing is difficult. I think he is too top heavy and without any notches in his knees they just buckle. I'll probably wire the legs for stability. Loving the wrist movement, it's so often lacking in this size and it adds so much character to be able to pose the hands. His face thou, his face is really why I bought him and I just love it. I didn't realize the head wasn't a standard head cap system, it's more like a head plate? So I'm getting used to that too, I've accidentally popped his head off a couple of times while posing him.

      Nessa Gal on Instagram: “New doll today! Welcome #dsdoll elf dog! He looks perfect with the rest of the crew . Thank you @balagur73 ! #bjdmsd #bjdrpg #bjdelf…”

      I took some pics of him next to my other dolls in this size- creaturdoll, raccoondoll, Granado Lucifer, Doll Family-A. His eyes are certainly the smallest but I think he is a great addition to the bunch.
    3. @skyealloway Congrats!! He looks awesome and works well with your crew!
    4. I'll post pictures this weekend, but my Sartoria J clothes arrived...

      It's a bit of a mixed bag. The pants fit well around the waist, but are really, really long. Shirts are the same way. Pretty good fit around the shoulders, but the sleeves are really long on him. The boots I bought are huge for his little feet, but don't look too bad. Like army boots, oversized but not hilariously so.

      Not bad, but if you are looking for perfection it will drive you insane.

      edit: Here's a pic:

      Haven't found a wig the right size I like yet. Might have to try doing one myself. Eek.
      #25 davri, Feb 21, 2020
      Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
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    5. I think he looks fantastic @davri !
      I tried the poets shirt from SantorialJ on my guy and it is almost comically large, but I think when paired with a tunic or jerkin the look would be good.

      On a whim I tried some flats I have for minifee and they fit his tiny feet perfectly! I think minifee girls and guys feet are the same size but I'm not positive. But minifee shoes certainly fit!

      I also got some custom eyes from Etsy shop Heart of a Fae in 8mm with 3mm Iris. The dark brown looks really good, but the bright green is terribly beady eyed. Perhaps the Iris needs to be larger on the brighter colors. Anyway I like him with brown eyes.

      I've made no progress on a wig. The weather is no good for faceups right now either. He will be a work in progress for a while yet.
    6. My SartoriaJ clothes finally came in the other day! Sadly, the pants are way too big in the waist, but luckily you can't really tell thanks to his shirt XD That's a little long in the sleeves, but not in a bad way. I'll probably just look up some tutorials on how to take clothes in *strokes chin*

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    7. Well, my cruise I had planned got cancelled due the the recent craziness. Boo, no vacation. But hey, I get a full refund! So I'll have plenty of money to commission a wig for Nikolai!
    8. Yay doll things! Where are going to commission the wig from?
    9. I'm thinking SophyMolly on etsy. They have a couple of styles I like, but not the colors I want, so... commission.
      • x 1
    10. New pre-order is up! I really like Dragon but I kind of already bought a new doll yesterday :sweat so another time hopefully.

      My Dog still needs a faceup and name too anyway.
    11. Oh nice! I'm still waiting for them to release an msd Pitbull myself >w>
      Edit: wait i just saw their sales post and it includes pitbull aaaaaahhhhh!
      #33 Hakari-chan, May 26, 2020
      Last edited: May 26, 2020
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    12. Yes there are six sculpts and the nindum body available! Which I think might be every MSD she has offered so far. So now is your chance if you've been waiting! :XD:
    13. Eeek! I am so, so very tempted to order Dog! Last pre-order wasn't a good time, money-wise. Neither is this time, for that matter, as I ordered another doll the day before yesterday.

      I'm wondering about the skin colors, @skyealloway. Does your Dog head not match the body's color? From your Instagram photos I thought the head looked a lot paler than the body.

      I'm happy to see that these guys look good next to Creature Doll girls. The minute I saw Ghost, all I could think was how much he looks like Creature Doll Karin. If the elf ears are available for any of the guys, he could be Karin's twin. But I don't know...I still love Dog. What I don't love is the idea of another hard-to-dress male. I suppose I could make something, but man, I hate dressing guys.
    14. Yaaas I broke down and ordered Pitbull in the Deep Normal resin color, I'm so excited! Somehow wound up managing to order two dolls yesterday which is a first for me >_> But Dollshe was having a mega sale so what else was I supposed to do, lol.
      The Nidum Dolls body can definitely be a bit hard to dress, though, I'll admit. I'm breaking out my sewing machine today to make some masks anyways so maybe I'll make a stab at some simple pants or something while I'm at it XD
      I would be curious to find out how these heads work on a FID body... does anyone know?
    15. @vermont chick I think there was just something weird with the lights in that pic, because in all my other shots there is no visible difference. I just took another to see if it matches or not
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      I also took him outside and I see no difference in person indoors or out. Well, now that I've stared at him for several minutes his body is perhaps the slightest bit Pinker than his head, but in almost all my photos you can't see it. I barely see it in person.

      Congrats @Hakari-chan !
      #37 skyealloway, May 28, 2020
      Last edited: May 28, 2020
    16. sorry for double post but I think the measurements of the iplehouse JID are very similar to the nindum body, certainly the chest waist and hip are within a cm. I only have one outfit made for JID, and it's a handmade one so it's sizing may vary, but it fits Dog really well.
    17. Well that's good to know, I'll keep that in mind as I shop for my boys!
    18. Thanks @skyealloway - that's good to know. If the head is slightly less pink than the body, I'm sure the faceup will take care of it. I'm so close to pulling the trigger and ordering: Dog or Ghost? Ghost or Dog? Can't get both.