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Dream of Doll - DoT Elf I-ra Discussion

Nov 25, 2006

    1. I agree Kokoro...they look different. I hope her head is totally different XD

      I want her boots....anyhoo let's hope DoD gets back to me soon :)

      I might go broke the way they're pumping out new dolls
    2. Wah! I knew I'd be too interested in her (more then Petsha) ... I can't wait untill we can see her face!

      Oh, no... I'm getting ahead of myself but... now I'm worried that if I end up really loving her I might miss the chance to get her! (because DOD likes to release things suddenly, when I'm not looking)
    3. I wish they sold the outfit separately or something similar. I like the peeking out bracers
    4. Well we're hoping to see them release her like the new dolls lately...unlimited with option of full set or accessories etc.
    5. holy jesus F*** me sideways O_O
    6. I love the ear shape and I think other than that more in love with the outfit of what I see so far.
    7. :: sigh ::

      I hate Dod so much right now. i hope I hate her too. :...( Must not like! :doh
    8. ^ I concur!
      She is AMAZING!!! this is doubleplusungood for my doll fund....
    9. Ouch.


      Okay, Now I cant decide if I want my next DOD to be Shall or This one! It's A GIRL!!! *does happy crazy dance*

      Is this the Shall head mold with elf ears? O_o
    10. it's not shall, I'm sure of that.
      I'm sure she'll be GREAT!
    11. Yeah, she doesn't look like Shall... argh!! I'm hoping I don't like her without her mask!! *credit card cries*

      And in the Korean site there's a date, 11-27, maybe that means that on the 27th they're gonna show more pics and info about her, like they did with Petsha :D

      *hopes they change her from Limited to the DOT section like with Petsha*
    12. I just saw her on the site and god I want her. Maybe I can save up enough money to get her when she comes out.
    13. actually, i really wanna see her story~ ^^
    14. They said they'd not make another version of shall 'cause they knew people wanted new faces. So, I doubt it's shall ^^'

      Man..... >.< I'm so curious!!! I'll see if I have tips about her face on my e-mails...
    15. "cute type rather than strong and charismatic character" - I guess that was about Petsha?

      I think I have no tips about her. I just think it's not shall.
    16. how do you usually get ahold of DoD I haven't gotten any reply to from emails
    17. I hope if it IS a new mold that if they do keep her in the limited section that they'll at least offer a basic human version of the new head mold for those of us that can't get our funds together fast enough for a limited.

      Who thinks she'll sell out in three days?? O_o
    18. Holy crap. She is beautifull... I like the shape of her lips already, I can't wait untill I see her face. >.< Damn. So much lovely dollies.. arhg. someone wanna rob a bank with me ;P whyyy they make all of them right now. ;3;
    19. She doesnt seem to be en Elf version of Shall because her lips doesnt look like it. o.O She looks like an older version of Petsha, but then again, not really, coz their lips dont look alike. I wonder what she looks like under that mask, because after they took off Petsha's mask, I wasnt very fond of her. Sort of didnt like her lips...
      X3 Cant wait to see her face!!
    20. I wish they showed her without the cape covering everything though D: I'd like to see what the whole body looks like and what her face looks like aswell. She looks beautifull so far! I thought she was a DoC at first but then noticed it says DoT xD