1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dream Valley 1/3 Doll Discussion

Nov 27, 2018

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    1. Oh noo now i almost want it more xD Definitely would be outside my budget, so I'll have to settle for looking at the painted pictures and seeing what other people do with it
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    2. That is so awesome. But does that mean it's supposed to be more like 1/8 scale size? :ablink:
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    3. Ooh, black and red. Darn it, now I want to get a black one, name it Bahamut and let it hang out with my FF figures... :lol:
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    4. and now I want the little rider... :...(
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    5. Daaaaang I want the red version for DnD reasons, but I definitely can't afford it since I just spent a bunch on a dollpamm order.
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    6. Ohh it would be awesome for dnd!!
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    7. Piggybacking on this comment to see if anyone has found feminine shoes for this long footed body? I'm heavily considering having someone mod her feet, even the larger of shoes from Alice Collections do not fit oof :(
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    8. Which feet? I have Z7 on the B56-04 body. Or new feet?
    9. You may have some luck with Dollmore shoes. I unfortunately don't have any at this point, because my girl on the B56-01 body has clunker goth boots on, but I've heard that Dollmore Glamour Eve shoes with DC Y-03/04 feet and those also suffer from "long and thin feet" syndrome (My DC Y-04 bodied girl is wearing boy converse shoes)
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    10. I have the B56-01 body. The feet are very long for a feminine doll, I'm having a lot of trouble. The foot measures around 7.8cm
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    11. I've recently ordered a few custom-tailoring options for my Dream Valley Lloyd, as his body type is very slim. Few things fit him nicely, so I'm hopeful for this as he's one of my partner and I's favorites in our crew. I'll update when the outfit pieces arrive (or if the seller responds and lets me know it isn't possible due to how slim he is).

      Kami Zone is unable to customize for him, that much I've discovered in my digging around.
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    12. Lloyd's custom clothing haul from Pabadoll arrived today! Nearly everything fit, only one shirt and pair of trousers did not. I've sent Pabadoll a message inquiring about those, but I'm very happy with the rest of the order. My partner and I's lanky boy finally has some outfits!


      He also has a nice sweater vest and very soft white knit-style cardigan (and a second turtleneck in black).
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    13. @Nissa - ooh, he's handsome!
      Unrelated, but I couldn't help but notice that your tag line is "a fiend for wigs." Dollmore is having a 40% off sale until May 31...
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    14. @MaleficentMrsofEvil oh thank you! Alas, I have overspent my doll budget these past two months, but elsewise I might've gone to raid that. <3 I think my next project is mainly getting a rotary dremel tool to very slightly widen Lloyd's wrist and ankle channels for S-hooks, as he can't use regular 1/3rd ones, but 1/4th ones are too small.
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    15. She's 51cm so she may be more relevant here than in the other thread, but my bone butterfly arrived today. Her body is a gift for a friend so I won't be keeping it, but I did want to play with it a little. Things I noticed:
      -super loosely strung, especially compared to DV's other dolls. I assume this is to prevent any damage to the the hollow spine the elastic goes through.
      -The spine IS posable; it has a balljoint at the pelvis and another near the chest, but it's not super stable. Definitely requires wiring if you want her to hold a consistent pose.
      -her head is a bit smaller than DV's other minis. I compared it to my Achelous head and tried her head on my dragon Sylves body and the head is more in line, proportionally, with mature dolls. If anyone else is splitting the head and body, her head might be a little too small for DV's other bodies. Her head still goes on, but there's a bit of a gap showing from the neckhole + the neck will look REALLY long. Nothing a bit of sanding can't fix, but just as a heads up.
      -her blank body came with little inset gems on her hips. Nail art decorations?
      -she can't sit super well due to not being able to sit up well + bones jutting out from her pelvis. Her promo art did have her sitting, but she might need a pillar or seat to sit on rather than hanging out on a shelf.
      -gorgeous sculpting on her body, the decorations on her legs, and her face.
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    16. So I just got some Dollmore shoes, and Dollmore Model F shoes are a perfect fit. Long, skinny feet.
      Dollzone and Doll Chateau feet are very similar to Dream Valley. I know Doll Chateau and Dream Valley are sister companies, and someone said something about Dollzone being one, too?
      The only thing I would caution is that Doll Chateau feet are even skinnier than Dream Valley, if you can believe it.
      But yeah - Dollmore Model F shoes are perfect.
    17. I am pretty sure that Coral Reef, Doll Chateau, Dollzone, Dream Valley, also TinyFox (OT) and a couple more are all part of the same group.
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    18. Dollzone, Doll Chateau, TinyFox, and Penny's Box all are the same group. Dream Valley and Coral Reef are old sculptors from DZ&DC that split off to start their own companies. That's why they all feel similar style wise!

      In other news, my DV Alter will be delivered Monday and I am ecstatic
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    19. Oh totally makes sense. I read "affiliated with Shenzhen Cultural Development" (something like that) on all these companies' info page and assumed this was some sort of mother group that covered all of them.
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