1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dream Valley 1/3 Doll Discussion

Nov 27, 2018

    1. i love the shimmer too, and i also like how if i held mine in some lights he was more brown toned, and in others more grey-purple. it is really going to be fun playing with lighting for his pics. don't you love the gold accents on his skin? they did a good job with it, not super bright, more like a highlight. glad to see your pics :love
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    2. yeah, totally agree. He have unique skintone.
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    3. @Riku LIN Oh wow, that color! He's beautiful!! :o:love:love
      I wish I had been in the position financially to have afforded the Niello color as well, but I really shouldn't have even bought him to begin with (whoops! :lol:)
      I'm so sorry that you didn't end up with your crown and mask. I hope that they're able to get those to you soon!!
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    4. thanks^^ ! Ye, i hope soony ill get all my staff. But every time I have some problems with DV orders. :vein
    5. DV's next release is a 1/3 girl with rabbit legs, taller sister of Olivia and Safina. Good to see a new 1/3 girl after last year's head discontinuations.
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    6. I'm already thinking about how to budget to make her fit in my expenses. I didn't get the smaller one for reasons and still regret it, but it's not going to happen a second time.
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    7. Did anyone keep track of the measurements for the body for Vanora and Adria? I didn't need a bunny body, so didn't order it. I've been looking around for one that could work instead, but I'm not sure I'm remembering the measurements right, and all the listings are down now :/
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    8. I did save them!

      Height w/ head: 60.5 cm
      Neck: 8.6 cm
      Shoulders: 11.5 cm
      Bust: 27 cm
      Waist: 17.2 cm
      Hips: 28.3 cm
      Arm length: 18.8 cm
      Wrist: 5.6 cm
      Leg length: 39.5 cm
      Inner leg length: 36 cm
      Thigh: 15.6 cm
      Calf: 12.3 cm
      Bunny foot: 6x6.7 cm

      Hope it helps~
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    9. Awesome!! Thank you so much!
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    10. I hope you do not mind me sharing my hybrid girl here (Fairyland Juri 08 head). When I saw the DV body, I knew it was perfect for my girl. She still needs a little work (tailoring her outfit, making her wings and tail), but I already love her so much.
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    11. @Tonboko - LOVE. Excellent hybrid! More pics, please? :eusa_pray
      I find DV 60-cm girl bodies difficult to hybrid, so I'm always looking for new ideas!
    12. It’s about time I sought out this thread, though I only have 2 DV body hybrids in this size range (DZ Minas/B56-01, and Soom Heliot/DV Horseman), but I am planning on ordering a full Alter this winter. I’m wondering if DV will be doing a winter event, I’ve been waiting for it.

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    13. Did anyone else see the sneak peak of the dragon BJDivas posted on facebook?!
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    14. I did see it, it looks amazing! I would be tempted if I had any need for a giant dragon, but fortunately I am safe.

      In other news, my wife and her family sent me money so I could order the Alter I've been wanting for years. I paid part of him too myself, but I am excited. I know he won't make it before summer, but that's okay.
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    15. I want that so bad!! It could be my girl's dragon form. I know it is going to be a kick to the wallet though.... More like a bazooka.
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    16. It's so big!! I can't imagine how long it would take to paint!
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    17. Huuuunnnnnhhhhh I love it. I love it so much. I don't care if it's an engineering nightmare that poses horrendously. I want one.
      There's no way it will fit into my budget. :sorry
      I hope someone orders one and takes lots of pictures. What a stunning monster.
    18. Not sure if the best spot for the dragon is here or the 1/4 topic; how do you even guess what size this guy counts as? I keep checking DV's official site hoping they put up info early. Based on previous releases, do we have any guesses at his price point?
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    19. I just kind of assumed here, since it looks so big, but I guess it could be 1/4 scale to a dragon too xD
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    20. Dawn (the griffin) was $700 and this dragon looks even bigger than she was so I’m expecting close to $1000 at least if not more. Puts her a bit out of my price range but she does look incredible.
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