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Dream Valley BJD Tiny Dolls

Feb 7, 2018

    1. I really like the 1/6 Nagas they announced, especially the black tail one.
      I was super disappointed to see the resin color options do not include black, just their coffee skin.
      Guess I will look into dying. (I don't trust their body blushing, I have several dream valley dolls where it chipped pretty much immediately)

      Does anyone have a comparison of their normal skin and their tan? (for deciding on the upper body color)
      I guess for the tail dyeing it doesn't make a difference if the tail is normal or coffee?
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    2. It is great to see the Naga dolls. I have two from Sugarble and would love more. I would also love the option of black resin. I do like the purple though.
    3. I'm planning to dye mine black as I want to dye the whole doll with a different head to make a black kingsnake themed character. I've had very good results dying dolls black with Rit Dyemore Sythetics (graphite). The trick to good adhesion is the heat so make sure to get it to a good rolling boil. You also need to hold the pieces in the dye for a good 10 min so I recommend putting the pieces on the end of a wire so you don't have to have your hand directly above in the steam ;)
      I've only dyed from white so don't know if the original resin colour makes a difference. My best guess is that it probably doesn't make much of a difference if you're dying to black.
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    4. I've kinda been too intimidated to dye a doll for a while, lol! Luckily I what I planned on doing with mine was something that I don't think will require it. I plan on something inspired by a character in French folklore and let me say this is one of many dolls where I very quickly knew what I wanted to do with it! :)
    5. At least black is easier to to achieve with dye than a lot of lighter colors are. On fabric not so much, but on resin it sticks pretty well.
    6. Finally got the "ready to ship" notice from the distributor about my Paris who I ordered at the end of last October. I was starting to get a bit worried by the wait time, so I was extra excited to get that email. They'll be my first YoSD-scale doll, since I started out collecting mature tinies.

      Added: I got my shipping notice!

      My Paris is finally home! His/their name is August, and my first YoSD scaled doll.
      [​IMG]August is home
      #506 Leo Pheonix, Aug 26, 2023
      Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
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    7. Congrats on getting him! He's absolutely lovely!
    8. Thanks! I love him! His eyes are open just wide enough to need eyes, but not wide enough for the color to be visible.
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    9. He’s so precious, congratulations!
    10. Does anyone have a human Rin that they could take a photo next to either a standard proportioned YoSD or a mature tiny (fashion doll scale)? She’s so pretty, but I am having a heck of a time visualizing how her size would compare to my other dolls.
    11. My Flo Dragon came in today!


      I didn't expect her to be this big lol. Not that I'm complaining! The sculpting on her is exquisite and she has SO many parts and pieces, even her lower jaw is magnetic and can be moved separately from the headpiece. Unfortunately her neck is rather floppy, but that's nothing wiring (and maybe sueding but I'm scared to unstring her) can't fix.

      I may have to put her wings to the side though, as the pointed tips feel very fragile especially since the wings are magnetic. I find them kind of difficult to pose as well--though I only played with her for a few minutes. Will have to see if I can wire those too or put kips in if possible.

      I have no idea what I'll do with her but I love her already. :kitty1
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    12. If you decide to unstring it be very careful. I pulled a foot out enough to expose the s-hook on mine to start unstringing it and the resin bar that supports the s-hook snapped right off.

      Playing with the wings to try and make them more stable a hole opened up in the channel the string goes through as the resin was so thin.

      Top it off with it arriving with two right wings instead of a right and left and I've been completely underwhelmed by this doll and am regretting having ordered an Uncia from DV dreading what issues it will have when it arrives.
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    13. @scripple That must be super disappointing that its so fragile. My only pet doll from them is Rubin, and he seems pretty sturdy. Not having wings helps. I have two MSDs from DV so far, including a Rosa with wings and one on the 3rd arm body, and the only problem either has is that my 3-armed guy doesn't stand too well due to super tight stringing.

      I just realized I never shared my Izzy here. Here's August with their new friend Ryoko!
      [​IMG]August and Ryoko
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    14. So the dragon that Dream Valley's been previewing will come in two sizes, 1/4 and 1/6. I feel like this is great news in the event that the 1/4 one is astronomical.
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    15. Oh help, oh no, oh dear. I was tempted by the other two dragons I've seen (Rafiyah and Flo? I think) but they were both a little bit cutesy for me. But this one, this one, oh boy, I think I might violently need this one.
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    16. I’m thankfully safe from their new dragons, but it’s the teeny tiny rider Lucia that’s tempting me :> I love mature tinies and her full set is stunning! *considers*
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    17. Me as well! She is so cute! I was looking at her measurements and that might be the smallest bjd head I've ever encountered...maybe it just measures small because of the resin wig, maybe that adds bulk?? Her lil ears and expression and outfit are marvelous. Are there other dolls by DV that are this size, or is she unique?
    18. It looks like her proportions and measurements are similar to their discontinued tiny giraffe-centaurs Casia and Calle. I have a Casia and I really like the scale of her~
    19. @slight oh interesting! I just looked her up she is very cute. I really like tiny mature dolls, I have a Shelma Dolls April that has similar measurements so I hope little dragon rider and her can be friends :)
    20. I'm glad they're doing a 1/6 version too. As much as I love the impact of the 1/4 size, the price and space needed for the 1/6 is more realistic for me. The only thing that i'd miss from the 1/4 is the jointed hands. My dragon character I want to shell sits back in the hind legs and uses his hands like a human so it would have been nice to have the jointing. The one thing i'm worried about is that while the 1/6 hands are really nicely sculpted, you can't put the left one on the flat on the ground. I've made a suggestion to DV if there might be an option for an additional flat hand so you can stand them on all fours (always worth a shot to ask!)

      I'm so sorry the quality/good construction was very lacking on that doll. Thank you for sharing what the issues were. I would need to take the dragon apart to dye it so with this warning I know to do a careful assessment on the sturdyness of the part before doing anything!
      I've not noticed any big issues with the sarafina rabbit body so the Uncia should be ok. That said, i've not tried to take apart that body or done a really close look for issues like thin resin so will take a closer look when I get time!