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Echo Town 1/4 Discussion

Sep 5, 2016

    1. The price is a lot lower on their taobao. I just checked because I was thinking they may have raised the price for the new body.
      #41 Fawne, Nov 7, 2017
      Last edited: Nov 7, 2017
    2. The price is $105 more
    3. When I think of that aesthetic I automatically think of Popovy Sisters and Tender Creation Dolls...which i believe are about 800 hundred dollars for a blank doll.
    4. Yes, but aren't those SD sized dolls?
    5. @xkelpiex No they are MSD actually. The Popovy is even on the smaller side of MSD (39cm I think).

      The only heroin chic SD Body I know is the Doll Chateau Margarita
      #45 Wabbie-chan, Nov 8, 2017
      Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
    6. Yes, they make me think of Popovy and Tender Creation, too. The new body is lovely, and the faces are quite charming (especially Ygritte).

      And I think $500 is a good price for this type of detail! Other MSDs of similar high quality - Popovy, Tender Creation, Ancient Tales, Pasha Pasha (although she's technically an SD at 54cm), and dolls from smaller companies are closer to $800+

      My only wish is that she came in white skin! However, I'll keep an eye out, and maybe she'll be available in that color in the future!
    7. I just saw the ad on SPO. Oh, she is lovely. Love that style of body and the faces are very nice. She would be nice in white skin. Might wait for shoes.
    8. Well, yes, it is Popovy Sisters and Tender Creation (could not find the link) I was thinking of. Both difficult to get and very expensive, So 500.00 for this gal seems like a deal to me! Pretty much this body type/aesthetic started with Enchanted Doll, which of course are made of porcelain and only to be admired from afar...by me anyway. At one point she offered a resin version but that was long ago and didn't work out too well.

      Other dolls along these lines are the Oasis Doll Miss Porcelain collection--which I would not want to have--way too fragile. If she ever did a resin version i would get one as i love her style and am a fan. And there are some artists on Etsy that are making dolls along these lines and the prices are pretty steep.

      I am considering Delores...will have to ponder a bit more.
    9. Does anyone think this Argodoll + Echo Town hybrid would work?

      The Argodoll "Ifit" face is one of my most favorite faces ever, and I think her body is lovely and natural, but I already own a 1/6 full Ifi (which I want to replace with the larger one) and while her posing range is amazing, her joints feel "loose," not smooth and secure like those of my Ancient Tales doll, or like those of Popovy, Tender Creation, etc. I also like the Echo Town neck joint, and how elegant the hands and feet are.

      I don't know if I can buy Argo doll heads separately (but Lany let me buy a lot of extra heads with my 1/6 dolls, so she might be willing to sell me one!), and I am quite sure I would need to buy a full Echo Town doll.

      The heads are very close in size (Argodoll 14.5cm, Echo 15cm) and although the Echo neck is slimmer at 6cm (Argodoll's is 6.5cm) I think it might be possible to make that work. The Echo Town heads look a bit large on the body to me, anyway.

      Argodoll Normal Pink is a very pale, natural pink. The resin also has a light, almost papery texture.

      Anyway, what do you think? (I took these photos from Stacy's Pink Ocean and the Argodoll website and did a little Photoshop magic - the Ifi head size is approximated in the middle photo):

      [​IMG]Hybrid by StellaMarigoldArt, on Flickr
    10. @StellaMarigold- there isn't enough difference that some slightly modding (head opening), wig (noggin size), or minor possible shading to get bodies to match. Resin difference might be a slight issue? That might depend on finishing spray, tooth? It sounds close enough to try.
    11. Thank you, @Fushia Lace! I'll keep this as a possibility for her.
    12. Recently stumbled across the Echo Town dolls and think they're incredible. Really would love a Delores, but am going to have to wait as really can't justify buying any more dolls right now!
    13. xkelpiex SPO is a re-seller and does layaway so there's that. Have you ever used Taobao? I've only been part of group orders for Taobao and it was just for clothes and shoes, not a doll.

      I can't justify a doll now either, so I won't even try, hehe.
      • x 1
    14. Honestly I would be cool with the price rise if it was a decision made by the company itself.
      However the price on their Taobao shop was increased only slightly and there's a difference of about $150 between it and the SPO's one.

      I'm still wondering if actually buy one of them as I already have too many dolls, but in case I would probably go through a Taobao dealer or directly from their Taobao shop if it's possible.
    15. I believe EchoTown are a similar size to Dollzone MSD girls :)
    16. I am very interested in buying one of these dolls and too would like to buy from Taobao at their reduced price but figuring out the website is a bit scary. I tried Google Translate but couldn't figure out where there is a faceup option, etc. Hmmmmm.....
    17. Taobao isn't very scary at all if you use an agent! I've ordered clothes from them with no problems!

      I'd love to get one of these girls eventually, but I'm more interested in the first two releases. I'm waiting for another head sculpt now!
    18. @Animethemed Thank you! How do you find an agent?

      eta: I found an agent, TB Sourcing Service.
      According to my conversations with them after much back and forth the difference between them and SPO approx. $35-50 more than SPO, so not much. This is for a doll with faceup, pink skin and both flat/heeled feet comparison.
      #58 KHolaas, Dec 18, 2017
      Last edited: Dec 22, 2017
    19. I am super tempted to go the Taobao way because I really want the body. If anyone cares just for the head let me know
      • x 2
    20. Does anyone own Echo Town doll in the light tan skin? I'm so tempted to buy Pepper in this skin but still not sure that this skin has orange undertone or not. I just ordered Delores in the pink skin and hope to receive her soon. I can't wait to see her in person. :D
      • x 1