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Elf or Human Ears? Doll Preferences & Choices

Apr 9, 2016

    1. I like both as well as other animal ear. They can always be covered with hair but when I want them to show they make the doll extra unique
    2. I love elf ears of all forms! It would entirely be dependent on what I want out of the doll as a whole. Since I am new to the hobby I can't speak from personal experience, but I have a feeling the face comes first, ears and other features would come secondary. If I felt the character I was going for would suit elf ears, or if i saw a sculpt with elf ears that I absolutely adored (and was inspired by), I would go for it. Elves are wonderful, and would definitely love to have an elf doll someday. As for ear preference, I don't think I have a preference one way or another. If I felt it suited what I wanted, it wouldn't matter, unless they looked really goofy looking on the sculpt. I guess now that I think about it, so long as the ears aren't too "big" , they would be fine, with elf ears, i feel the ones that are long, thin, and elegant would be preferable if going for long ears. I'd probably associate shorter ears with a point to being more like half elf ears.
    3. do you people have recommendations for specific elf ears, horns, etc? :)
    4. I love elfe ears for (very) little dolls, and human ears for taller dolls.

      EDIT : sorr, I haven't seen there was a 10th page !
    5. When I started in the hobby I really loved very small elf ears- like half elves :) now I prefer human ears.. but I think think the half elves are cute!!!
    6. Elf or other fantasy ears look great, but my own collection has always been human eared just because of personal preferences.
    7. By accident I have mostly elf or long eared dolls. My Soom Sov probably wins out with the longest ear to head size ratio and is probably the only one I honestly worry about the ears getting broken since she has a tendency to fall easy. My Soom Galena has the smallest points on her ears, but it's just enough little accent. My only doll I actively sought out to have elf ears is my Iplehouse Grace elf, who probably has the shortest ears of the Grace/Aurora/Vera trio, but (if I ignore that the face is what got me the most) the angle of the ears and detail of the ears stood out to me the most.
    8. I just don't really feel the elf ears like so many seem to. If a doll with a face I like happens to have them, I'll take them, but the high elf aesthetic isn't one I'm interested in so much as a more playful fantasy vibe. If I had to choose a subtype of elf ears though, I'd say a little wide and short! Those are pretty cute imo.
    9. In general, I prefer human ears, but that's mostly because the characters I have in mind are all ordinary, human people for the most part. I personally like smaller, rounder ears, but I think it depends on the overall balance of the sculpt in the end.

      I think if I had ideas for fantasy characters, I'd definitely like elf ears as well, though (I do want a vampire one day, so maybe that's not fully outside of the scope of possibility... hmm).
    10. I think elf ears are absolutely adorable, but I don't seek them out.

      What bothers me is when strictly human ears are freakishly huge or unnaturally quirky - Switch sculpts with their giant lobes and Dollmore Zaolls with their bizarre size stick out to me in this department.
    11. I hadn't really paid any real attention to the ears of my dolls at all until recently, actually. However, I just purchased a Luts tiny delf with elf ears and now I'm having to resist putting epoxy on all of my dolls to make them elves. Those pointy little ears are just so pretty and delicate! I have a feeling for the foreseeable future I'm going to find myself in the elf-ear camp.
      • x 1
    12. Depends on the character im creating
    13. I prefer human ears. I just don't have a lot of elf characters. I like adding animal ears to my dolls as far as fantasy ears goes.
    14. I originally only bought human eared dolls but once I saw how gorgeous some face-up artists can make elfin dolls, I was tempted enough to get the elf version of my minifee Sircca. I also have two other elves on their way to the family and I personally can't wait to see them.

      But for now, most of my dolls are human eared since they tend to be cheaper and easier to get ahold of.
    15. I really wasn’t a fan of elf ears to begin with, and I still wouldn’t choose a head with highly exaggerated ears, but subtle points are starting to grow on me because they seem near inseparable from vampire sculpts. I prefer human ears if possible. :sweat
    16. I prefer natural human ears. But for some characters like elf ears.
    17. There was a time in my life when I probably would have wanted an all elf-eared collection, I really do enjoy their otherworldliness. But I've got a lot more human characters nowadays, so I usually don't go looking for them. My one elf sculpt (RS Ju) has some pretty extreme ears, and I did find it a challenge constructing a wig to fit properly around them and look natural. Managed it in the end though, and now I'm very happy with her.
    18. Most of the time the ears do not 'make or break' a doll for me. I can be interested in all shapes of ears as long as I like the doll. I do love elf ears even though I currently do not own any dolls with elf ears. I honestly cannot say whether I have a preference of length of elf ears either. The long ears look AWESOME when poking out through the hair, but the benefits of smaller elf ears is that they are more modest and usually do not create 'wig issues'. There is also a doll profile of a bat that recently went up and I adore her ears too!
      Basically, I think all ears are awesome but I cannot wait to own my first doll with elf ears!
    19. Depends on the character. Some ears are way too big and would have to be modified. I do have 3 dolls with elf ears and 6 with human ears.