1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Elfdoll Pinup girl Barbara thread

Mar 11, 2010

    1. There is no way to deem if this new doll will be on- or off-topic for DoA without more photographs and stats. Rather than discuss in a speculative fashion, we can re-open this thread when more information is available! Thanks!
    2. She is on-topic for Den of Angels~!
    3. *cheer* I was wondering if there had been a decision on her just today. Thanks, Zagzagael! (I kept hoping my sig wasn't out of line in the interim. *chuckle*)

      She's certainly a distinctive girl visually, with a lot of novel elements. There's a liveliness to the sculpt that's downright endearing. (Mine will likely end up going in a bit of an Auntie Mame direction.)
    4. Oh cool, I had just assumed she was off topic seeing I hadn't heard anything! XD

      I'm halfway there paying mine off, and I have her wig waiting here but nothing else. I don't expect her home for another couple of months anyway. Did anyone pay her off in full? I'm wondering when we'll get to see owner pics.
    5. Wheeeeeeeeeeee here we go! So excited, I knew she had to be OT.
      kawaii_mon, I am in the same boat as you, made two payments, two left to go. Which one did you get? I got the RS or NS whichever it turns out to be, but I did love the WS as well.
    6. Yeah I got the RS one. I liked the WS too, but I wanted to keep the pin up girl character, and I think that healthy glow looks nicer than something pale.
    7. Yeah! This thread is back! :)
    8. I went with the snowskin. I'd been considering something a bit Elvira for her initially (and still might go there, it depends on the vibe when she gets here).
    9. I actually loved the pale, but I didn't love the faceup on her, yeah I know easy to change, but then I also thought with the Pin Up vibe she might be better with some color otherwise around here she might end up as the undead pin up girl. Hmm, now there's an idea... Surprisingly my husband liked the WS girl, I was surprised. She is beautiful in WS.
    10. I think she looks very cool and promising!
    11. She's gorgeous, and it's nice to see innovative things coming from Elfdoll again!
    12. I agree, she is totally different from anything else out there, I love her retro vibe, but yet she looks so fresh.
    13. I really like her face, it's very unique and refreshing just like what everyone said :D

      But I'm a bit disappointed with the body, I'd hoped it would be much curvier... The body looks like normal skinny BJD-girls to me. But the jointing seems nice ^^
    14. Hi all!

      So glad to find this thread. I love Elfdoll's new Pin-Up Girl! Went to the website and was a little confused about her ordering. Generally, their order period is day 1 - 15 of the month but her notations say "sold out". Perhaps her order quota was already reached. I hope they open her order period again soon.

      In the mean time, I'm very interested to know how her body compares to the 2008 Rainy girls. Are their torso measurements the same?

    15. Last payment on my way to snow-skin Barbara)
      I think she's gorgeous!And I like the body - I think it will be more curvy in personal)
      Meanwhile Rainman says the measurements are the same as standart..
    16. Ooh zababee, can't wait to see your girl! I have one payment left after this one (um, that makes two) on my NS Barbara.
    17. My Real Skin happyness have just arrived! :D
    18. Barbara was a limited anniversary doll, and there were only 30 of each available sorry.

      Congratulations! you must show pics! :D

      I paid mine off last week (yay tax return!), so I'm waiting impatiently for a shipping notice. XD
    19. kawaii_mon thanks!

      Before while I posted one photo at least


      I'll try to post the unboxing a little later.
    20. Oh wow, I love the purple eyeshadow! I got mine blank, so it's cool to see what the default faceups look like. Thanks for sharing! :)