1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Elysium Doll discussion

Mar 23, 2007

    1. :aheartbea :aheartbea :aheartbea :aheartbea

      I am still a spaz, but a spaz with a reason to spaz!!
    2. :/ You're so lucky it's being sent overnight. I know EMS goes to Alaska, I've recieved many items via EMS to Alaska. I really don't know why they insist on sending it registered mail to me every time.
    3. Oh, :lol:

      It's not really being shipped by overnight delivery, I just meant it was shipped during the night last night. ;) I expect it maybe by the weekend.

      I think it's funny that they tell you they can't ship to Alaska, when I know that my iPod, for instance, was shipped from Asia, went TO Alaska, before coming to the East Coast. ;) That was FedEx, though.

      Anticipation is okay, though! Sometimes it's the best part! So enjoy your $20 shipping and get cracking on preparing a body for him! :sweat
    4. Well ive just ordered a hugo-n head :D dominik is excited to have a brother
    5. I just gotta tell myself, I've waited a year for Hugo, what's another month? o.O

      I presume there's no need to fervently encourage you guys to post pictures once he arrives, right? *laugh* At this point, I'd love to see blanks and resin comparisons. I'm very curious to see if they used their newskin or their oldskin, and if they've modified the neck hole or not. I must have emailed those poor people 3 times asking to see pictures of the neck hole -_-;
    6. I thank you for doing that. I also want to see pictures of them too!!! So you're not alone, cuz I hear you loud and clear. :)

      If I get this job *crosses fingers* then I should be able to get him by the end of May. I hope hope hope that the Hugo head's still available by then too.*crosses finger*
    7. he'll be faceup-less when i get him but ill take some pictures
      i wonder how long it will take them to ship out
    8. EMS usually takes 3-4 days...but I dont know what they used.... ^^;
    9. >< They send EMS to most people. They sent me my head the day after I placed the order, so they were quite snappy with the mailout for me.

      I don't mind emailing and asking. *nods* I didn't really intend to ask them about the neck three times. I emailed once with all my questions listed, they answered 3 of my questions. I emailed again with the remaining three questions, they answered 2 of them... and of course, the only question they didn't answer all three times was wether the neck was modified, or if they could take pictures of it. They take a long time to answer, but they do get around to it eventually.
    10. Eidolon: Did they use registered mail for you? Well that makes sense if you're in Alaska. They dont want to lose it along on the way.

      This is what registered mail does (copied from the official usps site XD):

      "Items you send with Registered Mail are placed under tight security from the point of mailing to the point of delivery, and insured up to $25,000 against loss or damage. And you can verify the date and time of delivery and the delivery attempts online."

      I dont know how long it'll take..but I saw somewhere that it can take 1-2 weeks, but I could be wrong...

      Well for the neck modifications, since you've ordered it, I guess you can only wait now. Please show us some pictures too. ^^
    11. Yep. You probably missed it in my initial post, but I did say they were not sending my head via EMS to me, but they are indeed sending the head via registered mail.

      I've received lots of packages from other countries, many via EMS and at least as many via Registered Mail. I'm not mad at Elysium for lying to me, but I am a bit annoyed. I think that it probably costs a bit more to send something via EMS to me, so rather than say, "We need more money," they just send it to me using the cheaper method and inform me about the change in shipping.

      I had an inkling they'd do that to me, since they'd done it to me when I ordered my Hugo-SN. I actually thought my Hugo-SN was lost in the mail, it took so long to arrive. It took about 3-4 weeks to arrive, that time. It's funny, if it's something I couldn't care less about, it'll always arrive quickly via registered mail. If it's something I want badly? Slow as snails. ><;

      I plan on spamming pics. *nods gravely* Of course, I promised as much when my Hugo-SN arrived, and never did. :sweat
    12. You can't get away with that now. Everyone wants pictures! I'm sure MysteryAya is going to post but I'd like to see it from different owners, especially the face-upless type.
    13. hooray, hugo has been shipped today :D
      i hope he gets here in time for the sunday meet up we are having but he probably wont get here until monday or tuesday.
    14. I second Damask!!!! You cant get away now!!! we'll be waitinf for pictures, pictures, pictures~ *_*
    15. I picked up my Elysium box from the post office this morning! Earlier reports of poor packaging seem to no longer be true. The head was well-wadded in Bubble Wrap inside a cube "Elysium" box, and just that was tumbling around in the larger shipping box - but there are no fears of damage! He's in my car right now, I had to get him on the way to work.
    16. OOooh, an Elysium box. Fancy. :D Congratulations.
    17. Ha, not *that* fancy. It's a cardboard cube box with "Elysium" stamped on it, rather crooked. ;)
    18. CONGRATS!!!!!

      now - PICTURES, please~!!!!! :D
    19. As soon as I get home from work! :)
    20. yay!!! :D *waits until then*