1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Email invitations issued for "Tenshi-no-Sumika in LA&qu

Nov 1, 2005

    1. Lucky!
    2. Yeah this sounds scary, but it's just an odd translation. Just don't try and enter the raffle for the invites more than once.
      I can't imagine an e mail that reports back to who sent it if it's been looked at twice or not. That would be a virus! *_*
      I think you can chill on that!

      Just thinking out of my earhole...

      I think this lottery is totally fair. If someone is traveling all that way, they deserve to go more than me. I'll be able to go to the store any time :wink: !(Maybe it's a cur$e?)
      But I do agree, people who have no plans to fly out here shouldn't enter, it will spoil the chance of someone who really went out of their way financialy to get here,took time off work.
      Even though I live close, doesn't mean I won't be a sobbin mess! :crushed
      But alas, some people just have to do it, "Just to do it". :?
      Volks has a system, they may be taking unfamiliar steps in being fair, but surely some of us will be having fun being a little part of bjd history!
      Clasp hands!
      Good luck to all of us who truly intend to go!
      :daisy :daisy :daisy
    3. I think they meant that if the email gets returned to them (if you gave an invalid email address) then your invite is invalid.

      *just guessing*
    4. I took it to mean they have a link to RSVP. Do not respond to the email, or they will invalidate the invitation.

      Alas, I am unable to attend. I do hope future member gatherings are able to accommodate more people. 100 for all of the US, Mexico and Canada is pretty small. Though, I'd have to believe they can add up the memberships and realize the size of their fan base. :grin:
    5. Your talking about the ONE OFF right? not the limited doll which is a Madoka.

    6. Madoka and Heath are so similar, it's really hard to tell sometimes... *_* But I think that's a Madoka head. The eyes are wide at the outside bottom, and this doll has a round chin. Heath's eyes slant straight upwards at the outside corners, he has a square chin, and a pointier upper lip. This doll was painted with Heath brows so it's harder to tell than usual, but if you imagine girl brows it's Madoka. (I'm talking about the #3 oneoff)

      Wish I could go. I'd love to get a Shizu... :(
    7. Kellyhime wrote:

      My sentiment exactly!

      I was confused about a number of things on the email too, but I think that had to do with language differences. I think that I know who you are talking about who might not have registered. I was going to write him yesterday until I realized that he is in China. Well, if we don't get in, we'll all have to go off and have our own tea party.

      Yes, Kelly, thats the person I'm thinking about - and it would be sooo unfair if he didnt at least get a chance at an invitation, as hes promoted Volks items for awhile and very brand loyal! He emailed me from china this morning....and I'll join you for sure for tea....Alex 'who thinks hes going to bust by Nov 7th'
    8. Hm. Well, I just added up the number of dolls that are on the owner's list and it came to 371. So, assuming that people averaged registering two dolls each that makes 185 registered owners and it's unlikely that more than half of them will be coming, so maybe I was mistaken in thinking that they will get more than 100 applications. Also, only 81 people responded to the poll here that they would be coming to the opening. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all of us who have planned to go to the opening will get to go to the party!
    9. But not all dolls have been added to the list yet. Myself and a few others only sent ours this past weekend, :oops: . My dolls hasn't been added yet, but I did recieve an invitation.
    10. :oops: I was just trying to think positively...
    11. Sorry! Just wanted to add that, in case the numbers turned out differently. It was four days between the last day Volks updated and the 31st, and I doubt that many people registered between then.
    12. Hi all. I know I don't post much but I do read! I got a lottery invite. You don't know just how close I DID come to going. Now I wish I had taken up my husband's offer on those plane tickets. Those dolls are gorgeous. Sigh. Good luck to everyone on the invitation and the raffle. I think I would have had "just" enough money to get a dollie had I won the raffle but nothing leftover for all the other fun things in the store. That would have been a bummer huh? I'll be with you in spirit! Love, Cat
    13. I had registered early on ....registering only one...
      I think registering once and one doll should suffice....
      but also decided to register two more just before the cut off date......
      so the other boys will not feel "left out"..... :daisy
    14. I did the same thing, but then decided yesterday morning to send the other eight in, mostly because they will start charging to register next year. I told them to take their time getting them up.
    15. Iam getting very excited...!
      truly this is like modern day "Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory" ....
      of course.. no chocolates there.. lol..heee-hee
      Iam so happy and honored to partake in my own way...
      I have not had the opportunity to visit Japan for Tenshi No Sato......
      I suppose...this is one step towards that goal of mine for the future.....
      Looking forward to meeting everyone ~~~~~~
      :daisy :daisy :daisy
    16. It is kinda depressing but i can see why they would want to limit the amount of people but I am sure for future events they will take in consideration the amount of Volks enthusiasts in the U.S.


      I wasnt sure but is there going to be a cap on people going to the Sunday store opening as well?
    17. A cap? On the store opening?

      If that happens, then for people without a bonafide SD (ie, can't attend the party on Saturday)... there will just be no point in going. At all.

      Someone, please substantiate this. I've spent the last two weeks wildly trying to make plans, and if I don't get the chance to go in the store, it will all have been for nothing.
    18. I would be extremely surprised if so many people showed up that they had to turn folk away from the store itself. Seriously >_>; I think all they're going to do with the lottery system at the opening is let people in in small groups so the store doesn't get stampeded at 11am on the 20th.
    19. Without having registered an SD, you won't be able to go to the tea party at the mansion on Saturday -- and there's no guarantee that those of us who did will get to go either -- however, they haven't said anything about limiting the people who can go into the store on Sunday. Let me know if you decide to not go, so we can settle the roommate situation.
    20. Hi,

      Last night when I read about the fact I'll just be sitting on my tush in the hotel room all day Saturday, I figured I could grin and bear it and amuse myself somewhere else.

      But now that I'm back home any able to browse the Volks page, I find this:
      "November 20th, 2005
      Tenshi-no-Sumika in Los Angels Open

      Many people are expected to visit to the showroom opening.
      To avoid confusion at Limited Item purchasing, there will be admission lottery.
      Please follow the staff’s guidance for smooth operation.
      Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance."

      This is from http://www.volks.co.jp/en/event/volksusa/opening_fair.html

      I wanted Shizu the moment I saw her, and realize I have just as much or little chance at her as anyone else. I guess I'm prepared to deal with that. But if I don't even have a guarantee to see the store because they're worrying about capping admittance to "avoid confusion" -- gosh. I realize there might be several interpretations, but given recent trends...