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Ever been disappointed? Even a little?

Sep 16, 2008

    1. I was *really* disappointed when I first got Chen. He'd been a bit of an impulse buy and his company pictures had his rather sleepy eyes completely obscured by a horrid wig, but when I got him he bucked the character I'd intended completely, demanded to be someone else. His resin was tanner than I'd have liked, and I was sure I'd never actually want to keep him... it was nothing compared to some of the stuff here but I felt terrible.
      Well, surprise, surprise. Putting a faceup on him helped, but his character's still being rectified.
    2. Hmm...I don't believe I've seen a sparkling limited. I guess because...they're limited? :sweat

      Mmm, and I found the gluey wig under here too...awfully cramped, though. :lol:
    3. No way! Each of my fourteen dolls has exceeded my expectations in every way. My only disappointment is in myself as an owner - not giving them enough attention, sewing them enough outfits, doing a better job on their face-ups, and taking more pictures of them.
    4. I'm glad you had a happy ending. ^_^

      I've been there with the overwhelming smallness. *_* I don't think that tinies make very good first dolls...but once you have them around for a while, you sort of notice how much detail has been put into everything, like their tiny fingernails...

    5. Wow, fourteen dolls and it's been great so far? Awesome! I sure hope it stays that way for you.
    6. Arnold was pretty much an impulse buy (after about a year or so debating who to get), and when he arrived... I wasn't disappointed, I just couldn't get excited. Maybe after reading so many "arrival photo" threads the wow factor wore off, so I wasn't as thrilled as I wanted to be :( I still feel bad about it. I was more excited about Wisp's arrival.
    7. Lady Gemini : go to soom monthly doll page, june 2007 doll... it's this one...

    8. milahel : Ooh, pretty! ^w^

      Now I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with her.
    9. ::has been a busy tigger:: Also, my tastes run to less-expensive companies and tinies, so it keeps my costs down slightly.

      But I think the main thing is I control my expectations and do a fair amount of research into the doll I am getting, and I come to each doll looking for things to be delighted about, not scrutinizing it for flaws. Each doll has had something unique and wonderful to discover, and I am still thrilled to be making these discoveries!
    10. Doc Twing-key. 'Techno' as I liked to call her...
      When she came I acted happy, but I kept staring her face down, wondering if the company had really sent me the right doll. It turns out they did indeed send me the correct doll. However, she was allot... Different then the pictures on the site. I had no idea for the most part that she was an open mouth doll. And her nose looked freakish =o=;
      I tried to ignore it for a while, and focus on her body. I tried to do some of the posing, like I saw on their site. I got so frustrated. Her torso didn't stay in place, just kept sliding back into 'normal' position. Her thigh joints also kept popping back to normal.

      I didn't sell her, because my girlfriend didn't want me to. So I gave the doll to my best friend who lives just out of town. DX I couldn't get over how different the doll seemed in comparison to how I thought it would be.

      [I know, all doll bodies can be difficult. Its just it sort of overwhelmed me and added to the pile of 'I don't like you' feelings towards her. XD; ]
    11. Ah, that's the way to go. ^_^ Most of us can be a little critical of things, and we just see flaws first...

      My taste is rather...expensive. But I've got plenty of time to do research on my wanted mold while I save up. :lol: I just didn't do it very well with Caffeine...
    12. I think all bodies have to get some getting used-to. Making a doll stand is way harder than I thought it would be. x_X

      At least your former doll has a home now.
    13. I got very dissappointed, when I received my Migidoll Miho head. I hadn't realized how chubby cheeks he had, even though I had seen lots of owner pics, so I ended up selling it again /:
    14. I have two, actually...

      I got an Orientdoll So-type when the company first opened. I knew it would be tiny, but I didn't imagine that it would be so... Unmanageable. I had two choices on posing: Arms and legs extended, or fetal position. Often times I didn't even get to pick, and the doll would snap in on its own. It didn't help that I only had an okay camera and couldn't take great photos of such a tiny doll, and this ways WAY before Pukis, so there was nothing for a doll that tiny. The doll was sold.

      Then there was my Doll in Mind's Flowne. x_x Again bought when she first came up for sale, so no owner pictures.. There was a BIG issue with how the faceup on the site looked COMPLETELY different from in person-to the point that I actually got a refund for the faceup. On the site it is beautiful and ethereal, and her wig is lovely and flowing. In person, the faceup is stark and just plain badly done and the wig was, well... Poofy. Plus she was huge, taller than my other dolls, and looked like an Amazon next to my Latidoll. With all of that, I could never bond with her-she's currently on layaway for someone who can give her proper attention.
    15. ^-^
      As I said, I understand doll bodies can be difficult.
      [I have a D.I.M love male body. His posture is bad. He likes to puff his chest out, as if he has some thing to be flaunting. Makes it hard to carry him some times. Also, the hook in one of his feet was glued on practically side ways, so his foot sticks out/drags to the side like a zombies.] *hugs my SD boy* -its ok!-

      She is allot more loved in her new home. ^-^
    16. In my puki's regular pose, she arches her back to where she's almost facing upward an her butt pokes out. >__>; And pukis are supposed to be the best-posing dolls...
    17. I have once...
      When I got my Souseiseki, I really heated the seam lines and the joints. First of all, I didn't know what seam lines were.
      I thought she was cracked!:(
      She spent a while in her box as I pouted. After a few weeks, I looked here on DoA regarding the "cracks"... gosh I felt stupid.
    18. I was disapointed with my girl, Brodie, who is a Volks Nasia.

      While I knew that volks old girl bodies were thick and a little chubby, I was not prepared.

      I always wanted a slim MSD. And, again, while I knew she was going to be a bit chubbier than my friends dolls, I didn't expect her to be the "fat friend".

      It's ok, though. I'm going to sell her body and use the money to get a new one.

      I love her face, although it needs some new make up ;3

      I dunno. Somethings you can change with a doll to make it yours. Sometimes it comes to you, so not yours that there's nothing you can do about it.
    19. Disappointment? Of course ^^

      The first one was my El. I absolutely adored the older pics of El with light blue eyes and black hair on the site. I spent the weeks waiting for him looking all over DoA for pictures. When he arrived I opened the box, picked him up, admired his beauty then placed him back in the box again... he was really beautiful but I was disappointed. At that point I never understood why I was fascinated with the El's online... mine felt odd. He was far too pretty and his eye colour was all wrong. Instead of striking violet, they were dark empty cobolt blue, making him very 'dead' in my eyes.

      The story has a happy ending though. I warmed up to him and found in the right light and angle his eyes glow a beautiful colour... I ended up liking them so much I haven't changed his eyes still. He's became my most favourite doll alongside my first. Sending him away for a week was painful >.<

      The other was... my breakaway XD I was disappointed when I got his head. He looked. So plain. I didn't like him. I settled down and gave him a quick faceup within his first 2 hours of arrival... I've loved him ever since ;) but I still hate it when he's blank...
    20. Well, I don't like to call it dissappointed, but in all truth I was a little...down-trodden when I opened the box for my Lati Rei and Ryu heads. I've never ordered just heads before ( and now I know I never will again >.< ) so I think that had alot to do with it. It's hard to get excited over just a head, and their so small! That's what actually really made me upset, was that compared to my other guys, they really look like tiny, and while I do like smaller eyes ( all my guys have eyes on the smaller side ), my Ryu's eyes were almost TOO small for me. Added that I don't have any appropriate wigs or eyes for them...meh, I just wanted to put them away for awhile.

      But in the end, I also had to remind myself that they also arrived at just a really bad time for me ( emotionally I mean, things happening outside the hobby ), and so I really think I was majorly projecting those feelings of being upset onto them. Now that I've had them around for a bit, I see their heads really aren't so much smaller than my MNF's, and while I worry it might be hard to find eyes that can actually be seen for my Ryu, I don't really mind them being so small, it suits the rest of his gorgeously handsome face <3 So all in all, now that I've got them sitting on the shelf in some extra wigs and hats, they've definately been gaining a little bit of life, haha. And now that I'm doing better personally as well, I'm absolutely stoked to be getting their bodies and I don't regret choosing the sculpts that I did one little bit. :)